After returning to the New Earth spacecraft, Chen Xin did not wake up Wang Xiaoyue and the others.

Although he has already obtained a lot of genetic medicines that can prolong human life for thousands of years from the Tianqin civilization, unless one day Chen Xin can transform Wang Xiaoyue and the others into immortal beings like himself, otherwise, he will not use them. They thaw.He doesn't want to watch the person he loves grow old day by day while he can't do anything about it.

For the next ten years, Chen Xin's life in the New Earth was dull but fulfilling.

He and Gang Yan further improved the second world. With the information obtained from the fifth-level Tianqin civilization as the basis, the authenticity of the second world is also further improved.

For example, in the original Second World, quarks were the basis of matter, but in today's Second World, quarks have been given a more accurate definition by Chen Xin.

In fact, quarks are not "particles" but an energy structure.By extension, electrons, protons, atoms, molecules, and even people and matter now are.

For example, the top quark, bottom quark, etc. talk about the energy structure relationship of quarks, rather than the description of the characteristics of some quarks.Just like destroying any of the main foundations of a high-rise building, the building will collapse instead of the building.You can't take any of the top quarks, bottom quarks, etc.Otherwise the mechanism is destroyed and the quarks disappear.

Now the quarks are not in the form of "particles", but the basic energy that constitutes this energy structure.

In the superstring theory of the top physics community, scientists speculate that there is the most basic energy background in the universe, because the currently known energy exists in the form of fluctuations, so it is called "one-dimensional string" for the convenience of description and research.

This string is a non-physical form, just a description of energy.It can't be described with such rough words as "particles", which is beyond the understanding of ordinary people.It can even be said that it has roughly revealed the world shown by the superstring material in the yin-yang-taiji diagram.

While expanding the micro and macro structures of the second world, Chen Xin would occasionally go to the Academy of Sciences to guide the latest technological developments.

During this period, under the guidance of the "Outline for the Development of Fundamental Physics", the basic theory of mankind has developed by leaps and bounds.

Especially in the second world, human civilization has started the manufacture and test flight of spaceships equipped with curvature engines, and for the first time has the ability to independently manufacture spaceships near the speed of light (0.9 times the speed of light).

This means that mankind has almost obtained the key to enter the third-level civilization.

Subsequently, technologies such as anti-gravity engines, gravity bombs, and nuclear fusion manufacturing (synthesizing heavy elements with different atomic numbers through hydrogen nuclei and helium nuclei, similar to the legendary alchemy) made breakthroughs one after another, and various new technologies and materials emerged one after another.

Although because the New Earth is still on a long voyage, there is no room for large-scale application of these technologies.

However, through this kind of research, human beings' control of the New Earth has unconsciously improved to a higher level.

The time has entered the 40th year of the Milky Way calendar without knowing it. If it is converted into the AD, it should be 2055 AD by now.

At this time, the four-dimensional barrier that has shielded the solar system for tens of millions of years has finally come to its last moment.

A distortion suddenly appeared in the space outside the Oort cloud in the solar system, and a crack millions of kilometers long began to slowly appear in the void.

Immediately afterwards, this fissure rapidly expanded to tens of millions of kilometers, and there were more and more fissures around it, and the scope of its spread became wider and wider.

At the connection between the crack and the normal space, one after another of dazzling rays of light shoot out, this is because the fourth dimension in the four-dimensional barrier is collapsing sharply, releasing a large amount of energy.

This kind of situation keeps appearing in the area with a diameter of 2 light-years shrouded by the four-dimensional barrier. The spherical Oort cloud in the entire solar system seems to be split by some unknown force. Big and small holes.

Finally, the structure that maintains the most basic energy system of the four-dimensional barrier can no longer support it. The four-dimensional barrier bursts like a huge balloon with a "poof", and the area where the entire solar system is located instantly erupts into an explosion that is almost no less than a supernova. The energy of the explosion illuminated the starry sky within a few light-years nearby.


Inside the New Earth, Chen Xin suddenly opened his eyes.

The black and white Tai Chi diagrams projected from his body, floating in front of his eyes silently.

The Tai Chi diagram slowly rotated, and Chen Xin felt that his connection with the solar system was rapidly weakening.

Whether it was in the Phoenix Star or in the New Earth before, he could clearly perceive everything that happened in the solar system, and he could clearly describe even the trajectory of an atom.

But now, he has lost control of the solar system, and his perception of the solar system is rapidly decreasing. He can only faintly perceive the existence of the sun and the eight planets. In the end, even the last trace of connection has disappeared.

Chen Xin waved his hand, and the Tai Chi Diagram instantly sank into his body.

The figure of the steel coin appeared at the door of the room: "Old Dou, what happened just now?"

Chen Xin said slowly: "The solar system is exposed!"

Although this matter had been expected, Chen Xin still felt a slight pressure.

After all, the exposure of the solar system means that the most powerful civilizations in the Virgo supercluster will cast their sights on this inconspicuous small galaxy in the universe.

Even for today's steel 镚, in the hearts of these civilizations, they can be regarded as ants that can be crushed to death, let alone human beings.

For the first time, there was a solemn expression on Gang Bian's face, and he said: "Old Dou, what should come will come after all, the most important thing for us now is to develop ourselves! One day, we will be on an equal footing with those guys of!"

Chen Xin nodded and said: "You are right! Now we must speed up our own development!"

At this time, a special communication device on Chen Xin's body rang.

Chen Xin signaled Gang Bian to hide his figure, then he waved his hand, and a slender phantom appeared in his room.

"grown ups!"

Alice, Queen of the Lyra, gave Chen Xin a little blessing, and said, "Our probes deployed near the solar system have just observed that the lost star field has reappeared."

Chen Xindao: "I see. Next, according to the normal procedure, you will send a fleet to seal off the Lost Star Field, and report the observation results truthfully! Don't show any abnormalities. If any advanced civilization comes over next, I will deal with it! Yes Say hello to Leah for me!"

"Yes! My lord, then I will take my leave first!"

Queen Alice's figure flickered and disappeared instantly. (to be continued~^~)

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