Powerful and romantic

Chapter 833 Chips

Fei Ming smiled and said to Fang Zheng: "I have an idea, I don't know if it's right, let me discuss it with Secretary Fang. The system of our country is the two lines of the party and the government. I think this is the best system. It is in line with the spirit of philosophy. Philosophy believes that the world is composed of two parts, the macro and the micro. In foreign parliamentary systems, the parliament manages the macro, and the government manages the micro. However, the macro and the micro are too far apart. We only hold one meeting for a long time, and every time we hold a meeting, because there are too many members and the opinions are too different, it is often just a quarrel and nothing can be done. As a result, this macroscopic view has become macroscopic. The permanent power organization is very timely and powerful in managing the macro, which is much superior to the parliamentary system. Of course, another problem will arise, that is, the blurring of the boundary between the macro and the micro. After all, both are power institutions , Moreover, the power of the party committee is far greater than that of the government, and it is easy to produce cross-border operations. The party committee intervenes in the work of the government, that is, the party committee grasps the micro. Similarly, the government departments have been trying to eliminate the containment and constraints of the party committee, and tried every means, Control the macro. In these two situations, it often depends on who is more powerful, the leader of the party and government."

Xu Junran was taken aback when he heard Fei Ming's words. He had seen such a statement on a certain forum in later generations, and the discussion was about the differences and pros and cons between China's political system and the Western political system. Now that Fei Ming said it, There is a very strange feeling.

He didn't respond, but Fangzheng was lost in thought. After all, the person who said these words was aimed at him, the head of the provincial party committee.

After a moment of silence, Fangzheng slowly said to Fei Ming: "What Secretary Fei means is that the contradiction in our Donghai Province is that neither the party committee nor the government have set themselves up right?"

Fei Ming chuckled, and said noncommittally: "Governor Jiang, I have worked with him for a long time. I still have some experience with him. It must be admitted that Governor Jiang is a very capable cadre. He is serious and responsible in his work, and most importantly, he also hopes to develop Donghai Province."

As he spoke, he looked at Fangzheng: "Secretary Fang, what do you think about this?"

Fangzheng nodded, and admitted straightforwardly: "Indeed, it must be admitted that Governor Fang Zhong is very capable. Otherwise, the central government would not allow him to preside over the work of the government."

Xu Junran nodded approvingly from the sidelines. There is no doubt about it. Although he was somewhat dissatisfied with Jiang Fangzhong's behavior of fighting for power and profit, even his political opponents must admit that when it comes to matters of right and wrong, Jiang Fangzhong Still trustworthy.Whether it was developing the economy of Donghai Province or a case involving his confidants, Jiang Fangzhong's performance had convinced Xu Junran that this was a man with a firm personality.Aspiring leaders.

Fei Ming smiled, and continued: "Of course, Lao Jiang also has shortcomings. Although he has no selfish intentions, he always likes to control things within the scope of his control, and most of the time he just does things. Believe in your own vision, and don't listen to other opinions, no matter whether this opinion is good or bad, it is difficult for him to be listened to."

Xu Junran couldn't help but said, "I don't think this is just his case. Many of our cadres still retain that old-fashioned thinking. We don't go through investigation and evidence collection when we do anything, just rely on old experience."

After saying this, he wished he could give himself a big mouth, what to say at this time!

The most taboo thing in the officialdom is to show off one's ability indiscriminately in front of superiors. To put it nicely, it is called being arrogant, and to put it badly, it is called being disrespectful.

However, Fangzheng and Fei Ming didn't care about his interjection. Fei Ming nodded with a smile and said, "Jun Ran is right. When Lao Jiang went to the mountains and went to the countryside, he wasted a lot of time. It's fine for ordinary work. It is related to the economic aspect, because there is no systematic study, most of what he relies on is studied in his work. Philosophy often says to see the essence through the phenomenon, if we look through the superficial things, the old Jiang is a bit confused when he talks about it, and it is more difficult for such a person to form a team with anyone."

Fangzheng silently listened to Fei Ming's words, and after a while he said in a deep voice, "Then Secretary Fei thinks, how should I face this situation?"

He knew very well that what Fei Ming said was not wrong at all, not to mention anything else, just the few conflicts between himself and Jiang Fangzhong in the province, in the final analysis, it was all because of the different ruling philosophies between the two people, Jiang Fangzhong was a bit headstrong , I can't listen to the opinions of others. If I didn't take care of the overall situation, I'm afraid there would have been a big trouble.

Fei Ming smiled slightly. Instead of answering Fang Zheng's question directly, he said lightly, "I've already said it."

Fangzheng was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, he already understood what Fei Ming meant.

After the two of them talked a few more words, Fangzheng took his leave and left. It was a pleasure to meet Fei Ming today. It can be said that Feiming has already sent enough goodwill signals to Fangzheng. The next thing is to see how Fangzheng uses it. With this opportunity, he continued to expand his influence in Donghai Province.

Xu Junran was about to leave with Fangzheng, but Fangzheng stopped him, waved his hand and said with a smile, "You met Secretary Fei today, so stay here and have a good chat."

He knew very well that the reason why Fei Ming chose to lean on his side was because of his health, which made Fei Ming lose the idea of ​​continuing to fight in the officialdom, and another very important reason was that Xu Junran was his Fei Ming's secretary, Fei Ming still valued this old man's son very much, so Fang Zheng simply sold a favor to Fei Ming.

Hearing Fangzheng's order, Xu Junran glanced at Fangzheng in surprise, then nodded respectfully: "Okay, I'll listen to the secretary."

No matter what kind of thoughts Fang Zheng had in his heart, Xu Junran was very grateful for his arrangement. After all, Fei Ming was his elder, and he was alone in a foreign land as a stranger. Missing relatives, being able to meet an old friend of his mother here, Xu Junran also wanted to chat with Fei Mingdo.

After sending Fang Zheng away, Xu Junran followed Fei Ming back to the room. Fei Ming sat on the sofa, pointed to the sofa in front of him, and smiled at Xu Junran: "Sit down, it's like your own home."

Xu Junran was not polite, sat on the sofa and poured a cup of tea for Fei Ming and himself.

"It's exactly the same as your mother back then." Fei Ming looked at Xu Junran carefully, and said with a smile: "I met your father a few times back then, and you are completely a collection of the two of them when they were young, and they look so much alike. "

At this time, he didn't have the posture of pointing Jiangshan in front of Fangzheng just now, but he was more like an amiable elder.

"Uncle Fei, thank you." Xu Junran sat in front of Fei Ming and said sincerely to Fei Ming.

No matter what reason Fei Ming helped him with, his statement in front of Fang Zheng today was tantamount to insurance for Xu Junran. No matter what happened to Fang Zheng in the future, as long as it was related to Xu Junran, he had to consider Fei Ming's reaction.Just like the recent report letter incident, if Fangzheng couldn't bear the pressure a day ago, he might choose to throw himself out to resist the pressure from the outside, but now with Fei Ming, Fangzheng has to consider a consequence.Once he gave up on Xu Junran, would Fei Ming give up on him too?

After all, for Fei Ming, if he chooses to invest in either Jiang Fangzhong or Fangzheng, the result is not as simple as one plus one equals two. The weight of a heavyweight Provincial Standing Committee member, the influence on the Standing Committee and the secretary's office meeting, that is quite large.The reason why Fei Ming chose Fangzheng was obviously because of Xu Junran's relationship.

Fei Ming looked at Xu Junran, a sincere smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and after looking at it for a while, he said, "I don't have any regrets to see you again in this life. When I see your mother one day, I will be worthy of her."

In a word, Xu Junran's eyes became moist all of a sudden. (to be continued..)

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