Powerful and romantic

Chapter 415 Visiting Director Xie

The Tianya car smuggling case in 1984 played a very important role in the history of China's reform and opening up.The cause of the incident was actually a sentence that the Supreme Leader said during his inspection. The meaning of that sentence was very simple: "If it takes 20 years to develop Tianya's economy to the level of the other side of the strait, it will be a great victory."

At that time, the above approved a document, the full title is "Discussion Minutes on Speeding up the Development and Construction of Tianya Island", which pointed out: "Tianya Administrative Region can approve the import of industrial and agricultural production materials for production and construction according to needs; it can use local foreign exchange, Import certain consumer goods that are in short supply in the Tianya market." However, the "Summary" also clearly stipulates that "the above-listed import and export materials and commodities are limited to use and sale within the Tianya administrative region, and shall not be resold outside the administrative region.

And this is precisely where the problem lies. At the very beginning, according to Tianya’s leader’s idea, in order to make more use of the policy quickly and complete the original accumulation, import 1.3 vehicles and resell them to the mainland to earn [-] million yuan.

To his surprise, the situation quickly got out of hand as soon as the floodgate opened.Once you get an approval document, you can earn tens of thousands of yuan by reselling a car.All of a sudden, the whole island fell into madness, everyone scrambled for approval, and everyone resold cars.In 1983, the number of imported cars in Tianya Administrative District was only over 2000, but in July 1984, the district government approved the import of 7 cars at once, which was 1.3 times higher than the monthly average in the first half of the year.In just half a year, 36 companies appeared on the island, and all of them went straight to the car.Even the army participated in the big operation of transporting vehicles out of the island. The navy used warships to replace all the cars with military license plates in the name of deployment. After unloading the ships on the shore, the military license plates were removed.Take it back to Tianya and continue to ship the second batch.

It was an unbearably hot summer, cars flooded into Tianya Island like a tide, and they were all parked inside and outside Tianhai City, densely packed.As far as the eye can see.The Industrial and Commercial Bureau actively handles the "fine release" procedures for buyers from all over the country. As long as they are fined 5000 yuan and stamped with an official seal, the car can be shipped out of the island in a grandiose manner.in the middle.Corruption, bribery, bribery, arbitrage, all criminal activities are carried out openly in the sun.After the investigation, the investigation team found that in just half a year, Tianya signed a total of 8.9 car import release approval documents.Foreign orders for more than 7 vehicles.

In his previous life, Xu Junran had a very deep memory of this, because when he was a magistrate, he used to run a car factory and looked up information about it.Although this life is somewhat different from the time in my memory.The establishment of the Tianya administrative region and the beginning of the car smuggling boom were somewhat early.But Xu Junran is sure that the country will never allow this kind of thing to continue. In the original history, at the beginning of 1985, a huge investigation team composed of 102 people from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Central Military Commission, and the National Audit Office was stationed in Tianya.Survey data released shortly thereafter showed that within a year.Tianya illegally bought 21 million U.S. dollars of foreign exchange from 15 provinces and cities across the country and 5.7 central government units at high prices. The companies' loans for imports totaled 42.1 billion yuan, which was 1984 billion yuan more than Tianya's total industrial and agricultural output value in 10.

What Xu Junran has to do now is to use his own method to push the investigation team to enter the Tianya administrative region ahead of schedule.

Because the current leader of the Tianya Administrative Region was nominated by Vice Premier Huang.

"You, don't tell me, you and the boss have long been thinking of using this matter to plot against people." No matter how stupid Cao Junwei is, he can understand at this time, this guy Xu Junran clearly wants to make a fuss about this matter, and ruthlessly trap him man.

Xu Junran chuckled: "Brother and I are not as despicable as you think. We just saw that this matter seemed a little inappropriate, and we were worried that we would be implicated if we got involved too deeply, otherwise we wouldn't hold you to death. Go do it."

He was talking about things. At the beginning, Xu Junran was stunned when he heard that the Tianya Administrative District was established. After all, this matter was nearly half a year earlier than what he remembered. Xu Junran was also thinking about it. He will not develop according to the inherent trajectory, but as things evolve, it proves that the wheel of history is unstoppable, so he becomes worried. Xu Junran, who knows Cao Junwei's nature well, is worried that Cao Junwei will also be involved in it, and deliberately expresses his worries I talked to Cao Junming, but Cao Junming made a decisive decision, directly called Cao Junwei, and strictly ordered him not to participate in the car business.

That's why other people's car smuggling is in full swing in Tianya, while Cao Ershao is running his own construction company in Lingnan, and he can't even enter the jurisdiction of Tianya Administrative District.

"You guys are too calculating, I can't get you guys." Cao Junwei said with a wry smile, he understood now, no wonder Xu Junran and his eldest brother didn't let him participate in this matter, if it's what Xu Junran said, this If someone is unlucky in the matter, then he really saved his life.

In fact, he still has another idea that he didn't say out loud. This is his guess, because in Cao Junwei's view, the car smuggling matter is like a bait, tempting those who want to get a share of it to join in. , and Xu Junran and his eldest brother Cao Junming are the hunters who hold the bait. If they don't like anyone, it's like Xu Junran is going to deal with Li Jianren now, just expose the matter directly.

"Brother Wei, don't bother the Li family anymore." Xu Junran said to Cao Junwei: "Since Li Jianren and Huang Hao are good friends, and they set up this car sales company together, then I will let them have fun Let's see what other tricks these people can play in the face of the questioning of the Supreme Leader!"

At that moment, Cao Junwei looked at Xu Junran's smiling face, and suddenly felt a bone-piercing chill rise from his back. He was very lucky, glad that he was standing with this guy, otherwise he would be surrounded by such a guy all day long. Thinking about it, Cao Junwei suddenly felt sorry for Huang Hao, and wanted to marry Xu Junran's aunt, he was still asking for blessings.

Staying at Cao Junwei's house until noon, Xu Junran lent Cao Junwei's other car. The original rich man was smashed by Li Jianren. He had already sent a message to Cao Junwei, and he would pay Cao Junwei the same car.Cao Junwei had Xu Junran's order, so naturally he didn't say much, and agreed on the phone.

"Brother Xie, when you are free, come out and have a sit." Xu Junran drove back to his residence and made another phone call to Xie Yongqiang.

Xie Yongqiang was having dinner with his wife at home at this time. It was rare for him to have time to go home, because when he was working in the Central Office, he spent most of his time around the chief, and there was no rest time for himself. This is the normal state of secretary work. Today is the The supreme leader gave him a vacation and asked him to go home to see his family, so he sneaked in from his busy schedule, but he didn't expect Xu Junran to call home directly.

"Hehe, you kid, did you know that I was a prophet? You knew I was at home, and that's why you called?" Xie Yongqiang said to Xu Junran with a smile on the phone.

Xu Junran chuckled: "Director Xie, you are overestimating me. If I had that ability, I wouldn't hang out in the world, and I would have been promoted in the daytime."

Both of them laughed, Xie Yongqiang thought for a while and said: "Don't go outside, there are too many people, besides, it's Chinese New Year, see how many places are still open. In this way, you come My family, let's have a good chat."

Xu Junran was right when he thought about it, he simply nodded and said, "Okay, then I will disturb you and sister-in-law."

Putting down the phone, Xu Junran drove to Xie Yongqiang's house. Du Wenyan's father worked in the Central Propaganda Department, and the couple's home was also settled in the family compound of the Central Propaganda Department. There are criticisms, but now everyone has to admit that Du Wenyan's vision is indeed accurate. Xie Yongqiang's current status, even if it is an ordinary leader at the bureau level, cannot hold his head up in front of him at all.

It was the first time for Xu Junran to come here, and Xie Yongqiang personally went to the gate of the compound to greet him. The two walked side by side towards Xie Yongqiang's house. He laughed and said, "Tsk tsk, it seems that Director Xie is very popular."

Xie Yongqiang laughed and said: "You just joke with me. It's not like you don't understand what's going on with these people. If they always treat me with such a lukewarm attitude like your kid, I'd like to invite them to dinner at home." .”

What he said was the truth. Xie Yongqiang had been on the bench for so many years, and naturally he had tasted the warmth and coldness of the world. After all, there are only a few people with discerning eyes like Xu Junran and Cao Junming, and most people are used to adding icing on the cake. Well, people in the officialdom rarely do it. It's not that they don't want to do it, but these people are used to sweeping the snow in front of their own doors, and they don't care about the frost on other people's roofs.

Xu Junran laughed, looked at Xie Yongqiang's gray temples, and sighed silently in his heart. Although the two of them hadn't met for a long time, Xu Junran understood that Xie Yongqiang was not as happy as he seemed. In the political arena, he used his fists and feet, and he had been on the bench for more than ten years before. Xie Yongqiang's depression can be imagined. From youth to middle age, a person who was originally in the prime of life now has a white man. Hair, it can be seen how unsatisfactory his previous life was.

Fortunately, now he is valued by the supreme leader and entrusted with a heavy responsibility to become the secretary of the leader. Otherwise, Xie Yongqiang may not be able to live longer than Xu Junran's adoptive father in his previous life.After all, once there are depressed thoughts in people's hearts, it is not only the mood that is affected.

Walking into Xie Yongqiang's house and looking at the ordinary house, Xu Junran showed a smiling face: "Director Xie, this is not like the home of the First Secretary of China."


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