super robot clone

Chapter 551 Phase 2 Plan

"Big Liu, please sit down!"

Chen Xin signaled to sit down in the reception area in front of the office.

The two sat down on the sofa, and Da Liu asked curiously, "Mr. Chen, why are you here?"

Chen Xin smiled and did not directly answer Liu Cixin's question, but instead asked, "Da Liu, what do you think of the existence of alien civilizations?"

Liu Cixin was slightly taken aback. Many people had already asked this question when he was interviewed before, but it seemed a little unusual for Chen Xin to ask this question today.

Liu Cixin thought for a moment, and said: "From the perspective of scientific laws, aliens must exist, and it is impossible for them not to exist, because the laws of nature are the same everywhere in the universe. Since in such an environment of natural laws , the earth can evolve life, and the scale of the universe is very large. There are hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way. According to the latest issue of "New Discovery" magazine, it is estimated that there are 90 billion planets in the Milky Way galaxy that are suitable for life and are similar to the earth. Planets. In such a large number, it's hard to believe that life hasn't evolved, and it's hard to believe that it hasn't evolved intelligent life."

"But from another point of view, we are now facing a very strange situation, that is, despite our efforts to search, we still have not found alien life. This is indeed a very strange problem, and it is likely that our technology is not enough to allow We found extraterrestrial life, of course, including one of the worst possibilities - the universe is a dark forest."

Chen Xin said with a smile: "Is there such a possibility that our solar system is hidden, and the outside world is actually very exciting. It's not that we can't find aliens, but that aliens can't find us."

Da Liu frowned and said, "Of course, this possibility is not ruled out, but this probability is too small among the thousands of possibilities."

Chen Xindao: "But as long as it happens, then the probability is [-]%!"

Liu Cixin was taken aback, and asked, "Mr. Chen, did the possibility you mentioned really happen?"

Chen Xin smiled and said: "Just yesterday, the UN General Assembly passed a secret proposal to establish a new agency directly under the UN. This agency is called the Strategic Intelligence Agency for Extraterrestrial Civilizations. I am the first director of the Foreign Intelligence Agency."

Before Liu Cixin had time to digest the information in Chen Xin's words, he saw Chen Xin get up and take out a document from the file bag on his desk, and handed it to him: "I have read all the contents of this document so far. There are no more than [-] people in the world. I will give you two options now. Either you join the Foreign Intelligence Agency and work for the Foreign Intelligence Agency incognito in the future. Then you can see the contents of this document. Of course, If you don’t agree, that’s okay, just pretend that you haven’t been here before, and continue to be your science fiction writer Da Liu when you return to China, but you must never disclose any news about this place to the outside world. It’s up to you to decide where to go.”

Liu Cixin looked at the document in Chen Xin's hands, and faintly felt the heavy responsibility behind this document, but as a science fiction writer, is there anything more tempting than knowing alien civilizations?

What's more, if alien civilization really appeared, what if he didn't join the Foreign Intelligence Bureau.

At least in it, he can get much more information than ordinary people can understand.

Liu Cixin thought for less than ten seconds before taking the document directly from Chen Xin.

Chen Xin had expected this for a long time, and said with a smile: "Very well, Da Liu, you go out with this document now, and someone will take you to the prepared room to read this document, oh, yes, remember to take this document with you. Dr. David Breen called in."

Liu Cixin nodded and left Chen Xin's office.

Soon, a bald old man walked in.

David Brin was recommended to the Foreign Intelligence Agency by the White House. He is a famous American science fiction writer born in California, USA. He holds a Ph.D. in space science, a physicist, and a scientific advisor to NASA.

David Brin is good at presenting the vast universe and the unique culture of various alien creatures to readers.His novels "Star Tide", "The Postman", "Battle of Ascension" and short story "Crystal Sky" all won the "Hugo Award".

He is best known for his "Ascension" series of novels, which consist of two trilogies whose central concept is a vast galaxy-spanning civilization whose primary mission is to "elevate" all known oxygen-breathing intelligent beings.In addition, his masterpiece also includes "The Victory of the Base" set in the background of Asimov's "Foundation" series.

David Brin has extensive influence in the world of science and science fiction literature, and his background is much bigger than that of Liu Cixin.

Naturally, Chen Xin couldn't let such a talent go. He did the same thing and said what he had just said to Liu Cixin and David Brin. David Brin thought about it for half an hour, and finally made a decision. The same choice as Da Liu.

For a whole day, Chen Xin and three other deputy directors screened twenty experts from all walks of life to join the Foreign Intelligence Bureau.

Among them were eight sociologists, six scientists and six science fiction writers.

After joining the Foreign Intelligence Agency, their family members were also sent to live in a small town on the Hudson River in northern New York, cutting off any contact with their former relatives and friends.

These people will contribute to the decision-making of the human leadership through their professional knowledge.

The first thing Chen Xin asked them to do was to compile an encyclopedia of alien civilizations based on the information provided by Gang Yan.

When the interstellar immigrants come, this book will be distributed to all human beings as an ordinary science fiction book, so that human beings can better understand this universe.

In addition, the United Nations has also launched a plan to preserve human civilization.

They will send a special working group to collect all kinds of humanistic and technological materials in the history of human beings. Some important cultural relics and works of art are also packed in secret and preserved, and then replaced in the museum with fakes that can almost blind people's sight.

In addition, a large number of technical documents and technological development planning outlines have also been carefully preserved.

Before you know it, it's late May.

The construction work of Steel Boom on the Mathilde asteroid has also come to an end. He installed a total of six sets of main engines and more than 20 sets of small engines for attitude correction when the asteroid hit.

Chen Xin drove the Dream spacecraft slowly away from the surface of the Mathilde asteroid.

With the order of the steel 镚, the three main engines installed at the tail of the spacecraft silently burst into blue light. These engines will give the Mathilde asteroid an acceleration of about 20 meters per second.

The asteroid Mathilde began to slowly deflect its huge body, flying towards a direction that it had never traveled before.

Through the porthole of the Dream, Chen Xin looked at the asteroid Mathilde gradually receding in the void, and said to Gangbang, "Gangbang, let's start our next phase of action." (To be continued~^~ )

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