Powerful and romantic

Chapter 416 Sending a favor to the chief

"Don't fight poverty with me. I don't have any requirements. Your sister-in-law is not the kind of person who values ​​this. We are a good couple." Xie Yongqiang glared at Xu Junran, poured him a glass of water, and put it on the Said on the table: "Your sister-in-law doesn't have time tonight, so she wants to go with that Spring Festival Gala. How about we two brothers make up a meal together?"

Xu Junran was taken aback: "The chief will give you a holiday?"

He did not expect that the chief executive would give Xie Yongqiang a vacation.

Xie Yongqiang smiled: "The chief is very nice, and he is also very kind to the staff around him. When I came back yesterday, my aunt specially brought me a lot of New Year's goods."

Xu Junran nodded. In fact, the families of the leaders are not as mysterious as people guessed from the outside.

"Say, come to me for anything." Xie Yongqiang sat opposite Xu Junran and asked seriously. He knew that Xu Junran was the kind of person who would go to the Three Treasures Palace for everything, otherwise he wouldn't come to him after the Chinese New Year. When we meet, there must be something important to tell myself.

Xu Junran nodded, took a sip of the water in front of him, and then slowly said: "Brother Xie, do you know He Yaoyang, the current person in charge of Tianya Administrative District?"

"He Yaoyang?" Xie Yongqiang muttered to himself, his brows were furrowed, obviously he was recalling the information about this person.He knew very well that Xu Junran would not mention a person's name for no reason, and it was obvious that there was something about this He Yaoyang.

As a secretary, especially the secretary of the Supreme Leader, Xie Yongqiang knows many things about China like the back of his hand. His head is like a memory card, storing a lot of useful information.Furthermore, because the supreme leader is an advocate of reform and opening up, Xie Yongqiang is particularly concerned about people and things related to reform and opening up. He quickly remembered who this He Yaoyang was.Frowning slightly, he asked Xu Junran, "Junran, do you have a problem with He Yaoyang?"

Xu Junran rolled his eyes helplessly: "Do I love to make trouble for others so much?"

Xie Yongqiang laughed: "Do you think you are a fuel-efficient lamp? Tell me, how many people did you punish when you were in the party school?"

listened to him.Xu Junran coughed dryly a few times, but rarely did he refute Xie Yongqiang's words, because Xie Yongqiang was right and had studied in the Central Party School for more than a year.Don't look at Xu Junran's calm expression, but he really stepped on many people in the capital.Among them, many people were suppressed by Xie Yongqiang's help and relationship, which is why he said that Xu Junran was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

See how Xu Junran blushed.Xie Yongqiang smiled and said: "I don't know much about He Yaoyang, but from the point of view of personal character, He Yaoyang is a rare capable and honest official in our country. He is upright. He has a good voice, which is proved by many people. During his tenure, he worked hard to eliminate the aftermath of the ten-year catastrophe, and rehabilitated all the rightists on Tianya Island. It made Tianya an island without right. And he personally dealt with it The habit of letters from the people, during the three years of his tenure, he has personally approved more than 5000 letters from the people to him, all of which were investigated by the chief executive.”

Xu Junran was stunned for a moment, then nodded, he knew that Xie Yongqiang was right, historically, in the aftermath of the "car incident", it was found that He Yaoyang had never reversed a car during the upsurge, nor had he accepted a penny of bribes.It is precisely because of this that he has been respected and sympathized for more than ten years, and has been popular among the people as a chivalrous and upright official.

However, this is not enough to be a reason for Xu Junran to have a better impression of him.

Looking at Xie Yongqiang, Xu Junran said slowly, "I don't know, what do the higher-ups think about the booming car sales in Tianya Administrative District?"

Hearing Xu Junran's words, Xie Yongqiang's expression changed, he hesitated for a while and said in a low voice: "This matter is very sensitive, if you have any thoughts, I suggest you better not say it."

Xu Junran laughed when he heard this, it seems that the higher-ups have noticed some problems, otherwise Xie Yongqiang wouldn't have said that.

Reaching out and knocking on the table, Xu Junran said flatly: "If there are no accidents, it won't be long before the investigation team of the central government should leave."

"What did you say!" Xie Yongqiang's expression changed.

Xu Junran looked at Xie Yongqiang coldly, the higher-ups should be discussing how to deal with He Yaoyang now?I don't know if the leader has thought about it. The Tianya matter is certainly an exploration of reform and opening up, but in fact, from the perspective of the system, what a bad problem it is!

Xie Yongqiang remained silent, obviously he was thinking about what Xu Junran said, Xu Junran didn't say anything, just looked down at the water glass in his hand.He knew very well that with Xie Yongqiang's IQ, he could quickly understand the meaning of his words.The reason why Xu Junran said this was because he knew that from the perspective of the system, the Tianya incident undoubtedly set a very bad precedent.It caused China's economic reform to gradually slide to the wanton traversal of the system, and the law was useless.Any behavior in the name of reform can creatively destroy the existing system, and this practice has always been tacitly tolerated and tolerated.In many cases, people's disregard and betrayal of the system even become morally noble, the result is that the entire social environment is gradually grayed out, and the system and moral bottom line are easily broken down.

The evaluation of He Yaoyang by the public opinion in the previous life most vividly reflects the conceptual confusion and system paradox in the process of China's reform.For quite a long period of time, the legal judgment on the economic behavior of officials and entrepreneurs has been very confused, even with a lot of randomness and stages. In the end, it has to fall on the question of whether they have "accepted bribes" or not. specific details.As everyone knows, whether an official's decision-making behavior or an entrepreneur's business activities are illegal, and whether he or she personally accepts bribes, there is no necessary connection between the two.

"Jun Ran, you are giving me a problem." After a while, Xie Yongqiang said to Xu Junran with a wry smile.

Why doesn't he know the meaning of Xu Junran's words, but this matter involves a dispute between the reformers and the conservatives, and anyone involved in it may be crushed to pieces, especially now that the dispute between the two major forces of reform and conservation is intensifying Well, Xie Yongqiang didn't mean to be wise and protect himself, he really didn't know how to speak.

Xu Junran looked at Xie Yongqiang calmly: "Do you have any other choices?"

Xie Yongqiang was startled, and the expression on his face could no longer maintain his composure. Xu Junran's words made him wake up instantly as if he had been slapped in the face.

Yes, just like what Xu Junran said, others still have a choice, but Xie Yongqiang has long since had no choice. Since the moment he was transferred from the Central Political Research Office by the Supreme Leader, he has already Stand in line.The supreme leader is an advocate of reform and opening up. As his secretary, Xie Yongqiang's position does not need to be considered at all. Even if he says that he is not a reformer, which conservative would dare to believe him?

This is the most interesting part of the officialdom. Xie Yongqiang has not actually chosen to stand in line, but his identity has already helped him stand in line.

"If this matter is made into a fuss, it will be very detrimental to the chief." Xu Junran looked at Xie Yongqiang and said, "You have spent more time in the capital than me, and even I know the harm of this matter. Why is there no such thing in the huge capital city?" Did someone mention this to the chief?"

Xie Yongqiang's face became more and more ugly following Xu Junran's words, and he thought of a somewhat creepy thing.

Political matters are never absolute. Some people seem to stand with you, but in fact they may not be your own people. They can’t handle everything they say to you with a smile on the surface. I agree, but I am actually waiting in the dark to see your jokes. Once you make an irreparable mistake, today's comrades-in-arms may be tomorrow's opponents who will accuse you of justice.In the face of power, few people can guarantee that they can hold back their eagerness to move.

"Junran, thank you, thank you so much." Xie Yongqiang raised his head, looked at Xu Junran and said with a wry smile. He understood that if Xu Junran didn't remind himself, once things broke out, it would be a blow to the reformers. It will definitely put a lot of pressure on the reformers at the top.

The most important thing is that this matter was first advocated by the Supreme Chief, and his speech in Tianya was also considered as a clarion call to call on Tianya to carry out reform and opening up, but now that it has become like this, people will definitely be criticized .

Xu Junran smiled: "I just thought of it on the spur of the moment. I was very surprised when I fought with Li Jianren yesterday. Where did he get so much money to buy a good car? The car worth hundreds of thousands is driving. Could it be that his Li family is a money printing machine?" , Can you make banknotes?"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Xie Yongqiang's mouth: "Printing money? I think it is stealing money from the country!" Xie Yongqiang was not too interested in people like Li Jianren who rely on his family's background to do business everywhere. Thinking that because of their unscrupulous behavior, the Tianya Administrative District, which could have been well developed, has become a large warehouse for smuggling cars, and even the original intention of the chief has been violated, so he is not angry at all.

Most importantly, Xie Yongqiang also understands that once this hole is opened, all kinds of similar things will be done in the name of reform and opening up in various places in the future.

"Well, we are idle anyway. I don't think it's better than this. You and I will write an internal reference together to talk about this matter. I will hand it over to the chief and ask him to have a look." After thinking for a while, Xie Yongqiang looked at Xu Junran Open your mouth and say.

Xu Junran was taken aback for a moment, then smiled happily, nodded and said, "Okay, then I will accompany Brother Xie to be your honest and harsh admonisher!"

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