Powerful and romantic

Chapter 24 Father, are you brave?

(' "What do you mean?" Yan Wangsong was not an idiot after decades of ups and downs in the officialdom, his eyes froze, and the way he looked at Xu Junran was different.

Having worked as a grassroots cadre for decades and rooted in Wude County since liberation, Yan Wangsong has experienced too many things, various sports, up and down changes, these things have made him develop a tough nerve, It also made him politically cautious.

As soon as Xu Junran finished speaking, Yan Wangsong's first reaction was to look at him with a serious face: "Junran, do you know what I just said?"

After speaking, he stood up, walked to the door of the office, opened the door and glanced outside, then closed the door and came in front of Xu Junran, and said seriously: "Junran, just pretend that I haven't heard what you said. Grandpa tells you, you are not allowed to talk about this matter in the future, unless you want to be useless in Wude County for the rest of your life."

A warm feeling flashed in Xu Junran's heart, of course he understood what Yan Wangsong meant.

This old man who has experienced too many storms is afraid that he will be affected by the current uncertain situation. If he accidentally becomes a typical example of taking the capitalist road, his life will be ruined. That's why he is so strict. rebuked himself.

"Grandpa Yan, where are you thinking?" Xu Junran stood up, helped Yan Wangsong sit down on the chair, and then said with a smile.

Yan Wangsong was startled: "Jun Ran, tell grandpa what's going on?"

For the child Xu Junran, Yan Wangsong valued it very much. He was young and educated, and he could be said to be a young man. If he was trained well, he would definitely become a great talent in the future.But maybe it is because of the culture that I am so open-minded.It’s only been a few days since I’ve been back in the county, and yet I’ve caused such a big mess. I’ve made wishes to the Lijia Town Commune and Dawangzhuang Commune in private, but now I’m still thinking about taking the capitalist road to make some money. Isn’t this just asking for trouble? ?

Although the central government is now advocating the development of the individual economy and reform and opening up, Yan Wangsong knows that things are not that simple.Although the documents above have been issued, there are not many actions below. In fact, there are not many places where actions are actually taken. Everyone is watching, and everyone is afraid that the previous turmoil will happen again.

Decades of non-stop sports have left officials with the greatest experience, that is, to be cautious, not only when standing in line, but also when doing things.

"Grandpa Yan, I didn't mean to do something in the county. What I mean is, can we set up a construction team in our county?"

Xu Junran explained to Yan Wangsong with a wry smile.

"Construction team?" Yan Wangsong looked suspiciously at Xu Junran: "What does this have to do with your fish farming plan? In the morning, Li Qiankun came to the county committee to ask for support. He said he was going to raise fish in rice fields. I guessed it was right away." What the hell did you kid! Tell me clearly! What did you and Yang Weitian say?"

He was really worried. Xu Junran had only been on the job for less than a day, and so many things happened, which made Yan Wangsong, who had high hopes for Xu Junran, very worried.

Xu Junran said helplessly, "Grandpa Yan, you asked me so many questions all at once, how can I answer them?"

"Bastard!" Yan Wangsong was in a hurry, reached out and knocked on Xu Junran's head, and said, "Tell me one by one, I won't do anything today, just listen to your explanation. If you don't explain clearly, you are not allowed to go out. "

Rubbing his head, Xu Junran was speechless for a while, the old men in Lijia Town, the masters, even Yan Wangsong, they all treated themselves like children.

"Grandpa Yan, let me tell you. I have a classmate who is now working in the Construction Committee of Pengfei City, Lingnan City. He was asked to leave half a year in advance. When he graduated and received his diploma, he told us that Pengfei City is now Construction is underway, and a large number of projects need people to do, and these are national projects, so you don’t have to worry about being owed wages.”

Xu Junran sat opposite Yan Wangsong and said with a smile.

Yan Wangsong listened to Xu Junran's words quietly, and said after a long while: "If this is the case, then there is still a rice field to raise fish? What's going on?"

Xu Junran explained the plan to Long Yinyue and others again, and finally said: "This matter is very simple, I can go to the capital to ask the students of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences for help, and let them set up an experimental field in our county. What do you think? Sample?"

After being an official for so many years, Xu Junran also understood what Yan Wangsong was worried about, so he came up with this method.

"Have you told County Magistrate Yang about this?" Yan Wangsong asked.

Xu Junran shook his head: "No, I just told him that there is a way to make people in Lijia Town eat."

Nodding his head, Yan Wangsong was very satisfied. After all, Xu Junran still regarded himself as his own when he said this, and Xu Junran had a good reason for what he said. Everything was tied to the capital, so it was hard for Yan Wangsong to say anything even if he had some doubts.

"I have to think about this matter." Yan Wangsong was silent for a moment, then said slowly.

Xu Junran understood his cautious thoughts, thought for a while and said: "Secretary Yan, do you think this is okay? Let Lijia Town conduct a pilot project first, wait for the results, and then promote it to the whole county. Even if something goes wrong, It will not cause any confusion in the county."

Yan Wangsong said silently, "I'll think about it again."

Whether this matter is big or small, no matter how gaudy Xu Junran said, Yan Wangsong dared not agree easily, he had to think carefully before talking about it.

After half a day, Yan Wangsong waved his hand: "You go back first, I'll think about it later."

Xu Junran stood up and said to Yan Wangsong before leaving the house: "Secretary Yan, in fact, you can discuss it with County Mayor Yang, and then take this matter to the secretary's office meeting to study. After all, collective decisions are always easier to be accepted by everyone. Well."

Yan Wangsong was startled, but did not speak, but looked at Xu Junran's back thoughtfully.

Picking up the dry tobacco in his hand, Yan Wangsong rolled one and smoked it silently for a long time. Finally, as if he had made up his mind, he stood up and went to the door of the office, and shouted to the outside: "Old Chen, Old Chen."

A man in his 30s popped his head out of an office upon hearing the news: "Old Secretary, what do you want?"

Yan Wangsong said: "Go to the government and invite County Magistrate Yang over."

Just like what Xu Junran said, since you have to take risks, why not let everyone come together.

After a while, Yang Weitian followed Old Chen to Yan Wangsong's office with a strange expression. Usually, he seldom comes here. Although the offices of the government and the party committee are located in a large compound, he always feels that the county magistrate seems to be low Yan Wangsong. It looks like a head, so if there is no important thing, he will not come here.

"County Yang is here, please sit down, please sit down." Unexpectedly, Yan Wangsong was very polite to Yang Weitian, which surprised him greatly.

"Hehe, old secretary, you are being polite." Although Yang Weitian didn't know what kind of medicine Yan Wangsong sold in the gourd of the old fox, he didn't dare to take it lightly.After all, it has been more than a year since he took office, and he has suffered a lot from Yan Wangsong's hands. After a few times, he has already learned to be cautious.

(Please collect, please recommend, please click! Thank you, I am Li Yifeng, Xiaofeng Driyu, Jinmu Canchen, and a monk in the desert, for your rewards. Chenguang is very grateful!)

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