Facing Chang Xian, Xu Junran said directly: "The reason why Incheon County has been struggling economically before is because of the inconvenient transportation. To be honest, I have never walked on such a broken road. Now With the road repaired, it only takes less than half an hour to travel from the county seat to the urban area, and the road to another city will also be repaired soon. In this way, Incheon County has become a transit point between the two cities . This is a very important factor.”

Smiling, Xu Junran continued: "We have sufficient resources, rich land, and some special specialties. With these things, we can completely walk out of our own development path."

Chang Xian nodded, and then asked: "By the way, do you have any mineral resources in your county? This is very attractive."

Xu Junran thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes, I have hired someone to investigate, and there are coal and iron ore resources, and it is said that there is also a small gold mine."

Chang Xian laughed: "Okay, okay, it's good to have a gold mine, regardless of its size, it can attract a large number of people."

What he said is true. If a region wants to attract investors to invest in you, it must have distinctive features. Mineral resources are undoubtedly a very attractive thing.At least in today's China, this is a bait that no one can refuse.

In the end, Chang Xian said with a smile: "Since we have these conditions, I will introduce you to some people who are relatively powerful bosses. You can see if you can attract them to invest in Incheon County."

Xu Junran nodded happily. This is undoubtedly a good development opportunity for Incheon County.

After saying goodbye to several people, Xu Junran sat in the car and told Wang Xiaolong: "Send Director Xie home first."

Xie Meijuan was taken aback, and looked at Xu Junran in surprise: "Aren't you going back?"

Her thought was that she could have a good chat with Xu Junran today.Regarding the relationship between her and Xu Junran, Wang Xiaolong knew it well when he was in Fule County, so naturally he had no opinion.He just thinks that Xu Junran's relationship with many women is too good.

Xu Junran smiled wryly and said, "Didn't you hear what Director Chang said just now, this time he will leave a booth for our county. It was the provincial government who said hello, I have to go and see Uncle Fang."

Xie Meijuan immediately understood, nodded and said, "Go, I'll go home first."

She is not the kind of ignorant woman who has reached this point in the officialdom.It's in the provincial capital again.Xie Meijuan is very clear about Xu Junran's purpose and reason for going to Fang's house. After all, Chang first appeared to help Xu Junran because of Zhang Zhongjian's relationship with her, but in fact.They are still rushing to save the governor's face.Xu Junran also understood this truth, so he planned to go to Fang Zhongyuan's house as soon as possible to thank him.

Not in a hurry, but to express an attitude.

In the officialdom, sometimes attitude is a very important thing. If you don't have attitude, how can others understand your thoughts.

Finding a phone booth, Xu Junran dialed Fang Zhongyuan's pager number.

That's right, a pager.

This kind of thing began to rise in the 80s, relying on the advantages of foresight.Xu Junran made Lin Yuqing the first person to set foot in this industry, and naturally made a lot of money.And Fang Jie, as the operator of this business in the north, also reaped a lot of benefits.By the way, Young Master Fang also gave his father a set of this thing.

After a while, Xu Junran received a call from Fang Zhongyuan: "I'm outside, if you have time, you can come over too."

Xu Junran smiled: "Uncle Fang, is it convenient?"

He knew that the people who could have dinner with Fang Zhongyuan at this time must be existences with extraordinary identities, if he went there rashly.It's really inappropriate.

Fang Zhongyuan smiled and said, "It's okay, we're not outsiders, just come here."

With that said, he told Xu Junran the address.

Back in the box, Fang Zhongyuan smiled at Duan Shijie, Secretary of the Danjiang Municipal Party Committee, and Li Deming, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Organization Director: "I asked Comrade Xu Junran to come and have dinner together."

Due to their work, the two of them gradually relied on Fang Zhongyuan. Li Deming knew very well that Fang Zhongyuan had a strong background. , I can be regarded as having a backer.Li Deming thought that Fang Zhongyuan was talking to a very close friend when he saw Fang Zhongyuan's casual tone just now, but he didn't expect Fang Zhongyuan to say that it was Xu Junran from Incheon County, which made him almost drop his chopsticks.

Duan Shijie, secretary of the Danjiang Municipal Party Committee who was eating together, was also very shocked when he heard Fang Zhongyuan talking to Xu Junran in a very casual tone. He didn't expect that the county below him was really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers!Before, I only knew that Xu Junran had some relationship with the former Governor Chen Xingrui, but what I didn't expect was that his relationship also included Fang Zhongyuan!

Li Deming and Duan Shijie hadn't been close to Fang Zhongyuan for a long time, and it was the first time they saw Governor Fang's easy-going attitude. They didn't expect it to be with Xu Junran. This made them suddenly feel that they should re-acquaint themselves with Xu Junran's energy.

As an official administrator, if you want to form your own circle, the most taboo is greed and unkindness: benefits and benefits belong to yourself, faults and responsibilities are delegated to subordinates, and they are strict with subordinates and rarely win over.There are so many specific administrative affairs, no matter how good a policy is, you must have competent people to implement it for you. Therefore, without a capable and loyal team, it is difficult for you to have a good future in politics.

"Who is who" is a common phrase used by many people. People who have stayed in government agencies, worked in enterprises, and mixed in officialdom will often use this phrase.Once a person belongs to someone, he has no independent personality and no self-awareness.The ancients said that "the king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die." Once a person becomes someone, he must be trembling and loyal to this person with all his heart.Because he wants to ask for food, clothing, reputation, and power from his master.

Like Duan Shijie and Li Deming, they happen to be in Fang Zhongyuan's circle now, and now, in their view, Xu Junran is also in their own circle.

The so-called circles in official circles can be divided into certain levels in terms of the establishment and purpose of the circles. One is like-minded "gentlemen" who unite for common political ideals.In ancient times, such characters were basically scholars with strong ideals.Holding the ideal of "self-cultivation, family governance, country peace and world peace", if you are good at learning, you will be an official, want to share the worries of the monarch, and want to benefit the common people in the world.

There is a special circle at this level: the Qingyi faction or Qingliu.Standing out from the imperial examinations to become government officials at all levels is a transformation from a scholar to an administrative talent.Some people have high overall quality.Can be competent after a simple practice.Then learn by doing.But there are also many scholars who are very energetic, and they are masters on paper, but once they do things in practice.It's just that the eyes are high and the hands are low.In addition, the unique system of officials in the ancient political system, that is, there is a special group of supervisory officials such as censors and officials who can report on rumors, criticize officials without factual basis, and sue the emperor.In the political history of China, such political commentators are not uncommon. They often influence public opinion and have a certain influence on the political arena—both good and bad.Generally speaking, this "clear stream" circle can basically be classified into the first level.But because they are just gentlemen who talk but don't do anything.Even when they wield power, it is often difficult to achieve practical results.

Of course, Duan Shijie and Li Deming don't belong to this kind of people, they belong to another kind.

To be precise, the circle that Duan Shijie and Li Deming belonged to was the norm in most official circles.This circle can be simply defined as an interest group.Compared with like-minded people, this part of the characters has a lower realm.Because their talents and ambitions are smaller, their status is also lower, and they are mostly second-rate figures in the circle, but they are numerous in number.It is the link between the preceding and the following in the political system.The circle they form is a group based on interests.

To be fair, these folks didn't start out as mediocre.When they first debuted, they also had ideals and pursuits, and they wanted to do careers.But ideals are often shattered in the face of reality. After several setbacks and setbacks, they are unable to change the status quo, retreat in fear of difficulties, and become accidental and smooth.In the ups and downs of the officialdom, the emperor is like a tiger, they began to protect themselves wisely, and after years of serving as officials, they have become large and small vested interests.If they want to keep all of this, they will inevitably have to flatter their superiors and bully their inferiors, play both ways and play with the wind.At this level, they are not big treacherous and evil, and they have no evil deeds of doing evil and harming the country and the people.They are just ordinary people in the bureaucracy.The common man, more selfish and less sacrificial, is everywhere in the majority.Originally, it is difficult to say that there are absolutely good people and bad people in the world. Everyone has "good elements" and "bad elements". Great heroes and treacherous ministers are a minority, and the majority in the middle are stable elements of a system.

In the political ecosystem, the number of this group of people is also the largest, so although they are not shining stars, they are often the foundation of political power. "People in the arena involuntarily".The grievances and hatreds in the Jianghu, and the door gangs are also a kind of circle.A circle forms a potentially great web that envelops you and binds your destiny to many others.

So when Xu Junran saw Duan Shijie and Li Deming when he entered the door, he knew that these two people should have become members of his own circle.

"Secretary Duan, Secretary Li."

Xu Junran first greeted Duan Shijie and Duan Shijie politely, then turned around and greeted Fang Zhongyuan: "Uncle Fang."

This is an agreement between him and Fang Zhongyuan. If you are not in the office, don't call him your job, but uncle.

Hearing this title, Duan Shijie and Li Deming glanced at each other, and in their hearts, the relationship between Xu Junran and Fang Zhongyuan was raised to another level. After all, calling him uncle clearly meant that the relationship between the two was very good, and they did not regard Fang Zhongyuan as an outsider.

"You're here, Xiaojie just left yesterday, and he said he was waiting for you to have dinner together." Fang Zhongyuan said with a smile.

Xu Junran nodded: "Yesterday he called me, and he said he was going to the capital to discuss business."

The two of them talked about family affairs to themselves, but Duan Shijie and Li Deming were very surprised. They could tell that Xu Junran was very familiar with Fang Zhongyuan's family, and his tone and attitude showed that the relationship between the two people was absolutely is very intimate.

"Are you here to participate in the Merchants Fair this time?" Fang Zhongyuan asked with a smile. He was naturally aware of this matter, and now he said it in front of Duan Shijie and others, and he had his own thoughts.

"Well, I just arrived today, and I asked some friends for help." Xu Junran replied truthfully.

"Who did you date?" Fang Zhongyuan seemed to care about his nephew, and he did not avoid Duan Shijie and Li Deming, which made the two very grateful to Zhongyuan.This is treating himself as one of his own, otherwise it would be impossible not to say such things behind his back.

Xu Junran didn't hide anything, so he told about Xie Meijuan's help in finding Liu Ziyun and others for help, and finally said with a smile: "Director Xie and I are old colleagues, and there is no one to look for when we go to the provincial capital this time. Let her help gone."

After listening to Xu Junran's words.Fang Zhongyuan nodded: "Yes, your idea is very interesting, let's promote it. You can definitely explore a way."

Duan Shijie and Li Deming on the side were a little dizzy when they heard it. They didn't expect Xu Junran to be so resourceful. The promotion of an investment promotion expo actually thought of using so many ways to promote Incheon County. According to him, let alone Incheon County There is still a little advantage, even if there is no advantage, such an overwhelming publicity may be able to attract the attention and attention of many investors.Even if one or two large enterprises invest in it by then, it will be a success for Incheon County.

"Old Duan, Xiao Li, you are the leaders of Danjiang City. You must support the new things in Incheon County. Reform and opening up is something that the country is carrying out in an all-round way. We must emancipate our minds and use the spirit of seeking truth from facts to do this. , If you make a mistake, just correct it. You will inevitably make mistakes when you do anything. As long as you do it for the sake of public interest, there will be no problems. Incheon County has taken a step ahead. This is an opportunity, but it is also a risk. If it is done well, it will be good for you The development is beneficial." Fang Zhongyuan said earnestly to the two city leaders.It has been explained in the words that this matter has a lot to do with political achievements. If you support it, you will have a lot of opportunities if you succeed.

He was telling the truth. The labor export and land contract policies that Xu Junran implemented in Incheon County may seem a little risky at first glance, but if it is really done, it will be a huge political achievement, enough to make Incheon County become the focus of attention.

"Governor, I will fully support this work when I go back." Duan Shijie was the first to express his opinion.

Li Deming also nodded and said: "The work of the Incheon County Government has been effective. I am going to suggest that the Municipal Party Committee consider promoting land contracting and labor export in the entire Incheon County."

Fang Zhongyuan shook his head and said: "It would be great to use a town as a pilot first. You don't have to rush to the front in everything, just help from the back. I also want to see what this new reform method will look like."

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Xu Junran, and said seriously: "Junran, Secretary Duan and Secretary Li are very experienced leaders. If there is anything you don't understand at work, you should ask them for advice."

Xu Junran knew that he was helping him, so he hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Uncle Fang, I will definitely work under the two leaders."

This meal lasted until ten o'clock in the evening, and the two leaders naturally acted according to Fang Zhongyuan's face. Seeing that he was almost drunk, they stopped drinking.In fact, drinking is as knowledgeable as being a human being. You have to learn to observe your words and emotions, otherwise, if you say something wrong or do something wrong, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Xu Junran always accompanied the three leaders respectfully. Anyway, among the people present, his position was the lowest. Although Li Deming and Duan Shijie were very polite to him because of Fang Zhongyuan's relationship, Xu Junran was not arrogant enough to think that You can ignore the rules in the officialdom, and you are no different from the two standing committee members of the municipal party committee, and you are still very polite.This also made Li Deming and Duan Shijie very satisfied. They were polite to Xu Junran because of Fang Zhongyuan, not because of Xu Junran himself.

Xu Junran understands the reason why Fang Zhongyuan asked him to attend such a dinner. An important problem for an official is to have someone to follow, that is to say, you also need to manage your own small circle well.This small circle with yourself as the core is one of your important political capital, and it also determines your status in the circle at the next level.A political official must be good at "keeping up" and must have someone above him.You must also be good at "restraining your subordinates", and you must have people below you.It is necessary to properly distribute the interests of the lower classes, learn to use various means to unite people, use ideals, use interests, and so on.

In history, there are many politicians who are not greedy, very shrewd, and have good rewards and pursuits, but they often fail. One of the important reasons is that they are too clean: they are strict with themselves and others, and the result is "" When the water is clear, there will be no fish, and when people are observant, there will be no disciples." If you don't tolerate it with your superiors and colleagues, you will be left as a good person. Even if you have a good policy, you will be spoiled by the crooked monks below.

There are many situations like this. If you want to build your own circle, giving benefits to your subordinates is the minimum condition: if people follow you and have a future, then you will be motivated if you work hard.Moreover, when necessary, they must be protected, even "protecting their shortcomings".There is a small problem and a small problem. You must be able to protect them, because they are your wings. If the wings are cut off by others, how can you fly by yourself?

For Xu Junran, this is a process that he must learn and go through.


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