super robot clone

Chapter 550 Alien Civilization Strategic Intelligence Bureau

During this period of time, Chen Xin also returned to Earth several times.

One of them was a private matter. After deciding to immigrate collectively for all human beings, he told Ling Wei and Wang Xiaoyue the relevant news.

The two women were naturally shocked after hearing this, and they finally understood why Chen Xin asked them to collect important humanistic materials in human history and biological scientific research materials.

These two tasks are for one day even if human civilization encounters a crisis of genocide, as long as some human beings escape, one day human civilization can be rebuilt in a certain corner of the universe.

But for the two girls who grew up steadily and without many twists and turns, the impact of this news is still a bit big.

After getting this news, they were a little absent-minded for several days. On the one hand, they were worried about the future of mankind, and on the other hand, they were worried about the safety of their families.

Chen Xin was also very helpless about this, and then he finally came up with an idea. He simply took Wang Xiaoyue and Ling Wei's family members to Mogadishu.

Anyway, now that he decided to be with the two girls, it would be a matter of time to meet his parents, so Chen Xin decided to do this together.

He even wanted to take this opportunity to take over Qiao Ting's grandfather, Qiao Lao, but Qiao Ting refused to agree, so Chen Xin had no choice but to give up.

But even so, when facing the two parents, Chen Xin is also under great pressure. Wang Xiaoyue's parents watched Chen Xin grow up. Although they are willing to let their daughter follow Chen Xin, it is another matter to share a man with other people's daughters. up.

The same is true of Ling Wei's parents.

What's more, they could tell that Qiao Ting, who claimed to be Chen Xin's assistant, had an unclear relationship with Chen Xin.

However, both Wang Xiaoyue and Ling Wei had eaten the weight and made up their minds. They looked like Chen Xin would not marry, and after adding Chen Xin's current achievements, they had to compromise.

You must know that for this matter, the Chinese government even sent the No. [-] chief to Mogadishu, which gave Chen Xin enough face, and also made the parents of the two daughters feel secretly worried about Chen Xin's current status.

Even so, Chen Xin gave the two mothers-in-law smiling faces for several days at the seaside villa in Mogadishu, serving them comfortably, and their expressions towards Chen Xin gradually became better.

After finishing the family affairs, Chen Xin participated in the United Nations Summit held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

During the summit, Chen Xin once again met with leaders of more than 50 new countries included in the credible personnel list. After answering their concerns, Chen Xin also increased the number of countries that know that mankind is about to face a major crisis. More than 70 countries, most of which are politically stable and economically developed regional powers, cover almost 80.00% of the world's population.

As for the remaining more than 100 small countries, more than [-] have been included in the watch list, and we will only tell them the truth when the time is right. The remaining forty or so are listed as untrustworthy national leaders. Their political careers have been collectively sentenced to death by the five permanent members of the United Nations. Only by using various means to replace them with reliable candidates will these countries be recognized.

In addition, this summit also passed an important proposal put forward by Chen Xin.That is to establish the Alien Civilization Strategic Intelligence Bureau, referred to as the Foreign Intelligence Bureau. This department will analyze and summarize the intelligence of the cosmic civilization and provide the corresponding scientific basis for the decision-making of the human leadership.

Since the person who knows the alien civilization best is Chen Xin himself, so he can only serve as the director of the Foreign Intelligence Bureau.

The remaining three deputy directors who assist Chen Xin are composed of Peng Guochen, an old acquaintance from the Intelligence Department of the Chinese General Staff [at the ministerial level], George Brennan, the former director of the US Central Intelligence Agency, and the director of the Russian National Security Agency (KGB). Petrov served.

Most of the staff of the Foreign Intelligence Bureau are composed of elites from the global intelligence community, and Qiao Ting was also drawn into the Foreign Intelligence Bureau by Chen Xin.

In addition, the Foreign Intelligence Agency has also recruited the world's top scientists, sociologists and even science fiction writers to participate in the intelligence analysis of alien civilizations.

Chen Xin even found Liu among these experts and scholars, but after thinking that he is the most representative science fiction writer in contemporary China, Chen Xin was relieved.

In fact, sci-fi writers probably have more say than anyone else in how to deal with extraterrestrial civilizations.

Especially a sci-fi writer like Da Liu who has written "Three-Body Problem" and has conducted in-depth thinking and exploration of alien civilizations is simply the best candidate for the expert team of the Strategic Intelligence Bureau of Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

And when Liu saw Chen Xin and learned that he was the head of this secret intelligence agency, he was also very surprised.

He was brought here by a young man.

Just a week ago, when he was thinking about his new book at his home in YQ City, a national leader who often appeared on TV, accompanied by a large group of local government officials, secretly came to his home and had a discussion with him. commune.

Afterwards, Liu, surrounded by a large group of security personnel from the Central Security Bureau, went straight to the nearest military airport and boarded a special plane belonging to the Chinese Air Force.

He stayed in the capital for one night, and early the next morning, he was sent to the Grand Elder's special plane to accompany the Grand Elder to visit the United States and attend the United Nations summit held in the United States.

This experience is more sci-fi than any science fiction he has written.

He originally thought that the country took him to visit the United States because it was related to the nuclear catastrophe some time ago. He even guessed whether there were aliens, so he was needed to accompany the Great Elder on the visit.

But what surprised him was that the Great Elder didn't disclose any information about the trip to him until he arrived in New York.

He stays in the hotel every day, even if he goes shopping, he is accompanied by security personnel from China and the United States, which makes him wonder, is his identity so important?

Until today, he was taken to a secret building in the suburbs of New York, and after seeing many legendary top scientists and some science fiction writers, his mind slowly settled down.

However, when he was recruited into Chen Xin's office alone to meet Chen Xin, he immediately thought of Chen Xin who found his home two years ago.

At that time, Chen Xin looked quite young. On the contrary, he brought "Take Her Eyes", which was the most satisfying work among his many novels that were adapted into film and television.

Chen Xin's Digital Cybertron soared to the sky with this work, and Liu also became famous as a top science fiction writer in the world.

Especially after his "Three-Body" trilogy was translated into multiple languages ​​and published in many countries, his fans spread all over the world.

Later, Cybertron Digital adapted many of his works, and the two sides have maintained a good cooperation.

But he never thought that he would meet Chen Xin again in this place. (to be continued~^~)

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