super robot clone

Chapter 532 Tianqin Civilization

Chen Xin frowned, deeply worried about the future of the earth.

Faced with such a huge force, even with the help of steel, he has nothing to do with these alien civilizations.

As for the power of the Taiji Diagram, there is no need to consider it.

According to the information poured into his brain from the Taiji Diagram, the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram has two main uses. First, it is the key to open the solar system. No matter which civilization obtains it, it is eligible to enter the solar system.

Just like the steel 镚 30 years ago, the Kahn civilization 5000 years ago, and the aliens in the meteorite starship that Chen Xin met halfway.

The second function of the Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram is what Chen Xin looks like now. With the help of the Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram, Chen Xin can appear in any corner of the solar system at any time, and can control every atom in the solar system.

However, this function can only be activated by earthlings with ancient human blood, and other alien races cannot be activated.What's more, this function is not very helpful to solve the current crisis.

These alien spaceships are not those aliens that can be chased all over the sky by the U.S. military in Hollywood dramas. They are real products of advanced civilization. Not to mention the huge fleet of hundreds of thousands of ships.

To them, stomping on the earth is no different than stomping on a bug.

Chen Xin sighed, who would have thought that an unplanned trip to the moon would reveal so many shocking secrets.

With the existence of steel pennies, Chen Xin is confident that he can escape with his loved ones, but can he just watch billions of human beings fall into the hands of alien civilizations?

The bloody biological experiment data recorded by the Kahn civilization.Let him have no hope at all for the moral level of alien civilizations.

Not to mention these 70 billion people on earth, I am afraid that they are also extremely rare test samples for alien civilizations.

Chen Xin took a deep breath, the next second.He returned to the rover.

"Old Bean! Old Bean..."

Gang Bi's eager voice came into Chen Xin's ears, Chen Xin slowly opened his eyes, opened his mouth and said, "Gang Bi, I'm fine!"

Gang Beng was stunned.Immediately, he jumped up excitedly and shouted: "Old Dou, you're awake! It's great! Old Dou, what happened to you just now? No matter how I called you, you didn't respond."

Chen Xindao: "Gangyi, how long have I been in a coma?"

With lingering fear in his heart, Gang Yan said, "It's been almost three hours. If it wasn't for your steady breathing, I would have already prepared to take you back to Earth to find a doctor for treatment."

Chen Xin smiled wryly, "I'm fine, but I'm afraid we're in big trouble."

"big trouble?"

Gang Bian was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "What's the big trouble?"

Chen Xin talked about the miraculous effects of the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram and his own experience in the past few hours, and Gang Yan was also dumbfounded.

A small Taiji map can actually control the entire solar system, and a light-year-sized four-dimensional barrier can resist the attacks of hundreds of thousands of alien warships.

These technologies are not to mention old, and even beyond the understanding of steel peng.

Although Dimension Technology has already developed a sixth-level civilization.But it is also useful for dwarf stellar-class battleships with a diameter of one thousand kilometers. Even if civilization develops to level seven, the range covered by the four-dimensional barrier is only a million kilometers. A four-dimensional barrier with a diameter of two light years, steel Never even heard of it.

As for the hundreds of thousands of fifth-level civilized spaceships outside the four-dimensional barrier and the meteor-star spaceship that secretly sneaked into the solar system, Steel Coin didn't respond much.

Finally, Chen Xin asked: "Gangyi, this humanoid race with pointed ears, have you heard of it before?"

There was a thoughtful expression on the steel penny's face, it paused and said: "Old Bean. If my guess is correct. These people should be the Lyra Civilization in the Pan-Human Alliance of the Milky Way."

"The Pan-Human Alliance of the Milky Way? Lyra Civilization?"

"Yes, the Milky Way's pan-human union consists of four fifth-level humanoid civilizations, twelve fourth-level humanoid civilizations, and more than three hundred third-level humanoid civilizations. The Tianqin civilization is the best among them. The leader of humanoid civilization. Their parent star is Alpha Lyrae. It is only 25 light-years away from the solar system, which is what the Chinese often call Vega."

"Vega?" Chen Xin murmured.

I have heard the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl since I was a child, but I did not expect that a powerful humanoid civilization was really bred there.

Gang Bian said: "If it's this group of guys, then there may still be a chance for a turnaround."

Chen Xin asked curiously, "How?"

Gang Jun sneered: "Hundreds of thousands of spaceships participated in this operation, which only shows that they concealed the discovery of the solar system. The senior management of the Carbon-based Life Alliance did not know that the solar system had been discovered. But once the four-dimensional barrier is broken , then the secrets of the solar system cannot be kept.”

Chen Xin nodded, frowned and said, "But even if there are hundreds of thousands of spaceships, we probably won't be able to handle them, right?!"

Gangquan quacked with a sneer and said, "Old Dou, don't look at the joy of these guys, they are just a bunch of poor worms. In the carbon-based life alliance, they have always been the targets of oppression by major non-human civilizations." , have been subjected to wars all year round, and if you are not careful, it will be a catastrophe of genocide!"

Chen Xin was slightly taken aback, and asked puzzledly: "Gangyi, didn't you say that after the disappearance of the solar system 5000 million years ago, the humanoid civilizations in the entire Virgo supergalaxy group were supported by those seventh-level carbon-based civilizations? "

Gang Beng sneered and said: "It is because of the support that we need to suppress it. What can stimulate the potential of a race more than the extermination of the race? For thousands of years, there have been many humanoid civilizations that have been exterminated. Anyway, they will be wiped out." One batch, and another batch can be supported, and there is no loss to the hypocrites of the Carbon-based Life Alliance. But it is also because of this that some humanoid civilizations have survived the strong pressure of the outside world, step by step. The level of civilization has gradually increased to level five, and the Tianqin civilization is the best among them, and only after reaching level five can they have a foothold in the Milky Way."

Chen Xin was stunned. He originally thought that the existence of the Carbon-Based Life Alliance and the Silicon-Based Life Alliance would bring order to the universe, just like the United Nations on Earth. It is easy to conquer small countries.

But the reality was far crueler than he imagined.

He never expected that the situation of humanoid civilization in the universe would be so difficult.

If we talk about the universe in the "Dark Forest", the major civilizations can still hide and fight each other (the humans in the Three-Body Problem are a group of SBs), then in this hierarchical universe, each civilization is obviously fighting hand-to-hand. Civilization directly crushes and exploits low-level civilizations, and its bloodshed and cruelty far exceed the imagination of people on earth.

Gang Beng continued: "But don't think that when the Tianqin civilization reaches the fifth level, their life will be nourished. For the seventh-level civilization, the humanoid civilization is just a guinea pig for them to feed, even if it is close to the fifth-level peak. The Tianqin civilization is no exception. As far as I know, every year, the Tianqin civilization provides at least [-] million experimental bodies to those seventh-level carbon-based civilizations for their research."

Chen Xin asked in a trembling voice: "Then what is the final outcome of these experimental subjects?"

The steel hammer quacked and said with a smile: "Old Dou, what do you think will happen to the little white mouse?"

Chen Xin felt a chill rushing from his tailbone straight to his forehead, and his vest was dripping with cold sweat instantly. If the existence of human beings on Earth were exposed, it would be hard for him to imagine what kind of ordeal the Earthlings would endure.

Chen Xin took a deep breath and asked, "Gangyi, then you said that human beings still have a little room for turning around, what do you say?"

Gang Bian said: "Old Dou, don't you control the Taiji Diagram? There should be a way to open the four-dimensional barrier here, right?"

Chen Xin nodded.

Gang Beng said: "That's good. We must negotiate with the Tianqin civilization and let them stop attacking the four-dimensional barrier. The four-dimensional barrier can last for decades. The solar system is a dead place. We must take this opportunity to put All humans are transferred out!"

Chen Xin nodded, then frowned and said, "Will they agree to negotiate with Tianqin Civilization?"

Gang Beng smiled and said: "Old Dou, it's up to you. You control the Taiji Diagram, so you can carry forward your own work and fool that chick from the Tianqin civilization." (To be continued~^~)

PS: The era of the big universe is coming, are you ready?

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