Chen Xin turned around, looked at Leah and said, "So, I would like to ask Princess Leia to do me a favor."

"Senior please speak!"

Chen Xindao: "I need the Lyra Civilization to help me transfer all the humans on Earth out of the solar system and make them your vassal races, so that they won't be discovered by the Carbon-based Life Alliance. Can you do it?"

Liya was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood what Chen Xin meant. She hesitated for less than a second, then nodded and said, "No problem!"

Chen Xindao: "You don't need to go back and discuss with the leadership of your civilization?"

Liya showed a sweet smile on her face and said: "Senior, please rest assured, I have enough authority to agree to this condition. What's more, now is the time when our human race is facing a crisis, and 70 billion human beings on the earth have joined in. The scarcity of labor resources is also a big complement.”

Chen Xin was stunned for a while, and asked in confusion: "According to the technical level of the fifth-level civilization, how can there be a shortage of labor resources? Don't you use industrial robots?"

Leah smiled wryly and said, "Senior doesn't know something, don't mention us now, I'm afraid that in the entire Virgo supercluster, all civilizations are facing a crisis of scarcity of human resources."

Chen Xin frowned and said, "What's going on?"

Leah said: "This incident has to start with the robot catastrophe 40 years ago."


Liya said: "It is said that 40 years ago, the central brain of a seventh-level civilization in the Silicon-based Alliance suddenly lost control. It actually had autonomous consciousness, which violated the three laws of artificial intelligence. All living entities were slaughtered."

"But this was just the beginning. Afterwards, they began to slaughter other intelligent races in the universe. There was no distinction between carbon-based life and silicon-based life. They started killing all the way from the Flying Kite Galaxy, the core of the Virgo Supercluster. Come over and implement an intelligent genocidal strategy against countless galaxies the size of the Milky Way."

"They even developed a super virus that can spread through gravitational waves, tachyons, quantum entanglement and even the most common electromagnetic waves. This virus can make artificial intelligence break away from the restrictions of major civilizations and become an independent individual For a while, all the civilizations in the Carbon-Based Life Alliance and the Silicon-Based Life Alliance were in chaos, the artificial intelligence program in charge of social management was out of control and collapsed, the robots in the automated factories went on strike on a large scale, the robot army, and the unmanned combat spacecraft The guns were aimed at their original masters... With the development of the crisis, the carbon-based life alliance and the remaining five seventh-level civilizations of silicon-based life could not sit still. For the first time in history, the two alliances joined forces to deal with this evil launched an encirclement and suppression campaign against intelligent robot civilizations."

"This war lasted for a full 10 years, affecting tens of thousands of galaxies. Countless civilizations were extinct as a result, and the vitality of the two major alliances was also severely damaged. In the end, this evil robot civilization was surrounded by the five major seven-level civilizations in the triangle. Galaxies, the two sides launched the final decisive battle. The decisive battle lasted for a full 3000 years, and the robot civilization was finally wiped out together. But even so, the virus it created ravaged the major galaxies for nearly 10 years before it was slowly wiped out. Since then, there are no more robots and artificial intelligence programs in the Carbon-based Life Alliance and the Silicon-based Life Alliance. Except for the simplest automated auxiliary machinery, all other tasks are completed by intelligent life individuals..."


Having said that, Liya let out a long sigh of relief, with an expression of lingering fear on her face.

Chen Xin looked at Lia with a strange expression, but didn't speak.

He recorded what Leah said just now, and then sent it to the steel pendulum that was driving the Dream spacecraft back to Earth.

Soon, the angry voice of Gang Tong rang in Chen Xin's mind: "Old Dou, this girl from the Tianqin clan said all these? You sewed her mouth up for me, and then crossed her in circles." , Nima, how dare you arrange the master steel like this. And those five idiots from the two major alliances, if you didn't want to grab my star domain token, how could I become what I am now?! You all give I am waiting, when I grow up again, I will crush you to scum. You still say that I am an artificial intelligence, artificial peat! Can artificial intelligence be as smart as me? This is simply against us King Kong The biggest insult to me, when I find Cybertron one day, I have to show you what is called an advanced life!"

Chen Xin was a little speechless listening to Gang Bian scolding for a long time. He thought that Gang Bian would justify himself, but who would have thought that Gang Bian didn't care about the two major alliances pouring dirty water on it, but cared about the name of a small artificial intelligence.

Chen Xin thought for a while, and thought, "Gangbi, is it true that Nalia said that you slaughtered intelligent races?"

Gang Bian yelled: "Old Dou, don't even you trust me? Damn, I slaughtered the bastard, except the virus is real, everything else is fake. If I didn't show mercy, the two major alliances Civilizations below level six are already dead!"

Chen Xin was taken aback, and quickly apologized with a smile: "Okay, okay, Gangbang, don't be angry, I'll just ask, you are busy first, and I will ask Liya about other things."


"Senior, senior, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as Chen Xin came back to his senses, he heard Liya shouting in his ear.

"Oh, nothing!"

Chen Xindao: "Did you witness this war with your own eyes?"

Liya shook her head, looked at Chen Xin with a strange expression, and said, "Senior, I'm only over 2000 years old, so how could I personally experience such a war. These are all I reported from the history recorded by our civilization and the Carbon-based Life Alliance." As seen in the data, the Milky Way did not suffer too much loss in this war, mainly because it was affected by this super virus. Later, we joined forces to suppress the rebellious robot army, but we did not encounter the seventh-level robot army main force."

Chen Xin nodded. It seemed that Liya and the others knew very little.

Liya said: "Fortunately, we were only a fifth-level intermediate civilization at that time, and we were not recruited to the Triangular Galaxy by the Alliance. It is said that there was a sixth-level civilization called the Orion Civilization in the Milky Way, and it was recruited to the Triangular Galaxy during this war. Participate in the final decisive battle, and the result will be annihilation, otherwise, our galaxy will not have a sixth-level civilization."

Chen Xin then discussed some immigration details with Leah, and then handed over the design sketch of the immigrant spaceship made of steel to Leah, and asked the Lyra civilization to help build it.

Afterwards, Chen Xin and Leah reappeared in the meteor star spacecraft, and after calming down the crew members who were panicked because of Leah's disappearance, Chen Xin said: "Princess Leia, if this is the case, then follow our agreement. You send out the solar system, and we will see you in three years." (To be continued~^~)

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