Powerful and romantic

Chapter 832 After the old man

There is no hatred for no reason in this world, and naturally there is no love for no reason. Xu Junran does not believe that Fei Ming would suddenly show concern for him for no reason. If he had to sell the old leader's face, then there must be other reasons for Fei Ming to praise himself so much in front of Fang Zheng today.

The first reaction in Xu Junran's mind was, is it possible that Fei Ming is from the Sun family?

After all, Fangzheng knew that he was the grandson of Mr. Sun, and it was probably not a secret among the high-level officials in Donghai Province under the deliberate spread of some people in the capital.Of course, someone like Chen Junru must not know about it, otherwise he wouldn't be so hostile to him at the beginning.

However, in front of Fangzheng, Xu Junran couldn't ask directly, so he could only smile dryly.

Fangzheng was somewhat puzzled: "Secretary Fei, with all due respect, do you know Xiao Xu?"

Fei Ming shook his head: "Secretary Fang was joking, I didn't know him before he came to work in Donghai."

Now both Fangzheng and Xu Junran felt puzzled. If they didn't know each other, why would Fei Ming be so interested in Xu Junran all of a sudden?

Fei Ming didn't seem to intend to continue to play tricks, walked into his study, took out a box and returned to the living room, put it on the coffee table, and then said to Xu Junran, "Open it."

Xu Junran was taken aback for a moment, although he was a little puzzled, he still opened the box as he said.

As soon as the box looked at it, it was obvious that it was quite old. It could be seen that it was often rubbed in the hands of the owner. After Xu Junran opened the box, he saw an old photo there.

When he saw clearly the person in the photo, Xu Junran was stunned.

Fangzheng was a little puzzled, and leaned forward to take the photo.I saw six or seven young people in green military uniforms standing above, the background should be the Fragrant Hills in the capital, and look at the days in the photos.This is a photo taken almost 40 years ago.

"This is..." Fangzheng looked puzzled.

Fei Ming didn't speak, but Xu Junran said in a low voice: "My mother also has this photo..."

Yes, Xu Junran didn't lie, the same photo was also taken at Xu Junran's home in Wude County in the south of the Yangtze River.

When she was a child, Xu Junran often saw her mother weep holding this photo, in her words.There is her father and her friends on it, but she will never be able to go back for the rest of her life.

Today, Xu Junran unexpectedly saw this photo again in Donghai Province.

"Your mother?" Fang Zheng was stunned as soon as he spoke. He knew Xu Junran's identity, and naturally he also knew who Xu Junran's mother was.Naturally, it was Sun Jingwen, the eldest daughter of the Sun family who ran away from home. Could it be that Fei Ming knew Xu Junran's mother?

"It's been more than 30 years in a flash." Fei Ming's voice sounded slowly: "When I was in the capital, your mother and I were classmates, and we grew up together. Behind them, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. One parting turned out to be Yin and Yang."

Looking at Xu Junran, Fei Ming pointed to the photo and said, "I'm afraid your mother never told you that she still has friends in the capital?"

Xu Junran was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "Mother said. She has relatives and friends in the capital, but she can't go back."

"Yeah, I can't go back." Fei Ming said in a low voice.There were tears in his eyes.

When he saw Xu Junran for the first time, he felt that Xu Junran was very similar to the woman he liked when he was a boy. At first, Fei Ming thought that he might have misidentified the person. Later, he heard an old acquaintance in the capital mention it, saying It was only when Sun Jingwen's son arrived in Donghai that he paid attention to Xu Junran.

Although Fei Ming didn't come from the top family in the capital, the Fei family also had a lot of contacts in the capital. After making inquiries, he discovered that Xu Junran was really Sun Jingwen's son.

Fei Ming was not as proud as he is now when he was a boy. At that time, Fei Ming's father was beaten, and the situation at home was very miserable. If it wasn't for Sun Jingwen's care, he would have been bullied even at school. For me, I am afraid that the kind of affection between my mother and sister will be unforgettable in my life.When Sun Jingwen escaped from marriage and left home, Fei Ming was really sad for a while.Then he left the capital until he saw Sun Jingwen's son again, which made him recall his boyhood again.

"Call me uncle from now on." Fei Ming glanced at Xu Junran and said with a smile.

In his opinion, Xu Junran is the continuation of Sun Jingwen, and he has to take good care of this old man's son out of emotion and reason.

Fang Zheng was already a little dumbfounded. Even though he has been in the officialdom for many years, he has never encountered such a thing. Could it be that he just got the support of a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee?The reason is because I chose a good secretary!

Thinking of this, he looked at Xu Junran differently, this kid is really a lucky general.

Xu Junran was also a little dizzy at this time, he never thought that the reason why Fei Ming favored him more was because of his old relationship with his mother.However, he didn't doubt that Fei Ming was telling lies, what kind of joke was he making? No matter whether he leaned towards Fangzheng or Jiang Fangzhong, a dignified vice-ministerial leader would be valued. Secretary?

"Well, Uncle Fei, where did you get the news?" Xu Junran looked puzzled, he still didn't understand, how did Fei Ming determine that he was Sun Jingwen's son?

Fei Ming chuckled: "Your third uncle and I are classmates in junior high school, although we haven't had much contact in these years. But this time he has been transferred to Yunnan Province to be the governor, so I must call to congratulate him."

Not long ago, Sun Zhenbang, Xu Junran's third uncle, was appointed as the acting governor of Yunnan Province. The reason is naturally very simple. He has made considerable achievements in the position of vice minister of the Ministry of Finance. Coupled with the appropriate promotion of the Sun family, Naturally, it will be a matter of course.

Xu Junran naturally knew the news. At that time, Sun Zhenbang called him specially. After all, if it wasn’t for the plan Xu Junran proposed, he would not have been able to earn so much money from the Soviets for the country. Now that the Soviet Union has disintegrated, the ruble is almost Turned into waste paper, the upper management was very satisfied with that incident, and under the merits and deeds, Sun Zhenbang's promotion went with the flow.

Now hearing what Fei Ming said, Xu Junran felt relieved.

With a smile, Fei Ming said to Fangzheng: "Secretary Fang, my nephew is sometimes a little ignorant, so you have to take care of him." Just after he recognized his relatives, he began to speak for Xu Junran. Such an elder, let Xu Junran My heart is warm.

Hearing what Fei Ming said, Fangzheng replied with a smile: "Secretary Fei, you're seeing outsiders now. We're not outsiders. Comrade Xiao Xu, although young, has outstanding abilities. To be honest, I've been thinking It means that I delayed his development, otherwise, if he were allowed to stay in the Central Office, he might already be the leader of one party now."

Xu Junran shook his head hastily: "Secretary, you are over the award, over the award."

What a joke, Fangzheng praised himself for the first time.Although Fei Ming could be regarded as the elder of his family, Xu Junran didn't want to leave an impression of being favored and arrogant in front of Fang Zheng, which would not do him any good.

Fangzheng praised Xu Junran, but Fei Mingdao didn't think there was anything wrong with it. He knew everything about Xu Junran before, and naturally he also understood Xu Junran's achievements, so he didn't think Fangzheng's words were exaggerated. He smiled and said: " It can be said that Junran's future is limitless now, but it's a pity that the officialdom in Donghai Province is like this now, only seniority is not considered talent, otherwise, many comrades would not be underappreciated."

Hearing Fei Ming's words, Fangzheng secretly rejoiced. It seemed that Fei Ming had something to say to him.

Thinking of this, he smiled at Fei Ming: "It seems that Secretary Fei is expressing his feelings."

Fei Ming shook his head lightly: "I can't talk about it because I feel it, it's just a little personal idea of ​​mine." (To be continued...)

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