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Chapter 542 Heads of State Summit

April 2013, 4, April Fool's Day.

This nuclear disaster, which was called "radioactive heavy element tsunami" by later generations of physicists, is still in the midst of intense rescue efforts. The tragedies of the famous military bases that have been continuously broadcast in the news have left people all over the world dumbfounded.

Accompanied by the panic among the people and the onslaught of a new wave of anti-nuclear waves, people from all over the world have turned pale when talking about nuclear power, and have started gathering, marching, and marching to oppose the continued development of nuclear power technology, and demand the shutdown of all existing earthlings. nuclear power plant.

Some organizations have even set off a wave of opposition to the development of industrial technology, calling on humans to retain only part of agricultural technology and biotechnology and return to nature.

Although various countries had learned that this incident was not a natural phenomenon, and that the Bureau of War and Ignorance would not attack civilian nuclear power plants, they all chose to remain silent, and under the pressure of public opinion, they announced the shutdown of existing nuclear power plants.

In this process, the most tragic is France.

As a country where 50.00% of the country's electricity needs nuclear power supply, after closing most of the nuclear power plants, France cannot even guarantee the power supply of the capital Paris, and the French government has to spend a lot of money to buy surplus from neighboring countries such as Germany and Spain. electricity.

The United States, which has more than 100 nuclear power plants, is also facing a similar crisis. People who oppose nuclear power even hang slogans at the entrance of the White House.

However, at this time, the strength of the consortium played an important role. In order to prevent the shutdown of nuclear power plants from causing heavy damage to the economy, the US government only shut down some nuclear power plants close to the city, and other civilian nuclear facilities are still operating normally.

The energy crisis triggered by the nuclear crisis has also severely damaged the world economy. The Dow Jones Index of the New York Stock Exchange, the London Stock Market, the Nikkei Index, and the Hong Kong Index have fallen sharply in recent days.

Coupled with the Middle East-North Africa war not long ago, more than half of the oil field facilities in oil-producing countries were destroyed. For a time, most countries in the world were on energy alarms.

The U.S. government had to announce the emergency use of strategic crude oil reserves, and China announced that it would slow down the production of Jinlong batteries.

However, at this critical juncture, the leaders of these nuclear-armed countries did not sit in the country to direct the rescue and deal with the tense situation. Instead, they took special planes and flew secretly to Mogadishu.

They were all invited by the war.

At 04:30 local time in Mogadishu, a Boeing 747 painted by civil aviation slowly landed in this city full of hostility to the United States.

The new U.S. President Joe Biden and Secretary of Defense John Kerry slowly walked down the gangway along the gangway car, and then boarded a row of bulletproof convoy with the help of the staff of the Somali Foreign Ministry.

A few hours before the arrival of Joe Biden, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Chinese elders, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister Putin, British Prime Minister Cameron, French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, Indian Prime Minister Singh, Brazilian President Rousseff, South Korean President Park Geun-hye, Secretary-General of the Arab League, Saudi Crown Prince Salman and others have all arrived in Mogadishu ahead of schedule.

The political leaders of these countries or international organizations are carefully selected by Chen Xin, almost representing 70.00% of the world's population, 80.00% of GDP, and more than 90.00% of the military power.

Although most countries hated War Neglected Bureau deeply, no country dared to ignore War Neglected Bureau's invitation after experiencing such an almost cold-blooded operation to remove nuclear weapons.

Compared with the dignitaries of several other countries, US President Joe Biden came the latest.

In order to prevent leaks, Mr. President did not even take his own special plane this time, but arrived in Mogadishu secretly on a Boeing 747 of the US Air Force. Even his own security team only came for a small part.

The reception in Somalia was also very low-key. There was only one deputy foreign minister who went to the airport to greet him, and he did not exchange too many pleasantries with Joe Biden.

What surprised Joe Biden was that even after arriving at the hotel, all the work was done by the Somali government. Even the dinner a few hours later was only attended by the Somali government Prime Minister Ahdi. Chen was not seen at the banquet. Xin and other figures from the Bureau of War and Neglect.

Most of the leaders of the countries present were preoccupied. Although they were very dissatisfied with the arrangement of neglecting the war, most of them did not express it directly.

After a bland dinner, the leaders of various countries came to a large conference room quickly according to the arrangement of the staff.

The meeting room covers an area of ​​nearly 29 square meters, with a height of more than ten meters. In the center is a large round table, which is just enough for the [-] world's top political elites participating in this meeting to sit.

Here, they finally met Chen Xin.

Chen Xin shook hands with the leaders of the participating countries one by one and arranged for them to be seated.

To Chen Xin's surprise, when shaking hands with the Chinese leaders, the Great Elder did not ask Chen Xin about the nuclear attack. Much calmer.

Perhaps this is also a way for the Great Elder to express his dissatisfaction with the Zhan Suju Bureau.

However, this is also expected. Before clearing the nuclear weapons of all countries, Chen Xin also hesitated whether China should be excluded.

But in the end he did not choose to be soft. On the one hand, China has much fewer nuclear weapons than the United States and Russia. Even if it loses, it is not a big problem. If the forces flee the solar system collectively, China will easily become the target of public criticism, and other countries do not have nuclear weapons. If China has nuclear weapons, Chen Xin can't guarantee whether there are ambitious people who will use it for profit.

Of course, for these innocent compatriots, Chen Xin will naturally make appropriate compensations in the future.

Everyone sat down one after another, put on simultaneous interpretation headsets, and at Chen Xin's request, all the entourages of government leaders from various countries were arranged out of the conference room.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the staff closed the door of the meeting room, and the meeting room suddenly fell silent.

Government officials from various countries focused their attention on Chen Xin, waiting for him to speak.

Chen Xin smiled and said: "Hello everyone, I'm very glad that you can participate in this meeting at the invitation of the Bureau of Strategic Deception. Some of you have met many times, and some of you are meeting for the first time, but I don't think it's a good idea." It will affect our next discussion..."

After a pause, Chen Xin continued: "I once said that I will give you a reasonable explanation for this nuclear attack. I believe that after reading the following paragraph, you should have a reasonable answer in your heart!"

As he spoke, Chen Xin tapped twice on a glass light screen in front of him, and a giant holographic projection suddenly appeared in the center of the conference table. (to be continued~^~)

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