super robot clone

Chapter 531 Chen Xin's Fantasy Journey

Naturally, Chen Xin and Gang Bin would never forget that it was Chen Xin who broke his head at the forehead and his blood was absorbed by Gang Bin, and the two formed such a strange symbiotic relationship.

Perhaps for the same reason, the Taiji diagram also needs blood to recognize the master, or DNA certification.

Chen Xin twitched the corners of his mouth, a little dumbfounded, this style of painting is wrong no matter how you look at it.

Gang Beng said: "Old Dou, why don't you try dripping your blood on it?"

Chen Xin hesitated and said, "This way... will there be any problems?"

Gang Bian said: "This shouldn't matter much. First, it is unknown whether this Taiji diagram will react with your blood. Second, the Taiji diagram comes from ancient human civilization, and you humans are also in a sense. As the descendants of ancient humans, even if there is any abnormality, it shouldn't do us any harm."

Chen Xin pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Then try, Steel Iron, help me put down the blood!"

As he spoke, Chen Xin stretched out his finger and let the steel hammer pierce his fingertips. Soon, a drop of bright red blood came out.

Chen Xin gently dripped fresh blood on the Taiji diagram, and the blood instantly shrank into a small blood drop on the Taiji diagram, and slipped down the Taiji diagram without a sound, leaving not even a single water molecule.

Chen Xin and Gang Bian looked at each other, Chen Xin smiled wryly and said, "It seems useless."

Gang Bian looked at the Taiji diagram in Chen Xin's hand, his electronic eyes flashed, and said, "Wait, old man!"

Chen Xin wondered, "What's wrong?"

Gang Bian said, "Try to drip blood on the eyes of these two Yin-Yang fish."


Chen Xin was slightly stunned: "Is there any mystery in the fish eye?"

Gang Bian said: "I can't tell, anyway, try it first!"

Chen Xin nodded and squeezed out another drop of blood.Carefully drip it on the white eyes of the black yin fish.

A miraculous scene appeared, the dark red blood did not slip off as Chen Xin expected, but silently absorbed onto the originally smooth white fish eyes.

In just a few seconds, the blood was completely absorbed.A faint red light appeared on the surface of the fish eye.

"Hey, it works!"

Chen Xin was overjoyed, and quickly squeezed out another drop of blood, which dripped on the black fish's eyes.The blood disappeared quickly, and the black fish eyes also showed a trace of red.

Immediately, the Taiji Diagram was strangely separated from Chen Xin's hands, and floated in front of Chen Xin like a mirror.

Before Chen Xin and Gang Bian had time to react, the two black and white fish eyes of the Tai Chi Yin Yang Fish suddenly shot out two dazzling white auras, hitting Chen Xin's eyes respectively.


Chen Xin let out a scream, and his eyes were instantly covered in white, and the white light gradually dissipated.He found that at some point, he was already in space, and the pock-marked moon was floating below him alone.

"This... what's the situation?"

When Chen Xin was confused, an indescribable message appeared in Chen Xin's mind.

"Fuck, no way!"

Chen Xin's eyes widened immediately, and the functions and functions of the Taiji Diagram clearly appeared in Chen Xin's mind.

Chen Xin prompted according to the information in his mind.Putting his eyes on the moon, in an instant, a wonderful feeling rose from Chen Xin's heart, and every scene on the moon was revealed in his heart.

He saw a meteorite the size of a millstone hitting the lunar surface at a high speed of several kilometers per second. The dust was flying, and a crater with a diameter of tens of meters appeared on the surface of the moon in an instant.

He saw a red, blue and white star-spangled banner slanted solitary on the peaceful sea of ​​the moon, and Armstrong's words "That's one small step for man, but one giant leap for mankind" vaguely echoed in his heart.

He saw that beside the huge Kahn spaceship, his body was slumping weakly on the seat, and the steel hammer was anxiously calling by his side.

Chen Xin looked away from the moon.On the horizon.A blue and white planet is slowly rising.

With a thought in Chen Xin's mind, he appeared above Mogadishu, in the villa of the seaside hotel, Ling Wei was looking through the medical reports on the computer with great interest.In another room, Wang Xiaoyue patiently sorted and filed documents of some ancient civilizations in human history.

Inside a large square in Mogadishu.Ahdi is speaking impassionedly to the assembled people, calling on all Somali people to unite and fight against the hegemony of the United States.

At Mogadishu International Airport, four F22 drones are taking off in formation to perform air security missions.

Chen blinked, and he appeared on the streets of Jiangcheng in an instant. The neon lights of Jiangcheng were flickering in the night, and there was a lot of traffic. Vehicles and people passed by Chen Xin, and no one noticed anything unusual.

Chen Xin raised his head, the morning star hadn't risen yet, but he found the trace of Mars in the sky, so in the next second, he appeared on Mars.

On the tawny land of Mars, a large-scale storm is brewing, the sky is covered with dust, and the sky is filled with sand and rocks.

Chen Xin walked around the surface of Mars, but found no trace of life, only yellow sand and gravel, desert Gobi.

He also stopped by Mount Olympus, the highest peak in the solar system, and then set off from there to Venus, which is full of acid rain and looks like hell.The brightest star in the night sky is shrouded in a thick layer of atmosphere, full of silver snakes flying lightning and thundercloud storms.

Next, Chen Xin visited the hot Mercury and the huge Jupiter along the way. The storm in the Great Red Spot will last at least thousands of years.

Saturn is surrounded by beautiful rings, icy Uranus, legendary Neptune, Pluto and Ceres accompanied by double stars.

Afterwards, Chen Xin crossed the Kuiper belt all the way, and at a place 0.7 light-years away from the sun, he saw an alien spaceship advancing at high speed. Human life opened his eyes.Curiously, Chen Xin reached out and gently touched the ear of the exquisite female elf, and left the spaceship silently under the bewildered eyes of the other party.

Chen Xin continued to move forward, and finally, at the edge of the Oort cloud in the solar system, he felt the existence of a thin film.

Chen Xin knew that this was a four-dimensional barrier, and it was because of its existence that the solar system disappeared in the Milky Way for tens of millions of years.

Through the four-dimensional barrier, Chen Xin saw hundreds of thousands of spaceships lined up neatly, launching a fierce attack on the four-dimensional barrier with all their strength.

These spaceships include meteorite-class warships with a size of hundreds of meters, and dwarf star-class warships with a diameter of thousands of kilometers.

When they join hands, each attack is enough to destroy a star, but when they hit the four-dimensional barrier, they fail to leave any traces.

However, Chen Xin knew that every time he suffered such a blow, the energy of the four-dimensional barrier would become weaker. If this trend continued, the four-dimensional barrier would not last long. (to be continued~^~)

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