super robot clone

Chapter 541 Chen Xin Calls

Joe Biden's complexion was cloudy, sometimes joyful, sometimes suspicious, and sometimes angry, which surprised everyone present.

What kind of news actually caused this Mr. President, who has always shown himself to be calm, to experience such huge emotional ups and downs.

After a while, Joe Biden said: "The intelligence agency has just sent back news that Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, and Israel have all encountered similar nuclear attacks. The situation in North Korea is unknown, but it should not be much better. go."

Before the words fell, the conference room suddenly became noisy.

"How could this be?"

"Isn't this a natural phenomenon that scientists haven't discovered yet?"

"Impossible. If it is really the natural decay of nuclear elements, our nuclear power plant research may have been paralyzed in large areas, instead of still operating normally as it is now."

"Would that be a premeditated attack against the world's military nuclear weapons?"

"But it doesn't make sense. How could the Bureau of War and Ignorance attack China and Russia?"


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, CIA director George Brennan was the first to react, his originally gloomy face eased a lot, and a smile appeared on his face: "Gentlemen, all the speculations are meaningless now, but I think, That shouldn't be a bad thing for us!"

David Petraeus said: "Director Brennan is right! This should be a premeditated attack."

No one here is a fool, no matter what, as long as several other nuclear powers have suffered similar attacks, then the Chinese government will have a reason to explain to the public.

What's more, if other countries have no nuclear weapons, the United States will still be one of the most powerful countries in the world. Although its influence will inevitably weaken, it is better than completely becoming a second-rate country.

As for what the black hand behind the incident wanted to do, no one wanted to think in that direction.

The organization that can make such a shocking event, besides the lawless war and neglect, what else can it be?

Whatever the Bureau of War and Oblivion wants to do next is beyond the control of the Americans.

If the United States in the age of nuclear weapons still had a ray of courage to fight against the war, by this time, neither Joe Biden, David Petraeus, nor George Brennan would have been able to continue fighting The mind of war and neglect.

Without nuclear weapons and a huge battle group composed of eleven aircraft carriers, the United States has no way to ignore the war.

Joe Biden sighed and said, "Perhaps what we need to worry about now is what this powerful and weird organization behind the scenes wants to do."

Everyone nodded with sympathy.

At this moment, Joe Biden's personal mobile phone rang suddenly. Joe Biden was slightly taken aback, gestured to everyone, and pressed the answer button.

In the next second, his expression changed, and he lost his voice: "The war is over, Chen Xin?"


"What the hell is Zhan Suju going to do?!"

In the ZNH conference room, seven elders of the Presbyterian Church and high-level officials from the military committee gathered to discuss this unexpected incident.

The sudden attack not only wiped out China's 60-year efforts on nuclear weapons, but also caused a lot of casualties.

And as the news of the remaining nuclear-armed countries came one after another, the atmosphere in the conference room changed from the original tense to weird.

As the head of the military's intelligence department, it was the first time for Peng Guochen to participate in a meeting of this level. He sat at the bottom of the meeting room and reported the latest intelligence from Mogadishu to the Great Elder and others.

"It has been more than 40 hours since Chen Xin left Mogadishu with the Dream space plane. When Dream took off, we didn't pay enough attention to it. The aerospace department only regarded this flight as an ordinary space mission. Monitor. Even if our optical detector lost track of the Dreamer, we just thought it went to the secret base of the Bureau of Warfare and did not pay too much attention.”

Peng Guochen paused, and continued: "Moreover, the situation in Mogadishu has been very stable these two days. The Somali government is hurrying up to prepare for the next war with the United States. No other abnormal phenomena have occurred."

One of the great elders asked, "Is it possible that it was a premeditated attack by the Zhanhu Bureau?"

General Chang Siwei, the chief of staff, frowned and said, "There is no reason for Zhanhu Bureau to do this, unless they want to be enemies of the whole world!"

General Li Yuanqing, the head of the General Armament Department, said: "But apart from the war of ignorance, there is probably no country or organization in the world that has such a capability!"

Chang Siwei fell silent.

Elder No. [-] hesitated for a moment, and said, "How about we contact the Somali government and the Bureau of War and Ignorance to test their attitude?"

The No. [-] elder shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "I don't think this is meaningful. If it was really done by Zhan Huju, what's the use of this kind of temptation?"

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door of the conference room.

The Great Elder frowned and said, "Come in!"

The secretary of the Great Elder's office opened the door and entered, holding a red confidential phone in his hand and said, "Grand Elder, Mr. Chen is calling!"


At the same time, the leaders of various countries who were holding emergency meetings in the Kremlin, Downing Street, Elysee Palace and other places all received a mysterious call from the War Bureau. No one knew what Chen Xin said to the heads of state, but these calls made After the end, the countries immediately held their respective high-level leaders' meetings.

Subsequently, at 02:30 a.m. Mogadishu time, major media outlets from China, the United States, Britain, France, Russia, India and other countries released an important news almost at the same time: At [-]:[-] GMT this morning, all countries The high-purity radioactive plutonium and radioactive uranium elements in the nuclear arsenal have undergone abnormal decay at the same time, and high-intensity radiation has caused a large number of casualties.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately occupied the headlines of almost all media in the world, causing shock all over the world.

Especially in the United States, almost all ten Ohio-class ballistic missile nuclear submarines were wiped out, and the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier that was on a mission in various oceans of the world has also become an iron coffin without any energy power. rescue mission.

Russia also lost six ballistic missile nuclear submarines, France's Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier became a pile of scrap iron, Britain lost two Vanguard-class nuclear submarines, and China lost a 094-class nuclear submarine that was on a cruise mission.

The heavy casualties and heavy losses of the major powers have attracted the attention of the world. (to be continued~^~)

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