super robot clone

Chapter 565 Doomsday

In the following week, a wave of "Three-Body Problem" became widely popular in the world, and the box office of the "Three-Body Problem" movie also rose steadily with this sudden craze.

People discuss the shocking sci-fi scenes in movies, and discuss the dreamlike experience of virtual reality theaters.

Under the conscious or unintentional guidance of public opinion in various countries, discussions on the good and evil of alien civilizations have also risen to a whole new level. even conducted a survey specifically for this, and 82.7% of people believed that human beings must be wary of alien civilizations, and less than [-]% believed that alien civilizations should be benevolent, and the rest belonged to those kind of neutral.

Chen Xin is naturally happy to see the results. The most important role of the movie "Three-Body Problem" is to set off a trend of thought in human society that reflects on expectations for alien civilizations, although this trend of thought may have a negative impact on the solar system. Other intelligent civilizations seem very immature, but the road is always blazed step by step. With such mental preparations, when human beings really encounter alien civilizations in the future, they will not be caught off guard.

The global screening of "Three-Body Problem" lasted for three full months, and the screening of virtual reality theaters lasted for nearly half a year. The virtual reality theaters in cities such as Beijing and Shanghai have even become one of the must-see attractions for foreign tourists. one.

Even those who have already watched "Three-Body Problem" on a 3D screen, after experiencing the virtual reality theater, were equally stunned.

All the people who came out of the virtual reality theater were full of praise for this experience, and thought that the 200 yuan was completely worth the ticket price.

In the end, the global box office of the first movie version of "Three-Body Problem" exceeded 100 billion US dollars, of which China alone contributed nearly 30 billion US dollars.

For movie fans around the world, this is a carnival.

Many people are predicting that with the popularity of virtual reality theaters, the box office of the second part of "Three-Body Problem" is likely to set an unattainable record.

But Chen Xin knows that the public may not have the opportunity to see the second part of "Three-Body Problem" in a short time.

Because in the next few years, everyone's eyes on the earth will probably focus on the impending catastrophe.


2013 10 Month 23 Day.

Not long after the news that "The Three-Body Problem" broke through the 100 billion mark at the global box office, an unconfirmed piece of news suddenly spread on the Internet.

"The Mathilde asteroid is rushing towards the earth, and all mankind will face annihilation."

Although this news did not appear in any media, it was widely circulated on the Internet.

The cause of the matter has to start from the beginning.

As early as the early days of the release of "Three-Body Problem", some rumors about aliens coming to earth and mankind's imminent end of the world began to appear on the Internet.

This rumor originated from a post in Tieba in 2012. This post not only predicted that mankind would face a catastrophe, but also linked the military and political actions of various countries in the past one or two years, saying that the five permanent members of the United Nations have united , are preparing for the imminent end of the world.

However, most netizens did not take this rumor seriously.

After all, a year ago, there were still many people who vowed that we humans were about to face the end of the world.

Because according to the prophecy of the Mayan calendar, the world we live in has five cycles of destruction and rebirth—each cycle is the so-called "solar period".

According to this legend, we are now in the fourth "solar period", and around 2012 will be the beginning of the "fifth solar period".

Due to the huge business opportunities implied in this prophecy, it was widely publicized by the media and film companies, giving birth to famous disaster films such as "2012".

Even the 2012 post bar was established because of this movie.

After 2012, the discussion of the end of the world gradually subsided, but the "Three-Body Problem" was released, and discussions about the end of the world and aliens became popular on the Internet. Although most people didn't believe it, in this post However, for some reason, the content gradually became widely circulated in post bars, forums, Weibo, and even WeChat Moments.

In less than a month, this post appeared in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Portuguese, and it was also circulated on foreign networks.

Just when everyone thought it was just another wolf-crying joke, a piece of news from Iceland suddenly caught the attention of netizens.

An astronomer named George Brook posted on an astronomy enthusiast forum that he observed an asteroid named Mathilde that changed its original orbit for unknown reasons and rushed out of the asteroid belt.According to calculations, the asteroid will collide with the earth in three years.

In the beginning, the news was only circulated in circles of amateur astronomers.

After all, there is not too much news about the possibility of asteroids hitting the earth every year, not to mention that this is just the prediction of an ordinary astronomer and has not been officially confirmed.

But what happened next exceeded everyone's expectations.

George Brook kept publishing his observation data on that post, and the relevant data was quickly confirmed by astronomers all over the world.

Relevant news quickly spread to the Internet, causing widespread concern among netizens.

But most people still don't believe it very much, after all, there is no official news yet.

At this time, the media of various countries could not sit still, and they began to consult some professional astronomical observation institutions.

However, most of these astronomical institutions have unclear words and ambiguous attitudes towards media inquiries.

However, some astronomers confirmed the credibility of the news to the media in private.

And with the release of private observation reports, more and more evidence shows that the Mathilde asteroid will pose a huge threat to the earth.

With the extensive media reports, information about the Mathilde asteroid has suddenly become a hot spot of global concern.

The topic of the end of the world, which is similar to a joke, seems to be gradually becoming a reality.

Especially on September 9, when a reporter from The New York Times asked the White House press secretary to verify the authenticity of the news at the White House press conference, the White House press secretary did not directly deny it, but asked the reporter to wait for the latest official news .

Only four hours later, NASA, China National Space Administration, European Space Agency, and the Russian Federation National Space Agency announced on their respective official websites that they will be in BJ, Paris, and Moscow respectively at [-]:[-] am GMT. , Washington held a joint press conference.

The news caused a global sensation. (to be continued~^~)

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