The mirror of reincarnation flew high into the sky, and the light suddenly became brighter, like the sun shining on the earth, it was extraordinarily dazzling, not only the west area, but even other areas were felt by the powerful.

"What happened?"

"Report to the sect master, the fragments are abnormal!!!"

"What's wrong???"

"The fragments of the reincarnation mirror flew!!!"

"Look at the sky!!!"

"That's... the reincarnation mirror???"

"Oh my god, what did I see, it's almost complete reincarnation mirror!!!"

That is like a reincarnation mirror like the sun!

In a certain corner, Fat Dun and Wen Qing opened their eyes at the same time. The two rushed to the top of the mountain at the fastest speed, but they saw a scene that shocked them.

"Oops, something happened to Xiao Zhenyue!"

It's not just that something happened, it's a big deal!

"Xueling, something happened to Zhenyue!!!"

"Nan Sheng, look quickly!!!"

"Quick, quick, hurry over!!!"

As if calling, once the mirror of reincarnation comes out, all her partners can see it!

However, things have also changed a lot.

The mirror of reincarnation was born!

In the sky, it is also calling, gathering the fragments of the mirror of reincarnation in all directions! ! !

Something big is about to happen!


In the nothingness, there is a vast expanse of whiteness, a white figure, black long hair, and a frail body, with his hands behind his back, "Is it about to start?"

"Lord, are we late!"

"It's okay, he hasn't shown up yet."



When the last piece of reincarnation mirror was assembled successfully, the golden light was as brilliant as fireworks!

At the same time, everyone in Fenglei Villa felt that things were getting out of hand.

How did the ancestors know that Nalan Zhenyue has a nearly complete reincarnation mirror on her body! ! !

If he knew, if he knew, put the knife on his neck, and he wouldn't let Nalan Zhenyue come! ! !

But it's too late to say anything now!

The mirror of reincarnation turned out to be the mirror of reincarnation.

What is reincarnation mirror?

Ask ten masters, and all ten masters will say that the mirror of reincarnation is the supreme treasure, but they cannot trace the background of the mirror of reincarnation.

Everyone stared at the mirror of reincarnation, even if their eyes hurt, they were all watching.

And at this time, under everyone's shocked gaze, the god puppet who likes to wear clothes but is a skeleton soars into the sky. Under the eyes of everyone, it actually wants to attack the mirror of reincarnation, and it is Made a ruthless attack on the mirror of reincarnation.

There was even a crack on the mirror surface of the reincarnation mirror due to the attack of the god puppet.

Jin Jin doesn't understand, and Xiao Bai doesn't understand either, what is the god puppet doing?

Why destroy the reincarnation mirror?

The god puppet still wanted to make a move, but the light of the reincarnation mirror suddenly changed, the god puppet was caught off guard, and fell down from the sky abruptly, almost breaking his old waist.

This is the beginning!

At the same time, some old monster-level powerhouses who came from all directions from Shangjingtian, yes, they are old monsters of Hele Suwen's level! ! !

Even the old monsters from Fenglei Villa came out.

Lei Tianming couldn't stay any longer at this moment, and ran towards the west city.

The reincarnation mirror rotated extremely fast in the sky, and the speed of rotation became faster and faster, and all the light suddenly hit Nalan Zhenyue.

And Nalan Zhenyue's body trembled violently at this moment! ! !

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