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Chapter 600 Outline of the Development of Fundamental Physics

After Stephen, the leader of the Science Committee, reported the technical progress to Chen Xin, the leader of the Social Affairs Committee then reported to Chen Xin the current development of human society.

In the past 20 years, the total human population has grown from the initial 70 billion to 100 billion, and the growth continues.

However, the carrying capacity of the New Earth is limited. At present, some people in the society have called for the population size in the New Earth to be moderately controlled.

However, the Supreme Council of the Human Alliance did not consider this issue, and instead introduced policies to further stimulate population growth.

After all, the development of science and technology today is enough to allow human beings to live a prosperous life.

In another ten years or so, the New Earth will arrive at the Flaming Galaxy. At that time, the resources in the Flaming Galaxy will provide enough for human beings to survive.

According to the future plan of the Supreme Council, after arriving in the Flaming Galaxy, humans will refer to the New Earth to design and build their own space city to accommodate a larger population.

For a real cosmic civilization, a population of 100 billion is far from enough. Even for a general third-level civilization, its population size is between 1000 billion and one trillion, while the size of a fourth-level civilization reaches tens of billions. Ten trillion, and the fifth-level civilization has reached tens of trillions.

Only with enough human resources can we push civilization to a higher peak.

Later, the leaders of the Social Affairs Committee introduced some other situations to Yang Lin.

In the past 25 years, the social and economic development of human beings has been relatively stable. Due to the existence of the second world, human beings have lost a lot of nostalgia for the earth.

As the proportion of new humans (humans born after immigrating to the New Earth) in the New Earth is getting higher and higher, human beings will gradually get rid of their nostalgia for the Earth era in the future.

The report lasted for a whole day, and Chen Xin had a preliminary understanding of the human society in the New Earth from various aspects such as society, technology, economy, and politics.

That night, the Supreme Council of the Human Alliance hosted a banquet in honor of Chen Xin. After the welcome dinner, Chen Xin stopped the Great Elder, Putin and others, as well as the main leaders of human civilization today.

Afterwards, he distributed the thin e-books made of graphene materials to everyone present.

"Mr. Chen, this is..."

Vader, the new generation supreme leader of the Human Alliance, looked at Chen Xin with some puzzlement.

Chen Xin smiled slightly, snapped his fingers lightly, and the e-books in everyone's hands instantly lit up.

Soon, everyone was attracted by the words on the cover.

"Outline for the Development of Fundamental Physics"

Chen Xindao: "You should take a general look at this information first, and I think Mr. Stephen will answer you if you don't understand."

Stephen, the leader of the Science and Technology Committee, is himself a top physicist who has emerged in recent years, and has the ability to roughly understand the key parts of this book about gravitational waves and the grand unified field equation.

Everyone was slightly taken aback, realizing that this e-book page was somewhat unusual.

Then, the conference room fell silent.

Everyone began to read the book carefully.

From this point of view, it was nearly two hours.

This book written by Chen Xin is not only a rigorous and professional theoretical work, but also contains many popular scientific notes, especially various 3D holographic video illustrations. Anyone who has a certain theoretical knowledge of physics can basically Can understand.

But when it comes to the Higgs boson and gravitational waves, many people find it difficult to read.

An hour later, the Great Elder, Putin and others put the book down, and only a few senior officials with engineering backgrounds such as Stephen and other scientists continued to read it.

Chen Xin's compendium of hundreds of thousands of words, the formulas and laws involved in it cover all aspects from the second-level civilization to the fourth-level civilization, and almost none of them are superfluous.As time went by, the expressions on the faces of Stephen and others became more and more excited and excited, especially when it came to the part of the Grand Unified Field Theory, their faces were flushed and they were trembling with excitement.

After a long time, Stephen calmed down, put down the e-book, took out a tissue and wiped the sweat from his forehead, then walked up to Chen Xin respectfully and bowed to him: "Mr. Human beings will never forget their great kindness and virtue!"

Wade looked at Stephen with some doubts and said, "Stephen, what's written on the back of this?"

Stephen took a deep breath and said: "The development outline of basic physics given to us by Mr. Chen contains not only gravitational field theory, space dimension technology, tachyon technology, but also the grand unified field that all of us dream of. Theory...With the guidance of this book, as long as we develop step by step, within the next thousand to two thousand years, we can step into the category of a fourth-level civilization."


"Stephen, can the contents of this book really allow us to enter the fourth level?"

"God, Mr. Chen, you...where did you get these materials?"

Everyone in the meeting room fell into a daze, and immediately, all eyes focused on Chen Xin.

After immigrating to the New Earth, Chen Xin has explained to them the division marks of civilization levels and the current form of the Milky Way.

In their view, the third-level civilization that can explore tens of light years nearby is already unattainable, let alone the fourth-level civilization that can fly faster than light and the fifth-level civilization that stands at the top of the food chain in the Milky Way.

According to the normal development speed of human beings, even if they enter the third-level civilization, it will take tens of thousands of years for human beings to develop into the ranks of the fourth-level civilization.

No one expected that the content recorded in this thin page could actually shorten the development time of human beings from hundreds of thousands of years to thousands of years.

This even means that some of them can even live to the day when humans enter the fourth level.

What an honor this is!

How great is this!

For a moment, everyone's eyes on Chen Xin became complicated.

Especially for Vader and others, although they have always learned some legendary stories about Chen Xin from the elders and others, they have always been in a state of doubt.

Just today, they were finally lucky enough to witness Chen Xin's magic.

This time alone, Chen Xin left an indelible impression on them for life.

And the Great Elder and the others lamented Chen Xin's mysterious and unpredictable background, and their awe of Chen Xin was even more invisibly raised!

Chen Xin turned a blind eye to everyone's eyes, and said with a smile: "Okay, I've already said what I need to say, you go back, and remember to keep this information well!"


"Mr. Chen, then we will not disturb you!"

"Mr. Chen, take a good rest first!" (to be continued~^~)

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