super robot clone

Chapter 561 Premiere of "Three Body"

Chen Xin walked out of the conference room. Outside the corridor was a huge glass curtain wall. A large hexagonal building covering an area of ​​nearly 100 square meters was already standing outside the building where Chen Xin was. Science City Life Science Experimental Building.

The Science City covers an area of ​​nearly [-] hectares and is composed of dozens of buildings of different heights. These buildings are all frame structures, and all building structures are pre-produced by factories, and then airlifted to Somalia for assembly by Chinese workers , China's Yuanda Group is the general contractor for the project.

The appearance of these buildings is basically square and unremarkable, but if anyone knows that these works were completed in less than four months, I am afraid that the only thing left is amazement.

At present, the construction progress of Science City has exceeded 60.00%, and quite a few buildings have been put into operation.

At the same time, top scientists from various countries have gathered in Mogadishu to participate in various projects of the Science City.

Among them, biomedicine, physics, astronomy and mathematics are the most valued by Chen Xin.

Needless to say, life sciences, 70 billion people on earth.It can only be regarded as a small population in the entire Milky Way, so Chen Xin must increase the lifespan of human beings in a short time and increase the population.

At this time, the life sciences show its importance.

Physics involves whether human beings can break through to the third-level civilization, how to study the Higgs boson, and find out the transformation mechanism between energy and gravity has also become the top priority.

As for astronomy and mathematics, one represents the degree of human understanding of the universe, and the other, known as the queen of science, is the foundation of all natural sciences, and its importance is beyond doubt.

Thinking of what Schwartz said to himself just now, Chen Xin smiled slightly, took out his mobile phone and pretended to say to Gangbang: "Gangbang, pay attention to the recent rumors on the Internet, we will act according to the plan!"

"Okay! Old Bean!"

Chen Xin shook his head and smiled, then turned and returned to his office.

The current Star Ring Science City is almost the embryonic form of the Academy of Human Sciences, so Chen Xin can't help but ignore it.

During this time, he stayed in his office almost every day, ready to attend academic conferences of various disciplines at any time.

After all, regarding the future development direction of human science and technology, Chen Xin is undoubtedly the one with the most say.

Chen Xin's office is a suite. As soon as he entered the office, Su Xiaoxiao stood up in a panic, looked at Chen Xin and said, "Mr. Chen, you are back!"

Chen Xin shook his head and said, "Xiaoxiao, didn't I say that there is no need to be so polite between us, what is the next arrangement?"

Su Xiaoxiao's father, Su Jianguo, was arranged by Osborn to Mogadishu to be in charge of the construction of the Star Ring Group Science City because of his effective management of the infrastructure engineering field. Unexpectedly, Su Xiaoxiao also followed. Chen Xin and her were so dramatic met face to face.

In addition, she was familiar with Wang Xiaoyue, so Wang Xiaoyue begged Chen Xin to arrange a job for her.

Chen Xin was very busy at this time, so he simply asked Su Xiaoxiao to join his office and become his personal assistant.

Regarding the relationship between Su Xiaoxiao and Chen Xin, Wang Xiaoyue didn't seem to notice it, but Ling Wei saw some clues. After questioning Chen Xin in private, Chen Xin reluctantly revealed his entanglement with Su Xiaoxiao.

For this reason, Chen Xin was almost squeezed out by the jealous Ling Wei, but in the end Ling Wei still acquiesced in the existence of Su Xiaoxiao. After all, with Chen Xin's current status on the earth, he didn't have any kind of woman he wanted.

Su Xiaoxiao didn't respond to Chen Xin's closeness. Although she had some inexplicable thoughts in her heart, she knew Chen Xin's current status.

After learning that he has become Chen Xin's personal assistant, his father Su Jianguo has told him several times to be careful, and even seduce Chen Xin if necessary. Whenever these topics are mentioned, Su Xiaoxiao will Be silent.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at the computer screen and said: "Mr. Chen. There is a meeting of the Materials Science and Engineering Committee at 15:20 and you are required to attend. At 16:30 you have an appointment to meet Mr. Hawking. At 17:30, you want to accompany Ms. Wang Xiaoyue and Ms. Ling Wei has dinner, at 18:20, you will also attend the premiere of the movie "Three-Body Problem" in Mogadishu."

Chen Xin nodded, looked at the time on his watch, and said, "There is still about half an hour before the next meeting. I'll squint for a while. When the time is up, wake me up!"

"Okay, Mr. Chen!"

There was also a small bedroom in the office. Chen Xin walked in, lay down and fell asleep without taking off his clothes.

He was really tired during this time.

Since the establishment of the Star Ring Group Science City, Chen Xin has seen too many top scientists in various fields, and there are not a few of them like Hawking.

However, Hawking was still one of the top physicists Chen Xin was most willing to talk to.

Perhaps because of severe amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and being paralyzed in bed all year round, Hawking sees things from a very different angle from others. Every time he talks with this top physicist, Chen Xin will always be impressed by his thoughts. Overwhelmed by the light of wisdom.

And with the help of steel 镚, Chen Xin also made a brain-controlled exoskeleton auxiliary movement device for Hawking. With this device, Hawking can not only walk normally, but also skillfully tap the keyboard with his ten fingers.

Therefore, Hawking's gratitude to Chen Xin is beyond doubt.

Back and forth, within a short period of less than a month, the two of them became close friends. Every one or two days, Chen Xin would chat with Hawking, from philosophy to mathematics, and then from physics to astronomy. The topic is wild and all-encompassing.

Chen Xin also benefited a lot from this process.

As for the movie "Three-Body Problem", Chen Xin informed Wu Jun to temporarily suspend its filming last year because of the blockade by the United States against the war. All the content below has been reshot.

This time, "Three-Body Problem" will be screened globally, and the promotional efforts will be unprecedentedly strong.

From China to Japan, and then to the United States, Europe, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Egypt, South Africa... The media in almost all countries in the world are reporting this unprecedented science fiction blockbuster.

The governments of various countries also strongly support this. After all, in three years, human civilization is about to encounter an important change. In the future, human outlook on life, the universe, and even values ​​will be recast. A direct description of the dark universe like the Three-Body Problem can be called ruinous. Sanguan's work is undoubtedly the best brainwashing tool.

From this, one can imagine how much Chen Xin attached importance to this movie.

And tonight is the day when "Three-Body Problem" will be released simultaneously around the world. At that time, not only Chen Xin, but also all the staff in Science City will organize to watch this movie. (to be continued~^~)

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