Powerful and romantic

Chapter 697 Complaint

"Secretary, you, are you kidding me?"

Bai Lin's voice trembled a little, he never expected that Duan Shijie would offer such compensation to him.

For Bai Lin, if he can reach the post of Deputy Director-level at the end of his career, it will be considered a success. After all, the gap between Deputy Director-level and Division-level is not 01:30 points, at least two levels The retirement benefits are very different.

Duan Shijie smiled: "I originally planned to tell you this matter next year. There is a lack of a deputy mayor in the city. I am going to ask you to take over. How about it? Do you have the confidence to stand on the last post?"

Bai Lin was a little agitated, and even his voice trembled. Hearing Duan Shijie's words, he quickly said, "Don't worry, secretary, I will definitely complete the tasks assigned to me by the organization."

Duan Shijie nodded, and after comforting Bai Lin with a few words, he hung up the phone.

At this time, Liu Qiang was also hesitating. He was hesitating whether he should call Bei Chaoqun. Anyway, Wang Meng had been in a relationship with him for so many years. I'm sorry.

At night, Liu Qiang finally couldn't bear it anymore and called Bei Chaoqun's home.

No one knew that Liu Qiang was Bei Chaoqun's confidant, and Wang Meng was just introduced to Bei Chaoqun by Liu Qiang.

"Mayor, you haven't rested yet." Liu Qiang said to Bei Chaoqun cautiously while holding the phone.

Bei Chaoqun sighed: "Liu Qiang, I knew you would definitely make this call."

Liu Qiang smiled wryly, he naturally understood why Bei Chaoqun said that.But his character made him have to make this call. Although he knew that it might cause the old leader's displeasure, he still had to ask that question.

Liu Qiang is actually a very scheming person. No one in Incheon County knows that when he went to the Provincial Party School to study, he once lived in the same dormitory with Bei Chaoqun, but Bei Chaoqun's official career was far ahead of him. He, Liu Qiang, developed rapidly.More than ten years later, the two are already in a superior-subordinate relationship.

It is precisely because of this relationship that Liu Qiang was able to sit firmly on Mount Tai in Incheon County.

"Mayor, tell me, can Wang Meng still be saved?"An old partner for decades, Liu Qiang still has to make one last effort for Wang Meng.

When Bei Chaoqun heard Liu Qiang's words, he couldn't help scolding Liu Qiang for being childish. Cheng Tie's cold-faced Hades has come forward in person, so can Wang Meng be saved?

But Bei Chaoqun also knew that Liu Qiang would ask such a question, mainly because he was a little flustered.It was not easy to gain some strength in Incheon County, but he lost a member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee so quickly, and he was even prepared to lose more things.This must have made Liu Qiang feel very uncomfortable.

Bei Chaoqun was also puzzled, could it be that the feng shui of Incheon County was not in harmony with him, and why everything would not go well for him as long as Incheon County was involved.

"I'll give it a try." Bei Chaoqun answered Liu Qiang's words slowly.Although Bei Chaoqun said to give it a try, he didn't intend to try it at all. Bei Chaoqun was really tired. He had established too many connections in the city for Liu Qiang. The current situation in Incheon County is beyond its control. that's it.As for whether Liu Qiang can develop in Incheon County, it all depends on Liu Qiang's own strength.Bei Chaoqun didn't want to take care of it anymore, and even if he wanted to do it, he didn't have the strength to do it anymore.

On the other hand, after Liu Qiang hung up the phone, he was still full of hope. He hoped that Bei Chaoqun could win another victory for him in the city. Unfortunately, he didn't know that Bei Chaoqun was no longer ready to help his old classmate. .

But Xu Junran didn't know this. After he settled Wang Meng's matter, he returned to the office and carefully considered about his own investment. Wang Xiaorou and Sun Jingyun had left Incheon County for several days, and I don't know how they got back to the capital. .Xu Junran pondered for a while, then dealt with the few documents in hand, looked at his watch, and when it was time to get off work, he left directly.

In the next few days, Wang Meng quickly confessed that he and others set up a fake investment to defraud the state of loans. Maintain the original situation, County Party Secretary Bai Lin, County Mayor Xu Junran, County Disciplinary Committee Secretary Liu Xiaoguang, County Party Committee Organization Director Sun Yazhou, County Political Consultative Conference Chairman Lau De, County Party Committee Propaganda Director Qian Xiumei, County Armed Forces Political Commissar Hu Gang, County Political Consultative Conference Chairman Lau De , Guan Bo, executive deputy county magistrate, and Deng Wenbing, director of the county party committee office.

Although there were only ten people, Xu Junran had unknowingly controlled the Standing Committee.Among the ten members of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Liu Xiaoguang and Sun Yazhou have long been relying on Xu Junran, and Lauder and Hu Gang are now showing their support for Xu Junran. As for Guan Bo, Xu Junran has given him great trust Well, in today's county government, everyone knows that the county magistrate Guan and magistrate Xu are of one mind, and the cooperation is very smooth.

In the blink of an eye, it was the end of 1988, and the winter sun did not rise early. At seven or eight o'clock in the morning, people went out of their homes to go to work, but the weather was still foggy.

Xu Junran's car has long been replaced by an ordinary Volga sedan. You must know that in China, even official cars are strictly rationed according to grades. Before 1984, cadres at the county and regiment level could only ride in domestically produced jeeps, and it was not until the last two years that they were relaxed.

As for the imported cars in Incheon County, Xu Junran sent someone to sell them long ago. According to what he said at the Standing Committee: "Our county is a poor county, and the people are still living a hard life. Those of us who are officials Sitting in a 10,000+ car, don’t you feel guilty in your heart?”

He had already reached the point of keeping his promises in the Standing Committee. Bai Lin didn't know why, but he agreed with all of Xu Junran's opinions recently, which made Xu Junran feel more comfortable while being surprised.

The black Volga car had just slowed down and was about to turn into the county government compound, when a figure jumped out from the side, blocking the car with its arms outstretched, the driver slammed on the brakes, Xu Junran leaned forward, and hit the front seat with his forehead Suddenly, a burning pain spread all over the body.

"Ouch!" Xu Junran covered his forehead and cried out.He is also a human being, so he will subconsciously cry out for pain when he is injured.

"County magistrate, are you alright?" His cry startled the driver, and he turned around and asked Xu Junran.This is the county magistrate, if there is something good or bad, I can't afford to walk around.

Xu Junran grinned and rubbed his forehead and said, "It's all right, remind me to wear a seat belt in the future." Xu Junran doesn't like to wear a seat belt in the county where the speed is slow. The stubborn girl, the woman named Kim Taeyeon, is she still as stubborn as before?

The driver agreed with a frightened face, unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car, yelling at the oncoming person who stopped the car: "You are going to die! What's going on?" He was really frightened, after all, the person sitting in the car It's the county magistrate, if something happens, he can't explain it at all.

The person who stopped the car was a haggard-looking old man with deep frowns on his face. He looked about five or sixty years old, and his eyes were a little dull. He looked like an honest farmer who had worked in the countryside for most of his life.

Seeing someone getting out of the car, he plopped down on his knees and said loudly, "I'm wronged! I'm wronged!"

Naturally, the county government compound has security guards. Seeing someone stop County Mayor Xu’s car, a group of security guards ran out. They were even more shocked when they saw the old man kneeling down. They hurried over and dragged the old man by the arm. This is the county government compound, not to mention that the car stopped by him belongs to the county magistrate. If something goes wrong, all the security staff will have to go home.

Xu Junran watched from inside the car, frowned, and simply pushed the car door to get out of the car, and said to Liu Huaqiang who came out to meet him: "Old Liu, I'll go up first, you ask someone to take the old man to rest, and ask about the situation by the way." , Make a cup of tea for the old man, first suppress the shock, don't scare him!" After speaking, he entered the compound with a briefcase.

Several guards stopped their hands in embarrassment. After they finished speaking, they were about to be scolded by the director again. What's the matter? Where did this crazy old man come from?I haven't seen him come to make trouble in the past few days, but he came today!

However, Liu Huaqiang chuckled, waved his hands and said to them, "Hurry up, help the old man upstairs."

There was a thick pile of documents on Xu Junran's desk, the top one was the "Report on Recommending Candidates for Section-level Reserve Cadres" from the Organization Department.

Xu Junran made himself a cup of tea, picked up the teacup and blew on it, put down the teacup again, picked up the document and glanced at it, and wrote on the cover of the document with a pen, "Agree, forward to Asian comrades." Asian comrades are Sun Yasun secretary.

Then Xu Junran picked up another document, and just as he opened the phone on the desk, the phone rang, and it was Liu Huaqiang calling.

Xu Junran put down the document, leaned back on the chair with the microphone in hand, and asked, "What's the matter with the old man? Did he stop my car on purpose?"

He felt very strange, after all, he usually walks through this door every day, why suddenly someone stopped the car today to file a complaint?What's more, if this can force an old man in his dying years to file a complaint at the county government gate, I am afraid that he has really encountered something that cannot be solved.The way he thinks depends on his background. Xu Junran grew up in the countryside, so he naturally understood that if he hadn't been forced to a certain point, the rural people would not think of solving problems by blocking cars and suing.

Liu Huaqiang sighed helplessly: "County magistrate, this is a coincidence. I heard from my wife about the matter of the old man. I heard that it was because of his grandson. There has been a commotion for a while. The Letters and Visits Office and the Civil Affairs Office There have been troubles at the bureau..."

Xu Junran nodded: "Just ask, don't make the old man too excited."

Liu Huaqiang said: "Don't worry, the county magistrate, I have comforted the old man."


My daughter-in-law's grandfather is about to pass away, so I have to rush there. Chapter 2 will be in the evening, please forgive me.

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