super robot clone

Chapter 562 Virtual Reality

There were no movie theaters in Mogadishu originally, but after Zhanhu Bureau took over, Chen Xin asked Ahdi to build several movie theaters. In addition, there are two movie theaters in the newly built Science City, one of which is at the Science City headquarters In the building, it is convenient for these scientists to relax and rest.

Tonight, the main venue for the premiere of the movie "Three-Body Problem" is in the capital of China. The main venue in Mogadishu is to join in the fun and let scientists from all over the world relax.

However, what is expected this time is that "The Three-Body Problem" is the first super blockbuster film in history that uses virtual reality technology to shoot and play.

To this end, the Star Ring Group has specially built [-] virtual reality theaters in Beijing, Shanghai, Yangcheng, Seoul, Tokyo, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Rio de Janeiro, London, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Dubai and other cities.

These theaters do not have the usual large screens in ordinary theaters, but are composed of seats with helmets, which are a bit like hair perm machines in beauty salons, but undoubtedly much more high-end.

After the audience puts on the helmet, it seems to be integrated into the movie. They can move their bodies and adjust their seats to watch movies from various angles.

In order to let the audience feel everything in the movie, cold wind, heat waves, and various smells will be used in the theater to simulate the environment in the movie.

Since Cybertron Digital announced that "The Three-Body Problem" will use this projection technology a month ago, it immediately attracted worldwide attention.

These 9 virtual reality theaters, each theater consists of 1000 theaters, with more than 20 seats. Cybertron Digital has invested more than [-] billion US dollars in these theaters alone, not to mention the movie itself.

Everyone thinks that Digital Cybertron is crazy, and even Hollywood, which has always admired technology, is amazed by Digital Cybertron's generosity.

But "Three-Body Problem" has already achieved the purpose of publicity. Almost all movie fans around the world are discussing this phenomenon-level super blockbuster enthusiastically. Even some people who usually don't pay attention to movies have noticed the existence of "Three-Body Problem".

Some people think that this movie will revolutionize film technology like Cameron's "Avatar" back then, and some people think that Cybertron Digital will lose everything.Regardless, Digital Cybertron has lived up to its hype.

More importantly, when the pre-sale started half a month in advance, each 400 RMB virtual reality theater movie ticket was sold out, and even a week later the seat was already reserved.

People who were not optimistic about "The Three-Body Problem" were also stunned by the madness of the fans.

Based on the daily viewing volume of 1 movie theaters in each virtual reality theater, Digital Cybertron has recovered a box office of [-] million US dollars in just [-] virtual reality theaters’ one-week pre-sales. Such a terrifying ability to attract money , until everyone was dumbfounded.

As the release of "Three-Body Problem" approaches, the discussion of this movie is becoming more and more heated.

Among other things, China Central Television's "NEWS Lianbo" has been reporting on the movie at an average rate of 5 minutes a day since the week before its release, and news at other times is often mentioned.

Among Chinese young people, the discussion about "The Three-Body Problem" has also set off a climax. Even many people who didn't pay attention to it have found the novel to read. After reading it, at least 90.00% of them will become Liu Cixin's hardcore. 90.00% of five people will have extremely high expectations for the movie.

And high-cold words such as the usual dark forest and two-way foil have also become popular words among young people.

Until the day when the movie was about to be released, even the tickets for the 3D version of the premiere zero-point show were all sold out. On the first day of the release, "Three-Body Problem" had more than 60.00% of the film schedules in the world, and 20 screens around the world will The movie will be played, and it is expected that the audience in the city where it will be played will exceed 20 billion.

But when it comes to virtual reality technology, only a VR theater in Mogadishu Science City has realized full virtual reality technology.

Because the movie theater does not use a viewing helmet, but a viewing cabin newly developed by Qiao Ting's scientific research team.

This kind of viewing cabin can simulate all the environments in the movie, which is many times more high-end than other cities such as cold wind and hot wind.

Even in the Science City, there are only a hundred such viewing cabins, and only the top scientists can enjoy the treatment of the viewing cabins during the premiere.

When Chen Xin brought Wang Xiaoyue, Ling Wei, Qiao Ting, and Su Xiaoxiao to the VR theater, many invited scientists had already arrived.

Seeing Chen Xin, scientists from all over the world came up to say hello.

Wang Xiaoyue and the others thought they stepped aside and watched Chen Xin chatting with these old men.

It's not that these scientists are flattering Chen Xin, it's that Chen Xin is too evil. Chen Xin will participate in almost every academic conference in every field, and he will also put forward some guiding opinions in the conference. Many assumptions are made by ordinary people. It's beyond my imagination, but when I think about it carefully, it gives people a feeling of enlightenment.

This made these scientists who have always been proud of themselves gradually admire Chen Xin.

Seeing that the invited people were almost here, Chen Xin walked up to the speaking stage and said into the microphone: "Good evening everyone, welcome to today's premiere of "Three-Body Problem", I believe everyone has been looking forward to this movie for a long time. So we don't waste everyone's time, well, let's start watching the movie."

Amid the laughter of the crowd, scientists from all over the world entered the viewing cabin one after another.

Chen Xin and Wang Xiaoyue's four daughters also couldn't wait to lie down in it.

As a "Three-Body Problem" fan, Chen Xin naturally pays a lot of attention to this movie produced by his company. However, in order to maintain a sense of expectation, from the completion of shooting to the present, the only person who has experienced this movie in virtual reality is Among the few people including the director, Chen Xin himself hadn't experienced much.

After entering the virtual cabin, Chen Xin felt his eyes go dark. Accompanied by the majestic music, a beam of light lit up, and three unusually bright stars appeared in the distant starry sky.


Chen Xin heard the exclamation of Wang Xiaoyue's four daughters, and lit up the place next to him. Soon, Wang Xiaoyue and the others also appeared in the void.

"Brother Chen Xin, this... is this the real space?"

Wang Xiaoyue looked around curiously, except for the three unusually bright stars, there was a brilliant starry sky all around.And Wang Xiaoyue and the others appeared in the starry sky from the perspective of God.

Wang Xiaoyue, Ling Wei, and Qiao Ting had all been in space on an aerospace plane, so they quickly adapted to it. Su Xiaoxiao, who entered this scene for the first time, was already nervous and didn't know where to put her hands.

Chen Xin smiled slightly, waved to them and said, "Come here, let's watch together." (To be continued~^~)

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