Powerful and romantic

Chapter 797 Communication

The investigation ended soon. For Fangzheng, in the past few days, he toured five cities on a whim, allowing the leaders of each city to see the work style and work style of the new head of the provincial party committee. character.

Xu Junran has been by Fangzheng's side all the time. He found that Fangzheng is a very pragmatic person. When he arrives in any city, he will reject all those useless entertainments that can be rejected. He is more concerned about the living conditions of the people and the local economic development. situation.

"How about it, do you think there is any problem with the economic development of our Donghai Province?"

Sitting in the car returning to the provincial capital, Fangzheng asked Xu Junran.

The reason why Fangzheng asked Xu Junran such a question was that there was nothing wrong with it. The articles published by this guy were all about economic development. Fangzheng naturally knew that Xu Junran had a good grasp of the general economic trend. is very insightful.

Xu Junran thought for a while, and seeing that there was no one around him, he opened his mouth and said, "Top-heavy."

"Huh?" Fangzheng raised his head and glanced at Xu Junran, then smiled and said, "Tell me."

Xu Junran knew that he was testing himself, so he didn't hide it, and said directly: "Chief, I think the economic development of Donghai Province is a bit too uneven. Although we only went to a few cities, I found that these Cities pay more attention to the development of industry, but they don't pay enough attention to agriculture."

Fangzheng frowned when he heard this: "Isn't it good to develop industries?"

Xu Junran shook his head: "Industry must be developed, but we can't just focus on the development of industry and ignore the development of agriculture and other industries. What's more, although industrial development has quick results, if the projects are not carefully screened, it may not be good for the local development. It's really beneficial."

What he said was the truth, as the saying goes.The new official took office with three fires.The little reptile assumes a new role, and will never follow the old rules. He will definitely use his brains and come up with some new tricks.Why do we have to come up with something new?It's very simple, what to do if the former boss.The new boss will follow suit, no matter how well he does.The credit also belongs to the predecessor, so how to show the innovative spirit of the new boss?How to show the outstanding achievements of the new boss?Without the spirit of innovation and outstanding political achievements, it is obviously not good for continued promotion.That's why when a new official takes office, he has new ideas and new measures, and everything has to be overthrown and restarted, breaking the old framework.Break new ground.Officialdom thinking and officialdom habits also dictate it.

The biggest disadvantage of this is that no matter who comes, they all want to do their own thing, and the policy cannot be continued. Naturally, the local economic development only seems to be thriving.

Fang is a smart person, so he can hear it naturally.There was something in Xu Junran's words, he smiled and asked, "Tell me, what's going on?"

Xu Junran shrugged: "What can happen? Think about it. Under the current situation, everyone is focused on their political achievements. If things go on like this, what will happen?"

The expression on Fangzheng's face has changed. The topic between the two was originally to discuss the economic development of Donghai Province, but now under Xu Junran's guidance, it has become a discussion of officials' views on political achievements.Fangzheng has noticed that some cadres at the grassroots level are desperate for political achievements. He was dissatisfied with this behavior at first, but now that Xu Junran reminded him, he felt something was wrong.

"I'll think about it." Fangzheng slowly closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

Seeing this, Xu Junran didn't say anything, just lowered his head and looked at it silently.

In fact, he hasn't finished his words. He has seen too many such incidents in his previous life. In Xu Junran's mind, he has a deep impression of this kind of reckless approach for the sake of political achievements.

Generally speaking, the future approaches are as follows.

The first is enclosure.The former boss may have been satisfied with the renovation of the old city in terms of municipal construction due to lack of conditions. The new boss is here. He has a Ph. This kind of municipal construction speed is far behind the requirements of the development of the times!This is a manifestation of narrow vision!In order to prove that his vision is wide-ranging, the new boss launched a land enclosure campaign, expropriating all the land around the city, and engaged in large-scale planning, with an industrial area in the east, a residential area in the west, an administrative area in the south, and a business area in the north.Walking into the planning bureau and looking at the schematic diagram, you will be overwhelmed with emotion and sincerely admire: this fire is really burning well!

The second is to dig a hole.The land is surrounded by a large area, but the hills are continuous, the vegetation is lush, and the water and electricity are not connected. It is not like an industrial area, an administrative area, a residential area, or a commercial area. What should I do?The excavator was called in, booming, full bloom, construction day and night, all of a sudden, the clarion call of municipal construction was sounded everywhere in the small town.After a few days, the hills have been removed, the vegetation has been destroyed, and the ravines have been criss-crossed. The mountains and rivers will never be recognized again!Or one day, the weather was sunny, the boss and some cultural people visited the Dakeng, pointed to a newly opened gully and said: "My dear friends, what should be the name of this road?" Said: "This road runs through the new city, and the Fengshui is very good. It can be called Shunfeng Road, which means the smooth wind in the construction of our county and the smooth wind in the boss's official career." The boss, Longyan Dayue, nodded in agreement.Then several ravines were named "Xianda Road", "Jinguang Road", "Longmen Road" and so on.The boss's act of digging a hole was unprecedented, and it was written in the summary, and it made a big impact. He was promoted not long after, and his official career was indeed smooth.But several years have passed, a lot of money has been spent, the pit is still the same pit, the road is still the same road, sparse, and a few buildings have been built, but the popularity is not strong, and the financial resources are not prosperous. Commercial areas, industrial areas, administrative areas, Residential districts are everywhere.

The third point is water control.Not long after he took office, the boss thought hard about how to benefit the people. Perhaps one day, when he was taking a bath, he had a flash of inspiration, slapped his thigh and said, "I got it, I got it!" Immediately began to deploy major water control projects, mobilizing the whole The people of the county said: Since XX years, our county has not built a medium-sized reservoir to hold Tianshui. The lack of water for industry, agriculture, and domestic use has caused a shortage of water for industry, agriculture, and domestic use.According to expert argumentation, building a medium-sized reservoir in a certain township will bring great benefits to the people of the whole county without any harm!The boss was burning with passion, and the audience applauded thunderously.An expert said: "It is not bad to build water conservancy and reservoirs. However, the immigrants have moved, and the dam is halfway. Suddenly, the funds are exhausted, the project is stopped, and there are piles of problems. It is better not to repair it." When it was exposed, he had already been promoted, and the new boss had something new to say, so how could he take over the mess and wipe the ass of his predecessor?It is exactly: the big pit is still there, and the dreams of the people are empty.

The last is leisure.The emperor takes turns to do it. This year, when you come to my house, I will appear on the stage after you sing, and the king's flag will change on the top of the city.Zhang San is the boss and likes to break ground, and Li Si is the boss and likes to control water. When it is Wang Wu's turn to come to power, he finds that the soil has been moved and the water is not easy to control.The counselor said: "Boss, there are no famous people in the history of our county. We can't eat our ancestors. There are no mineral deposits in the land. We can't build large-scale industries. There are no national roads. We can't afford large-scale logistics. Innately limited, it is difficult to develop. For the sake of the people, it is better to build more. Leisure villas, cultural squares, attract more beautiful women, develop more galleries, and relevant departments will escort them. In this way, tourists from all over the world will come, business will prosper, financial resources will flourish, and the treasury will increase. Please ask the relevant departments to come up with a plan and put forward feasible suggestions. The general idea is to increase investment in the next two years, and all parties will work together to build our county into a regional leisure capital!" So in the county, the rich nightclub, the red Sun Leisure Centers have popped up one after another. At night, there are feasting lights, singing and dancing everywhere, and the city of leisure has gradually taken shape.

The above points are problems that have occurred in many areas. The reason why Xu Junran pointed it out to the other party is very simple. Be deceived.

"What do you think Donghai will develop into in the future?"

After a while, Fangzheng's voice sounded in Xu Junran's ears, with a hint of fatigue.

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