
Such a thought flashed in Xu Junran's mind, but he put it aside immediately, this kind of thing happens no matter when.From ancient times to the present, where there are people, there has been uneven distribution, and there is naturally the saying of suing. Xu Junran is very clear about the petitioners. Some of them really have grievances, while some People are really making trouble for no reason. At least he has encountered a lot of making trouble for no reason in his previous life. For example, a store by the side of the road was asked for 500 million when it was demolished, otherwise he would not move.

A rural non-staple food store in the suburbs of a fourth-tier city in the north is asking for 500 million. Such a person is not an exaggeration.

Therefore, although Liu Huaqiang said that the old man came to petition, Xu Junran sympathized with him, but he had no intention of intervening. There will be dissatisfaction.

After thinking about it, Xu Junran instructed Liu Huaqiang: "Well, you can talk to him, and then let the comrades of the Letters and Visits Office accept it."

This is the normal procedure. If anyone has trouble, they can leapfrog the level to file a complaint and ask the big leader to deal with it. Then the national leader doesn't have to do other things, just solve these things every day.And if that's the case, what do grassroots cadres need to do?

Putting down the phone, Xu Junran pondered for a while, then reached out and dialed the phone number of Deng Wenbing, director of the county party committee office. Deng Wenbing heard that it was Xu Junran, and quickly said politely: "Hello, magistrate, do you have any instructions?"

In the recent period, Deng Wenbing had seen the situation in Incheon County clearly, and Secretary Bai did not know why he had put on an attitude of keeping a low profile.Because of Wang Meng's matter, Liu Qiang simply put his tail between his legs. The person who has the final say in the entire Incheon County is Xu Junran, the county magistrate. Deng Wenbing is not a fool.

Xu Junran smiled: "Is there any instruction, just chatting casually. How about it, the work of the letter and visit office is not easy to handle?"

The letter and visit office in the county works under the leadership of the county party committee office.That's why Xu Junran called Deng Wenbing.

Deng Wenbing understood what Xu Junran meant, and he himself has always wanted to improve his relationship with Xu Junran. There is a saying in official circles: "It is difficult to cook a cold stove, but it is easy to stir-fry rice."To run out of firewood and burn a cold stove, we must have a strategic vision and long-term goals.Moreover, the future of burning cold stoves is unpredictable and the risk is great. It is difficult to do without patience and perseverance. But once the "cold stove" is heated up, the person who burns cold stoves is a tried and tested loyal iron. "Fried hot rice" is often an onslaught on the hottest people in power, with a clear goal.Strong practicability, once the heat arrives, immediate results will be seen.but.There are crowds of people who stir up hot rice, so the investment is large and the firepower must be fierce. Without strong economic strength, it is difficult to go there.

For Deng Wenbing.He has already missed the best time to unite with Xu Junran, and now if he wants to get close to Xu Junran, he must increase his efforts.

To measure a cadre's ability, it is far from enough to rely on some superficial things. It is also necessary to handle more and more complicated affairs in a very appropriate, tactful, and careful manner.Deng Wenbing believes that compared with Liu Huaqiang, he is more suitable to be the chief housekeeper of the county party committee office.In other words, he had to make Xu Junran feel that even if the secretary of the county party committee was changed, Deng Wenbing was the most suitable candidate for the position of director of the county party committee.

Therefore, when Deng Wenbing heard Xu Junran mention the work of letters and visits, he was immediately refreshed, and his intuition told him that his good opportunity had come!

Sighing helplessly, Deng Wenbing gave a wry smile and said to Xu Junran: "County magistrate, what you said is right. This work of letters and visits is really difficult." After speaking, he began to complain to Xu Junran How difficult it is to do the petition work is nothing more than the fact that the group leader's request is sometimes unreasonable, and the petition department actually has no power to solve the problem.

Xu Junran listened to Deng Wenbing's complaints, but he understood that most of what he said should be true. The current petition agencies are numerous and complex, and they don't agree on what to say.From the central government to the local government, all levels of party committees, people's congresses, governments, courts, procuratorates and related functional departments have set up complaint agencies.However, since the letters and visits agencies do not belong to the sequence of state agencies, these agencies do not have a strict sense of affiliation.The central petition agency has very limited ability to control and coordinate the local petition agencies and the petition agencies of various central departments. The functions, powers and operating methods of the petition agencies in various regions are very different, resulting in non-sharing of information and lack of enforcement.

Not only that, the issue of letters and visits involves various aspects, and the syndrome of letters and visits has emerged, which makes the letter and visit agencies bear too much social responsibility.Since the letter-and-visit department does not have the actual power to solve all problems, credible visitors regard the letter-visit department as the main body responsible for solving problems to a large extent.Moreover, theoretically speaking, letters and visits are only one of the administrative remedies including administrative litigation and administrative reconsideration, while the country's judicial relief is the most important form of civil rights relief.But in practice, group owners believe more in the administrative remedy of petitioning, and regard it as the last hope.There are many reasons for this situation, among which judicial corruption in various places prevents citizens from receiving normal judicial relief is the main reason.

Xu Junran understands better that, to a certain extent, due to the long-standing ideology of "rule by man" in traditional Chinese society, the petition system, as a special channel to express people's feelings and defend grievances and rights, acts as a safety valve for the society and an important role for ordinary people. effect of placebo.However, it must be noted that a serious consequence of this attempt to replace judicial relief with administrative relief is the objective elimination of the authority of the state judiciary, which is the basis of modern social governance.

The current system of letters and visits has major deficiencies in the procedures, and both filing and responding to cases are very arbitrary.Although the basic principle of "responsibility at different levels and centralized management" has been established, there is no strict standard for how to determine the responsibilities of various departments at all levels, resulting in various departments being able to push each other for various reasons; Act on the face of the leader and rely on the instructions of the superior.Each branch has also established a “Leadership Responsibility System and Accountability System for Letters and Visits at All Levels.” This leadership system requires that the “top leaders” of party committees and governments at all levels take overall responsibility, the leaders in charge take the main responsibility, and the leaders directly in charge take direct responsibility. Those who, due to inadequate work and failure to fulfill their responsibilities, have occurred on a large scale and continuously petitioned the provincial party committee and government collectively or petitioned in the capital, seriously affecting social stability and normal work order, should be held accountable by the leaders in charge.This leadership system for letters and visits has played a certain role in making parties and governments at all levels attach importance to the issue of letters and visits, and it has also solved some problems.However, in order to curb the increase and escalation of petitions, governments at all levels will use various methods to attack petitioners and even political persecution when methods such as bribery and deception fail to produce results.The attack and political persecution of petitioners by a small number of local governments has produced very serious political consequences. One of them is that petitions have become an effective way of social mobilization and a means of rights protection and struggle, leading to an increase in collective action; the second consequence is, Political radicalism was born among the petitioners and gained the social soil for rapid reproduction.

"Old Deng, according to what you said, do we have to close the door and not listen to the opinions of the masses?" Hearing that Deng Wenbing's complaints were getting more and more outrageous, Xu Junran smiled and interrupted him. I understand the problems here, but in today's situation, the work of the Letters and Visits Office is still very important.After all, China's laws are sometimes hard and sometimes soft.If there is no instruction from the central leadership, it will be soft, and when there is instruction, it will be hard.When small things happen, you will be soft, and when big things happen, you will be hard.It is soft when it is not concentrated in action, and hard when it is concentrated in action.Soft when it comes to law enforcement and government officials, tough when it comes to ordinary people.When the parties are not tough, they will be tough, and when the parties are tough, they will be soft.

Deng Wenbing was a little unhappy when he heard Xu Junran's words, he quickly shook his head and said, "Mayor, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that."

He is not an idiot, although he can't figure out Xu Junran's attitude, but judging from Xu Junran's usual attitude towards the masses, this county magistrate Xu is not the kind of person who doesn't take the people seriously. An impression of not paying attention to the opinions of the masses is not a good thing.

Listening to Deng Wenbing's explanation, Xu Junran naturally knew his concerns, smiled and said: "I don't mean anything, I just hope that our petition cadres can do more practical things, listen to the opinions of the masses, and most importantly, follow the Communicate more with functional departments.”

He is very clear that in the eyes of many officials and cadres, petitioners are thugs. In fact, real thugs do not petition, and they will do all kinds of bad things that are against the law.To put it bluntly, these people say that they are worried that petitioners will damage the image of the government, but in fact they are worried that petitioners will affect their personal image and career advancement.

As for his own words, Xu Junran didn't know how much Deng Wenbing could listen to, and he couldn't restrain the behavior of the people below. The only thing he could do was to use his authority as much as possible to put pressure on the people below. Let them pay more attention to the problems reported by the masses.

Putting down the phone, Xu Junran couldn't help but sigh, the petition system is a major feature of Huaxia's administrative system.However, no matter how good this system is, it cannot completely replace a sound legal system.In a modern society that advocates the rule of law, we should first advocate the use of law to solve problems.Because the quality of petition results often depends on whether you can meet a "honest official" and whether you can meet a responsible person.

It's like the old man who petitioned and sued today, if he hadn't met himself, I'm afraid no one would have paid attention to his affairs.

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The grandpa of my daughter-in-law is going to die soon, and the whole family mobilized to go back. The old man in his 80s has cold hands and feet. To be honest, I feel a kind of sad feeling when I look at it. After the new year, the morning light will be thirty, and there are still 20 years at most. I'm getting old too.

Dear book friends, cherish every relative around you.

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