super robot clone

Chapter 525 Amazing Discovery

The data volume of a PB seems very large, but for a fifth-level civilization, it is just a drop in the bucket.

In a sense, the level of data storage can also reflect the level of development of a civilization.

For example, for humans before the information revolution, the only medium for storing information was books, but how much information can a book really store?

1MB is already considered a masterpiece.

With the development of semiconductor integrated circuit technology, the amount of information that humans can store has been greatly improved.The computer hard disk storage space has also gradually developed from the original KB, MB, GB, and TB to the level of PB.

In the 21st century, all the historical documents since the records in China can be stored in a small USB flash drive.

But for now, PB-level storage systems are very rare. The fastest supercomputer "Tianhe-12.4" has a hard disk capacity of only [-]PB, and it is oriented to all scientific research fields.

In fact, only a few data-intensive research fields require PB-level storage systems, such as human genome engineering, molecular biology research on proteins and chromosomes, and so on.

Therefore, the 1PB data obtained from Kahn's spaceship is very precious to Chen Xin and Steel.

Five minutes later, the on-board computer on the lunar rover completed all data reception.

Chen Xin began to retrieve, sort and arrange these data through the intelligent program in the computer.

During the transmission process, Gangzheng had already translated them into Chinese, which greatly facilitated Chen Xin's retrieval.

Among these materials, more than 30.00% are the flight logs of the spacecraft.The holographic projections of the major routes, life planets, black holes, neutron stars, and space turbulence in the Large Magellanic Cloud opened Chen Xin's horizons.

It's a pity that this kind of information is too high-end, and it won't be of much use to Chen Xin in a short time.

Among the remaining materials, there was no research literature on the Higgs boson and gravitational field that Chen Xin wanted to see.Not even a word about it.

Otherwise, Chen Xin might be able to help Gang Ni break through the bottleneck of the second-level civilization by using these materials and relying on the strength of the scientists on Earth.Enter the ranks of the third-level civilization.Once promoted to the third level of civilization, steel coins can no longer be limited by materials, and can manufacture some extremely intelligent industrial robots on a large scale.This is an excellent thing no matter for steel pennies or for human beings.

However, Chen Xin was not without gains. He found many research reports on Earth's organisms among these miscellaneous materials.

And the first research report that Chen Xin opened surprised him a lot.

This is a research paper on T4 bacteriophage.

T4 bacteriophage is a type of virus.Because of its simple structure, clear genetic background, easy multiplication, and harmlessness to humans, this virus is one of the most thoroughly studied and widely used model organisms in virology and molecular genetics research.

It stands to reason that human beings have done enough research on a creature with such a simple structure, but after seeing the research paper on the Kahn civilization, Chen Xin was still taken aback.

On the first page of this paper, there is a 4D projection of the enlarged T3 phage.The projection is 1.5 meters high, similar to a spider, and the appearance looks lifelike and dreamlike.

In fact, it has been magnified a million times.

There are electron microscopes with a magnification of a million times that can be used for biological research on the earth, but Chen Xin is sure that human beings simply cannot draw such a fine T4 phage model.

And when he also discovered that the T4 phage on the holographic projection can continue to be enlarged, ten times, a hundred times, and finally he can even clearly see the molecular structure of the amino acids on the protein shell of the T4 phage.Atoms such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, etc. are clearly visible.

This is not the most amazing.In this report, Kahn scientists have gone deep into the study of phages at the level of microscopic particles, trying to explain the metabolism, growth and development, and genetic variation of phages from a quantum perspective. There are many terms that cannot be translated.Because human research has not reached this level, naturally there is no corresponding scientific term.

But there is no doubt about it.This report is many times more advanced than the current human biotechnology.

Showing it to the most top biologists on earth is probably like reading a bible.

In fact, biologists on earth, even in the field of biochemistry, are far from able to analyze complex organisms to the molecular level, and use pure chemical theory to explain and predict biological phenomena.

Let alone quantum physics.

Finally, a sentence in this report caught Chen Xin's attention. Kahn scientists believed that bacteriophages were very suitable for the cultivation of gene medicines, and they suggested applying them to the Kahn tribe's gene medicine system.

Chen Xin kept this detail firmly in mind. Previously, Gang Jun said that the biological research of carbon-based civilization is unique, and even used it to fight against the silicon-based life alliance.

He was still a little strange at the time, but after reading this report, he faintly understood.

Next, Gangzhen made some new discoveries. It found a holographic drawing of the spacecraft in the spacecraft, which not only marked the power area, living area, scientific research area, storage area and internal rail transportation system of the spacecraft, but also these A mission description for a spaceship.

According to the above statement, this spaceship should belong to the No. [-] ship of the Kahn family's explorer-class scientific research spacecraft. It is mainly used to find some low-level life planets in the universe, obtain the genetic information of organisms on these planets, and expand the Kahn civilization. Gene data bank.

Of course, in this process, it is naturally accompanied by some unfriendly bloody scenes.

Even with the development of science and technology, human beings are no different from animals to the Kahn civilization.

According to the "Carbon-based Alliance Life Convention", carbon-based civilizations below the third level are not considered as members of the alliance.

When Chen Xin saw this, his heart moved, and he asked, "Steel, in the carbon-based life alliance, is every civilization looking for new life planets to expand the gene pool of this civilization?"

Gang Bian said: "Yes, old Dou, is there any problem?"

Chen Xin was a little worried: "If the earth is discovered by other carbon-based civilizations, will it be used as their biological gene pool? Even humans themselves will be called their experimental subjects?"

Gang Bian hesitantly said: "Hey, old bean, this...maybe it's possible...but you don't have to worry about it for the time being!"

Chen Xin frowned and said, "What do you mean don't worry for the time being, is there something you are hiding from me, Gangbun?" (To be continued~^~)

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