super robot clone

Chapter 559 Returning to Treasure Island

Liya nodded and looked at Chen Xin and said, "Senior, wait, if any emergency happened in the past three years and we need to contact you, what should we do?"

Chen Xin smiled slightly, took out a Taiji diagram and handed it to Leah, saying: "You take this thing, if you encounter an emergency, just hold the Taiji diagram and recite the name of Zhan Suju silently, and I will appear in front of you .”

When Chen Xin got the second Taiji diagram from Liya before, he quietly dripped his own blood on it.

Although there was no special change in this Taiji diagram, Yang Lin could feel that at the moment his blood fused with the second Taiji diagram, a mysterious and mysterious connection was established between the two Taiji diagrams.

This connection is so wonderful that it is difficult for Chen Xin to describe it in words.The only thing he can be sure of is that no matter how far apart the two Taiji diagrams are, even if they are separated by [-] million light years, he can pass through one Taiji diagram and instantly appear next to the other Taiji diagram.

This even gave him a feeling of a gate of time and space.

Liya took the Taiji diagram, smiled sweetly and said, "Then thank you, senior."

Chen Xin said: "Oh, by the way, there is one more thing."

"Senior, please speak."

Chen Xin said: "Wait for me for 10 minutes, I will tell you later."

As he spoke, Chen Xin's body instantly disappeared into the spaceship.

The immunity of everyone in the spaceship has obviously improved a lot, and this time it is not as loud as before.

Ten minutes later, Chen Xin reappeared in the spaceship with an extra alloy box in his hand.

Liya suddenly asked with beautiful eyes: "Senior, what is this?"

Chen Xin put the alloy box on the floor, opened it and pushed it in front of Leah.

Liya knelt down, frowned and looked at the tubes of bright red blood inside the alloy box, and said, "Senior, this is...?"

Chen Xin smiled slightly and said: "Human blood! I hope you can read the genetic map of human beings, create genetic medicines suitable for human beings, and extend human life to about 1000 years. I need [-] such life-extending medicines. "

Leah closed the alloy box again and said, "No problem!"

Genetic medicine that prolongs life by only 1000 years can reach the third-level peak civilization, which is not a problem for Tianqin civilization at all.

Leah hesitated for a moment, then said: "Senior, do you want me to prepare more of these medicines, after all, the earth has 70 billion people..."

Chen Xin waved his hand and said, "You don't need that many, [-] is enough."

A lot of things can be done in 1000 years, and Chen Xin dare not let all human beings use the genetic medicine that only comes out of the Tianqin civilization.

Perhaps the genetic medicine is nothing to the Tianqin civilization, but it is a treasure like an elixir to human beings. Chen Xin intends to give the genetic medicine to the top scientists in the human race.

In addition, those leaders of various countries who have performed outstandingly in the process of transferring all human beings can also receive such rewards.

With such benefits, don't worry about them not working hard.

After talking about the gene medicine, Chen Xin continued: "In addition, Leah, I want you to collect all the special materials developed from the third level civilization to the fifth level civilization. The quantity does not need to be too much, but the types must be complete. .”

Leah was taken aback. Compared with [-] genetic medicines, this task was more difficult.

She looked at Chen Xin in puzzlement and said, "Senior, the types of materials you mentioned probably reached hundreds of millions. Do you want to collect them all?"

Chen Xin nodded and said, "Try to collect everything, don't miss anything."

Liya frowned and said: "But in this case, three years may not be enough time, after all, many materials have been eliminated..."

Chen Xindao: "Don't worry about this, I can wait, but within three years, you have collected all the materials that can be produced by the third-level civilization, shouldn't it be a problem?"

The expression on Liya's face suddenly relaxed, and she smiled: "Senior, don't worry, there is absolutely no problem."

Chen Xin said: "Okay, since that's the case, then I'll send you out!"

Chen Xin waved his hand, and the meteor star spacecraft of the Tianqin civilization gradually became transparent and then disappeared.

Chen Xin stood alone in the void, surrounded by a sky full of stars, the sun was no different from ordinary stars at this distance.

Chen Xin sighed. He has already made all the arrangements that can be made. What will happen to mankind in the future depends on God's will!


June 2013, 6, Children's Day.

With 0 votes in favor and [-] votes in favor, the United Nations Security Council adopted the agreement on the use of force by the United Nations against IS.

Five permanent members of the Security Council and ten non-permanent members all voted in favor.

On the day the resolution was launched, 15 armored troops from China and the United States formed the Southern Army, which set off from bases in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia and entered Iraq on a large scale.

The commander of the Southern Army is Admiral Chang Siwei, chief of staff of the PLA, and the deputy commander is Lieutenant General Fox, commander-in-chief of the US Fifth Fleet.

The European Union and Russian coalition forces entered Syria from Turkey to attack the IS forces entrenched in Syria.

In addition, the air forces centered on the Somali unmanned fighter force have also launched large-scale air strikes against IS.

On June 6, just as the United Nations army entered Tikrit smoothly and the news of the Chinese Army's outstanding performance was transmitted back to China, the delegations of China, the United States, and Japan suddenly held a joint press conference in the Chinese capital, urging the island to Return to China soon.

The head of the US delegation, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, even directly declared in an interview with Taiwan media that the United States will withdraw from the Asia-Pacific region. If the Taiwan government does not agree to the return plan, the United States will support the Chinese government to take it back by force.

For a moment, the entire continent was in a state of boiling.

The unification of the country is the long-cherished wish of almost all Chinese people. No one thought that the dawn of regaining Baodao suddenly appeared on this day.

The inside of Treasure Island fell into a state of sluggishness and shock. Everyone knew that the reason why Treasure Island had the confidence to confront the mainland was that the United States and Japan were the biggest benefactors.

Now that the United States and Japan have suddenly left Baodao alone, the government of Baodao has been thrown into chaos.

The green camp that originally advocated DL suddenly became panic-stricken all day long. In less than a week, those politicians who clamored for DL ​​all silenced their voices and behaved with their tails between their legs.Known as the godfather of DL, Yanli Zhengnan officially immigrated to Japan and left his Chinese nationality a week after the news was announced.

The Unification Faction, which is not popular on the island, also trembled at this time, and some politicians who were originally pro-mainland began to loudly promote the benefits of unification in the media.

For a time, public opinion on the island changed so quickly that it was dizzying. (to be continued~^~)

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