(' In past and present lives, if there is anyone who hates Xu Junran, Huang Zixuan, the adoptive father who killed him, must be the first person to hate him all his life. And the rest, Qin Guotong, Cheng Hongda and Wu Liangxin in front of him, are definitely on the list famous.

If Qin Guotong and Cheng Hongda did certain things to make Xu Junran feel that if he wanted to live happily in this life, he had to deal with them, then this Wu Liangxin made Xu Junran hate him to the bone!This kind of hatred, Xu Junran had already engraved it in his heart when he was a child in his previous life.

After Yan Wangsong resigned from the position of secretary of the county party committee, Yang Weitian became the secretary of the county party committee, while Wu Liangxin changed from the director of the county party committee to the deputy county magistrate.

Just from this point of view, Xu Junran doesn't hate him.

What Xu Junran really hated was because of Wu Liangxin's attitude towards himself and his adoptive father.

In the previous life, Xu Junran's adoptive father worked in the political research office. As a result, Wu Liangxin sent his adoptive father to the countryside for research every now and then, and they always went to the most remote places. Once, he even fell down a mountain road and developed a coughing problem.Later, if Li Dongyuan hadn't regained power in the city, and Wu Liangxin had been transferred to another place, his family's life would have been even more difficult.And the root cause of all this is that Wu Liangxin's son likes Yuan Xiaoh, and Yuan Xiaoh likes herself.Moreover, his adoptive father was also promoted by Yan Wangsong back then.

It can be seen that Wu Liangxin's narrow-mindedness and vengeance are evident.

"Comrade Xu, let's go." Wu Liangxin said to Xu Junran with a smile on his face.

Although he has already seen through the nature of this sanctimonious, despicable and shameless hypocrite, but now Xu Junran will not offend him, and he is not the kind of young man who cares nothing when his blood surges up. guidelines.

"Excuse me, Director Wu." Xu Junran followed Wu Liangxin and left the office.

Before walking out the door, he vaguely saw Yuan Xiaoh looking at him worriedly.

Sighing, Xu Junran really didn't know what to do with this woman who owed her money in her previous life and her colleague in this life.Xu Junran has already confessed to the little hooligan who tried to moles her yesterday, and asked Li Jiazhen to deal with him properly.Moreover, Xu Junran also specifically told Long Yinyue that the capital has recently started to rectify law and order. When he left school, he had already arrested many people who molested girls on the street. Heard that the sentences were not light, and even shot him of it.

Xu Junran believed that with the cleverness of the teacher, he would naturally understand what the higher-ups were doing, and it would definitely restrain the young people under the Lijia Town Commune.

The storm in [-] was coming, and Xu Junran didn't want to see blood flow in the Li family town.

"Xiao Xu, I heard that you gave up a good job in the capital and came back to our county. It's really admirable." Walking forward, Wu Liangxin asked Xu Junran with concern.

Xu Junran followed closely behind Wu Liangxin, and replied calmly after hearing the words: "Director Wu, you are overrated. I just hope that I can use the knowledge I have learned to do something for the people in my hometown."

He didn't dare to be negligent, the current self is too weak, not even a cadre, although Yan Wangsong and others value him, but in the final analysis, he is just a staff member, Wu Liangxin is a dignified deputy director level cadre, It's too easy to calculate yourself.

Not only Wu Liangxin, but also Qin Guotong and Cheng Hongda, had no trouble dealing with him.

Before he was fully sure that these people would not dare to do anything to him, Xu Junran would rather hide his strength and bide his time, and would never pretend to be bullying everywhere by relying on his identity as a reborn person.

Powerful pretentiousness is called Niubi!

Pretentiousness without strength is called stupid!

Glancing at Xu Junran, who was always cautious, Wu Liangxin nodded slightly. Naturally, he did not do as bad a thing as he did later, but it was just for some utilitarianism.I have a good impression of a young and talented young man like Xu Junran, after all, there is no conflict of interest with him.

"Work hard, a talented comrade like you has a bright future in our county committee." Unexpectedly, Wu Liangxin encouraged Xu Junran.

Xu Junran was still so respectful: "Thank you Director Wu for your teaching, I will definitely work hard."

Soon the two came to Yan Wangsong's office, Wu Liangxin said to Xu Junran: "Secretary Yan has ordered, you can go in directly."

As he spoke, he knocked on the office door, opened it, and said respectfully, "Secretary Yan, Comrade Xu Junran has arrived."

Yan Wangsong's angry voice came from inside: "Well, old Wu, go back and let Xu Junran come in."

Xu Junran stepped into the door, and saw Yan Wangsong sitting behind the desk with a serious face, his expression was as if there was some important event, to use a catchphrase to describe it, it is called a face full of class struggle.

"Secretary Yan, what do you need from me?" Xu Junran was not polite, he came to Yan Wangsong on his own, and asked directly.

"Huh!" Yan Wangsong snorted coldly, looked at Xu Junran and said, "You boy, did you study in the capital for a few years and feel that you have grown up and your wings are hardened, so you can be unscrupulous in this small place of Wude County? ?”

Xu Junran cast a helpless glance at Yan Wangsong, this old man is like this, no matter how close he is, if he is in a bad mood, he will immediately start scolding.However, he also knew that Yan Wangsong was doing it for his own good, because he was afraid that he would be used by someone who wanted to be a tool or a victim of others' struggle as soon as he entered the county party committee.After all, I just graduated from university, and in the eyes of the grown-ups, I still belong to the kind of young man with no hair on his mouth and who can't do things well.

Even the people in the Lijia Town Commune are also skeptical?

If the teacher hadn't nodded, I'm afraid the old people in Lijia Town wouldn't dare to believe in their rice field fish farming plan easily.

As everyone knows, under this 20-year-old body, there is an official veteran in his 40s hidden.

"Grandpa Yan, don't be angry. I can't explain it to you if you get angry."

Xu Junran said with a smile, and simply got up and poured Yan Wangsong a cup of tea.

Yan Wangsong shook his head helplessly, took a sip from the teacup, pointed Xu Junran with his finger and said, "You, what can I say about you? Can you meddle in the matter of Lijiazhen and Dawangzhuang? If not The old men of the Li family believe in you, do you think you can get away with it?"

Xu Junran smiled, and asked Yan Wangsong: "Grandpa Yan, let me ask you, if the people in Lijia Town are rich and don't have to worry about eating and drinking, will they still compete with Dawangzhuang for the canal?"

Yan Wangsong frowned, and looked at Xu Junran strangely: "You little cunning, what do you mean?"

Xu Junran smiled mysteriously, and said lightly: "Now, I have a way to get money in my hands. I don't know if you, Grandpa Yan, dare to take a risk for the people of Wude County!"

(Thanks to Erbin and Xiaoyao for their rewards, warmly celebrate the birth of the two lords! At the same time, I also thank every brother who donated rewards. The new book issue has such strong support, which makes Chenguang really panic. He can only work harder and be serious The codeword, in order to live up to everyone's love.

anyway!Domo, I hate you!Chunniu, and you!Sister, it is obvious that you can become popular, but if you have to score N times 99, you will not live. Do you know how tired I am of counting?Ahhhhh! )

PS: Please recommend tickets, please collect!Please click!The new book list is third, and the chasers behind are in a hurry. Brothers, it depends on everyone's help!

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