Xu Junran is not an idiot, a large group of leaders are sitting in the car behind, and Fang Zheng, shaking hands with these Haizhou leaders?

What a joke!

Xu Junran is very clear that so many people did not come for him, the secretary of the provincial party committee, and put on such a grand battle, it was to welcome Fang Zheng, the top leader of the provincial party committee, not against himself, if he did not know the position What if it fell into the eyes of the leader?

Besides, Zhao Tianyou greeted himself, and he could shake hands with him, but the head of the municipal committee greeted him, what about the rest?

The mayor, the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, the deputy mayor, and a dozen or so people came down the road. Could it be possible that I would all shake hands and say hello?Holding it all the way like this, it gives people the feeling that he is no longer the leader?If this hand is really shaken, maybe the person has not returned to Donghai Province, and the notice to return to the capital will come down.After being a cadre for so many years, he still knows this measure.So Xu Junran did not extend his hand to greet Zhao Tianyou, but said to Zhao Tianyou a few steps away: "Secretary Zhao, the chief said he won't get out of the car, let's go directly."

Hearing Xu Junran's words, the large group of people stopped immediately, looked at each other a few times, and when they were about to return to the car, they heard Xu Junran then say to Zhao Tianyou: "The chief asked Secretary Zhao to get on the bus."

Zhao Tianyou was taken aback for a moment, then whispered a few words to the mayor beside him, and then walked towards Xu Junran, while the rest of the people went back to their cars under the leadership of Wang Yong in.After all, Secretary Fang said that there is no need for everyone to meet, so it must be carried out according to the leader's wishes.

Zhao Tianyou walked towards the bus with Xu Junran, and while walking, he lowered his voice and asked, "How is the leader's mood?"

Xu Junran was stunned, and immediately understood what Zhao Tianyou meant.For this Lu Ying, it can be said that Zhao Tianyou took a great political risk.After all, it violated the intention of the leader.Now he wants to evaluate how serious the matter will be through Xu Junran's observation.At first, Xu Junran had a stone stuck in his heart, and was uneasy, so why would he pay attention to other things?Secondly, he was a secretary at the beginning and had no experience.Will not look at the leader's face to observe the leader's expression.So he couldn't answer Zhao Tianyou's question at all.

However, he definitely wouldn't say this in front of Zhao Tianyou. After thinking about it, Xu Junran said, "The chief is in a good mood." At least even after seeing the welcoming team put out by Haizhou City, there was no obvious displeasure.

Zhao Tianyou walked ahead.Xu Junran followed behind.After Zhao Tianyou got into the car first, Xu Junran followed.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Xu Junran got into the car, before Xu Junran even had time to close the door, Fang Zheng snorted coldly and said, "I said Secretary Zhao, you are very good at handling things. So many people came to welcome me. Tell me, it’s me, the leader of the provincial party committee, who doesn’t work. Or you, the leader of the municipal party committee, doesn’t work?”

Obviously, Fangzheng was unhappy, but Xu Junran felt that he didn't seem to be really angry, otherwise he wouldn't have talked to Zhao Tianyou in such a joking tone.

Xu Junran could see it, and Zhao Tianyou could also feel it. He hurriedly walked in front of Fang Zheng, lowered his head and said, "Chief, it's my fault. I'll review it with you."

Fangzheng glanced at him, and snorted: "Forget it, what are you admitting to doing like this? If you block Xiao Xu's road, the driver can't even drive. Sit down."

Because Zhao Tianyou stood on the aisle and blocked Xu Junran's way, Xu Junran had no choice but to stand behind him.In the entire bus, there were only the two of them standing there.Xu Junran suddenly felt that Zhao Tianyou should be extremely embarrassed at this moment.This embarrassment was not only caused by Fang Zheng's mild criticism, but also because Fang Zheng was hinting at telling him to sit down.

sit down!

where are you sitting?

There is a seat next to Fangzheng, sitting here is a very high treatment.But behind Fangzheng, there is another row of seats.Zhao Tianyou can also sit there.But that seat is very special.It seems that he is sitting on the bench, and it can also be understood that he is showing a gesture.But Fangzheng didn't explain it, so it was a bit difficult to handle. Xu Junran could clearly see that Zhao Tianyou seemed to be hesitating.

After a few seconds, Zhao Tianyou seemed to have made a decision, sat down beside Fangzheng, and said with a smile, "Chief, I will conduct a review by your side."

Seeing this, Xu Junran hurried back to his seat and sat down, when Fangzheng asked Zhao Tianyou, "How did you arrange it?"

Zhao Tianyou replied: "The chief has been in the car for several hours, and it's getting late now. I'm considering taking a break first. Mayor Wang Yong and I will report the specific situation of our Haizhou, and then we will have lunch. Inspection It will be arranged in the afternoon. We have chosen six points, but the time in the afternoon will be very tight, and it is impossible to watch all six points. It is up to you, the chief, to decide which ones to choose."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Zheng said directly, "I'm not a sick person, I don't need to rest. Let's hurry up and go to Ronghua Iron and Steel Plant first."

Xu Junran has learned about Haizhou City before, and knows that Haizhou has set up an economic development zone, and the Ronghua Iron and Steel Plant inside is a key construction project in Donghai Province.

Donghai Province is not a big steel province. Before the reform and opening up, there was only one steel production enterprise in Donghai Province, namely Haizhou Iron and Steel Plant.

In the 70s and [-]s, iron and steel enterprises were established across the country. At that time, the second largest iron and steel plant in the southeast region was to be established, and Haizhou was one of the candidates for selecting sites throughout the southeast region.After several rounds of screening, many points were discarded, but Haizhou still came to the end.There may be several reasons why Haizhou came to the end. For example, Haizhou is surrounded by plains, which is convenient for the transportation of iron ore and coal needed by iron and steel factories.There used to be a metallurgical factory in Haizhou. In order to fight for this project, the provincial party committee allocated a sum of money to expand the metallurgical factory into Haizhou Ronghua Iron and Steel Factory, which has both industrial and metallurgical foundations.In the end, for some other reason, the steel mill was chosen elsewhere.Haizhou missed this development opportunity.Even so, due to the investment from the province, Haizhou Ronghua Iron and Steel Works has put up a shelf.At that time, Haizhou Iron and Steel Works did not have independent production capacity, but only carried out simple ore extraction.

After the reform and opening up, the weight of the iron and steel industry in the national economic structure has increased day by day, and various regions have begun to vigorously develop the iron and steel industry, investing more in iron and steel metallurgy, and a number of small but comprehensive iron and steel smelting enterprises have emerged across the country.Donghai Province also put the development of the metallurgical industry on the agenda, listed Haizhou Iron and Steel Works as a steel production base, and increased investment.From then on, Haizhou Iron and Steel Works began to transform and began to produce steel.But because of its weakness in capital, technology, and management, the steel plant barely survived.

It wasn't until the mid-80s that China's various industries began to develop in a blowout style, and the demand for steel was increasing.Donghai Province couldn't sit still, and put forward the slogan of making iron and steel a pillar industry, and accordingly issued a plan for the development of the iron and steel industry. Only then did the metallurgical industrial park based on Haizhou Ronghua Iron and Steel Works come into being.

In his previous life, Xu Junran really had an impression of this steel factory in Haizhou, but he didn't know much about the specific situation.

Fangzheng was going to see the Iron and Steel Industrial Park, and he could understand it. After all, this is the leader of the province's industrial development, and he was counting on this industrial park to make an industrial turnaround. He would be the first to make the steel industry stronger and bigger. Save bad luck, that's a matter for the future, this problem is left to future leaders to solve.

Haizhou City was notified in advance and made arrangements.But the head of the provincial party committee is the head of the provincial party committee. If Fang Zheng said a word, the following plan would have to change.Hearing that Fangzheng said to go directly to Ronghua Iron and Steel Plant, Zhao Tianyou immediately took out his mobile phone, dialed the number of the mayor Wang Yong in front, and hung up the phone after only saying a word to go to the Automobile Industrial Park.

The convoy moved forward slowly, and soon arrived at the management office building of the industrial park. When the car stopped, Zhao Tianyou was the first to jump out of the car, and then stood on the side of the road to meet Fang Zheng.After Fangzheng got off the car, he guided the front side and walked forward.The leaders of several teams in Haizhou City had already arrived earlier, and together with the person in charge of the industrial park, they stood in front of the building to welcome them.The entrance of the building is filled with various green plants and a red welcome slogan is hung.Xu Junran followed behind with his bag in his hand. He didn't care what the leaders saw or said. He only had one job, that is, when Fangzheng needed something, he could get it out in time.

From the beginning to the end, Xu Junran didn't pay too much attention to other things, he just followed him silently anyway, he didn't care about the gazes cast by others, and he didn't care about others' polite whispers to him occasionally, he knew very well that people valued him It's not me, but my identity as the secretary of the provincial party committee.

The visit was over in just over an hour. Zhao Tianyou tested the other party and said, "Secretary, shall we find a place to eat?"

Fangzheng waved his hand: "No, I heard that the canteen here doesn't have box lunches? Just buy box lunches."


Everyone was immediately dumbfounded. It was the first time I heard that grassroots research actually eats box lunches.

Zhao Tianyou stared dumbfounded anyway, and then looked at Xu Junran, he was a little confused, the head of the provincial party committee, what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd, Fangzheng came to Haizhou City today, it was really not a mess Is it a place?

Xu Junran suddenly felt that Secretary Fangzheng was a wonderful person.


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