super robot clone

Chapter 566 2 years later

Two years later.

July 2015, 7, Tuesday, Jiangcheng, early morning.

Jingle bell--

Yang Jing turned over, turned off the alarm on her mobile phone, opened her eyes in a daze, and checked the time, it was just after seven o'clock.

Get up and come out of the room, my father is reading the newspaper on the sofa, and my mother is busy in the kitchen.

The familiar voice of the CCTV host came from the TV.

"Good morning, audience friends, and welcome to today's "Morning News" program."

"Today's content mainly includes..."

"The Mathilde asteroid is 320 kilometers away from the earth and is expected to arrive at the earth in 450 days."

"At ten o'clock last night capital time, the Newton space elevator located in the waters near Madagascar completed its first test run, and the largest space-to-earth transportation system in human history is about to be launched."

"At noon on the 27th, US Eastern Time, the Council of the Earth Alliance held a press conference in New York, confirming that it will use a giant gigaton nuclear bomb to explode on the Mathilde in an attempt to deflect its orbit. Some scientists said , the mass of the Mathilde asteroid exceeds 20 billion tons, and a thermonuclear bomb equivalent to one billion tons of TNT is unlikely to change the orbit of the Mathilde asteroid, and the probability of success of the plan is less than 50.00%.”

"Yesterday afternoon, the Chinese central government held a working meeting in the capital, and will further accelerate the promotion of genetic ID cards. It is expected that genetic ID cards will be basically popularized nationwide by the end of the year..."

Yang Jing went into the bathroom and finished washing. When she came out, her mother had already placed breakfast on the table.

White flour steamed buns, clear porridge and pickles, plus an egg per person.

Mother seemed to know that Yang Jing didn't like to eat steamed buns, so she deliberately cut Yang Jing's steamed buns into small pieces, and then put them in the toaster to bake until they were burnt brown.

Yang Jing asked a little strangely: "Mom, didn't Dad go to the supply and marketing cooperative to get the ration yesterday? Why is there no milk today?"

Since the resumption of food rationing in May last year, although the problem of eating a full stomach is basically not a big problem, all kinds of special snacks in the past have disappeared, and almost all catering companies outside have closed down. The market has been depressed, and supermarkets have become supply and marketing cooperatives. , Even cigarettes have become a luxury.

Yang Jing's monthly diet can only be provided by the state, [-] catties of rice, [-] catties of noodles, [-] catties of pork, [-] eggs, one frozen chicken and one duck, and two frozen fish per person per month.

This is all Yang Jing's energy and protein source.

It can't be said to be bad, but I only eat these every month, without a variety of snacks and drinks, and without Yang Jing's favorite ice cream, milk is one of the few drinks that can make Yang Jing reminisce about her previous life.

On the contrary, vegetables and fruits are still sold in the market, but the price is at least twice as high as before.

For this reason, the green belt of the community where their home is located has been cleared of vegetation, and now all of them have become vegetable fields.

Father took a sip of gruel and said, "It's good to eat something. Anyway, when the asteroid hits, you young people can walk as much as you can. Our old bones might as well die on the earth!"

The mother glared at her father, and said to Yang Jing: "Don't listen to your father's nonsense, the milk is gone this month, but it has been replaced with frozen beef. The three of us can get ten catties of beef this month. When you come back from a business trip , Mom will make you your favorite tomato sirloin."

Yang Jing sighed and said, "I don't know when I can come back after going out this trip!"

Yang Jing is now a reporter for Jiangcheng TV Station. Since the news spread two years ago that the asteroid was about to hit the earth, the urban life column she was originally in charge of suddenly became uninterested. Everyone turned on the TV every day and the first The point of view is how far the Mathilde is from the earth.

Now Yang Jing goes to work every day, which means fishing for three days and drying the net for two days. Anyway, it's the same whether she does it or not. If it wasn't for the sudden business trip arranged by her unit, she wouldn't get up so early.

In fact, it's not just her, except for the students and those factory employees involved in the aerospace industry, most people on the earth are waiting to die like this.

The mother took out a wooden Buddha statue pendant from her pocket, hung it around Yang Jing's neck, and said, "Jingjing, this is the amulet that Mom asked for from Qingyun Temple. The elders of Qingyun Temple said that this amulet can keep you safe and sound." , you have to wear it next to your body, don't lose it!"


Yang Jing knew that her mother was begging gods and worshiping Buddha and wasting money everywhere again. She was just about to say a few words to her, but seeing her mother's pleading eyes, her heart softened all of a sudden.

Yang Jing pulled a small suitcase to the bus stop at the entrance of the community. The street, which was full of traffic, was empty at this time. Since the country announced that it would stop supplying oil, only a few people who can drive on the street now, except for government vehicles. Taxis and buses that use metal batteries.

The only thing that comforts Yang Jing is that, in order to facilitate the travel of citizens, the number and density of buses are several times higher than before. In addition, there is no traffic jam, and Yang Jing can go from home to all parts of the city much faster than before.

Yang Jing got on the bus and walked all the way. Most of the stores on both sides of the street had their doors closed. Half an hour later, the bus arrived at Jiangcheng TV Station. was transferred to a business trip for the first time.

As for what to do on this business trip, even the leader of the unit who led the team didn't know.

Yang Jing greeted several familiar colleagues, and not long after, the bus to pick them up arrived.

After getting on the bus, the bus drove directly to the airport.

Arriving at Jiangcheng Airport, Yang Jing discovered that the terminal building was already bustling with nearly a thousand people, including government officials and employees from major enterprises and institutions.

They are also grouped according to their occupations.

The Jiangcheng TV Station where Yang Jing and the others are located was assigned to the media group.

Until now, no one knows exactly where they are going and what they are going to do on this business trip.

Moreover, Yang Jing also discovered that the three Airbus A330 long-range passenger planes responsible for picking them up were actually three Airbus A330 long-range passenger planes. Naturally, Yang Jing is no stranger to this kind of aircraft. When she and Ling Wei were studying in France, they always took Airbus A[-] to return to China .

Thinking of Ling Wei and her mysterious boyfriend, Yang Jing couldn't help but sighed, and didn't know where she had gone. Two years ago, she and her family suddenly moved, so she broke any contact with her classmates and friends. Yang Jing once I've been looking for it for a while, but unfortunately there is no clue.

The passenger plane took off quickly, carrying more than 1000 people from Jiangcheng, and flew towards the vast unknown area. (to be continued~^~)

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