Liya was startled, looked at Chen Xin and said, "Senior, what...what's going on?"

Chen Xin smiled slightly and said, "Just watch it!"

The earthquake was still going on, and the cracks were getting bigger and bigger, directly splitting the ancient apes of the same population into two parts.

The ground was still trembling, rocks and soil rolled down, the animals panicked and ran around, the ancient apes wailed at each other through the big crack, watching their former companions gradually drift away from them.

When all the dust settled, Leah discovered that the jungle had been split by a large rift valley tens of kilometers wide and 2000 meters deep at the deepest point. The vast jungle was divided into two parts due to crustal movement.

Chen Xin waved his hand, time suddenly speeded up, the sun quickly slanted westward, and the sky was full of stars, and then the sun broke through the night again, day and night alternated.

The days passed day by day, the weather soon became warmer in spring, flowers bloomed and gradually became hotter, the vegetation was lush, and the rainy season came, and then the weeds withered and turned yellow, and the weather turned colder day by day, and the animals began their migration journey in pursuit of food and water sources.

Time flies, and the four seasons rotate.

To the west of the rift valley is still dense and moist forest, and the ancient apes lived their traditional jungle life.

In the east of the Great Rift Valley, due to changes in the earth's crust, the rainfall gradually decreased, the woodland disappeared, and grasslands appeared. Most of the ancient ape populations gradually became extinct. A small number of ancient apes who were accustomed to climbing adapted to the new environment and began to learn to move on the ground. Living in an open environment has formed a unique evolutionary model and avoided the crisis of extinction.

Chen Xin and Li Ya traveled through time, watching the vicissitudes of life, things changed and people changed.

A look of amazement appeared on Leah's face. Such an unbelievable technology can only be achieved by civilizations above level seven.

Year after year, the ancient ape on the grassland gradually became different from its ancestors.

Their forelimbs gradually lifted off the ground, and they learned to walk independently with their legs.

Their spines are also straightening day by day, and their faces are beginning to flatten, gradually taking on some modern human features.

Until one day, these apes began to learn how to drill wood to make fire. They used flames to roast meat, made tools to live in the grasslands and forests, fished and hunted, they learned to grow grains, and raise livestock in captivity.

They weave clothing and build caves.

They worship the sun, the moon, and lightning, and all the magnificence of nature are regarded by them as gifts from gods.

The most primitive religions appeared, and they also evolved from living in groups into tribes, and tribes were divided into classes.

They fight each other, merge.

They created elegant language, words.

They captured slaves and established nations.

The light of civilization blooms on this beautiful planet.

Ancient Greek civilization, ancient Egyptian civilization, the Mesopotamian plain in the two river basins, and the Chinese civilization in the east.

The country begins to be established, order, law, war, chaos, from nomadic civilization to farming civilization, from farming civilization to industrial civilization, the progress of civilization is accompanied by cruel killings, and chaos and order alternate.

The bone stick thrown into the air by the ancient ape has turned into a spaceship before it hits the ground.

Time unknowingly freezes in the early summer of 2013.

Liya and Chen Xin shuttled through the streets of the 21st century, the road was crowded with people, people walked past them, and no one could notice their existence.

Liya looked around and let out a long sigh of relief. Tens of millions of years were condensed into just a few hours.

The ancient ape evolved from a poor and blank zero-level civilization to a first-level civilization, and then evolved from a first-level civilization to a second-level civilization. The history of civilization evolution is as magnificent as an epic. Even Liya, who is a fifth-level civilization, can't help but feel sad tribute.

In today's universe, intelligent civilizations like human beings that gradually evolve themselves without any interference have almost disappeared.

All the planets in the Milky Way that gave birth to primitive life have been transformed into settlements of intelligent races.

Fifth-level civilization, fourth-level civilization, third-level civilization... which civilization has not been disturbed by other higher civilizations in the process of development?

Not to mention the Tianqin civilization, which was promoted behind the scenes by the Carbon-based Life Alliance at the beginning of its development. Otherwise, how could an ordinary carbon-based civilization be able to raise its civilization level to The pinnacle of level five.

Liya had seen it in textbooks before, before the beginning of the era of great exploration of the universe, there existed such undisturbed and self-developing civilizations. If these civilizations develop to the present, they will all surpass the seventh-level civilization without exception. exist.

She never thought that today she could witness the process of the free development of civilization.

What makes her feel a little regretful is that this "luck" of human civilization is nothing more than a "man-made accident" created by another advanced civilization.

Liya turned her head to look at Chen Xin, and said, "Senior, did you shut down this star system and let it disappear from the entire galaxy because you were worried that other advanced civilizations would interfere with human development?"

Chen Xin smiled slightly and said: "You can say that, but for us, this is just a small trick to deceive the low-level civilization. If the eighth-level civilization comes, it will be easy to see."

Liya was shocked in her heart, the more casual Chen Xin was, the more confident she felt that Chen Xin was full of confidence.

Liya blinked and asked, "Senior, what you just said to help is..."

Chen Xin pointed to the Tai Chi diagram in his hand and said, "Do you know what this is?"

Leah shook her head blankly.

Chen Xindao: "This is the key to enter the No. 184 experimental galaxy. You call it the star field order, and we call it the Taiji diagram. Normally, the Taiji diagram will only be stored in the headquarters of the Bureau of War and Oblivion. It is impossible for anyone to get it." It's. However, for thousands of years, two alien civilizations have entered the solar system by relying on this thing, so there is a problem."

Liya was taken aback and said: "Senior, you said that before we came to this galaxy, did other civilizations come to this galaxy?"

Chen Xin nodded and said: "That's right, 5000 years ago, a level [-] civilization warship from the Large Magellanic Cloud entered the solar system. After learning about the origin of extraterrestrial life on the spacecraft, I killed them casually. I didn't expect this This time you came in again with the Star Domain Order."

Liya was startled, and just about to speak, Chen Xin said again: "Be careful, for the sake of being human, I won't do anything to you."

Liya breathed a sigh of relief, looked up at Chen Xin's face, and said cautiously: "My lord, in this case, why don't you contact the headquarters of the Strategic Deception Bureau?"

Chen Xin smiled wryly and shook his head, "Do you think I haven't contacted you? It's just that there has been no response until now. The four-dimensional barrier of the solar system is already crumbling. I'm afraid it won't last long. In a few decades, the solar system will be destroyed It will be discovered by other civilizations, and it will be a big trouble at that time..." (to be continued~^~)

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