At that moment, Nalan Zhenyue's mind suddenly came to life, her eyes gradually became in focus, and at the same time, she felt that her body was filled with a powerful force, as if she wanted to explode herself, bringing violent pain.

"It's the power of the reincarnation mirror!" Le Suwen shouted suddenly at this moment.

In the next second, Le Suwen and Le Suyun ran towards the mirror of reincarnation, not only the two of them, but even some people who were greedy for power did it.

Le Suwen stretched out his hand to get close to the mirror of reincarnation, and Le Suyun took cover to help Le Suwen and killed many people who were trying to get the mirror of reincarnation.

Just when Le Suwen's hand was about to touch the mirror of reincarnation, several figures rushed over and interrupted Le Suwen abruptly.

Le Suwen's complexion changed, "A true immortal???"

"So you old guy is not dead?"

"It's the same with you!"

A head of long white hair, almost long enough to mop the floor, but with a baby face without any wrinkles.

This person is a person of the same period as Le Suwen, who is called the old real person Yingwen in Shangjingtian!

Winner's old monster!

Jin Jin has never seen Ying Wen, and Ying Wen is just like Le Suwen. In Ying Jia, he belongs to the kind of perennial retreat. The world also thinks that Ying Wen should have passed away, but they did not expect that all these old monsters are there.


What age was the ancestor's ancestor?

Anyway, with the winner's old real person and old monsters like Le Suwen and Le Suyun!

Lei Fengzi of Fenglei Villa!

The Babu Zun of the Yin Tower!

The closest ones rushed over!If there hadn't been a battle between Fenglei Villa and Shi-Defying Mansion this time, no one would have known that all these old fellows were still alive.

The appearance of the mirror of reincarnation blasted all these old guys out!


Hearing such laughter, the Babuzun of the Yin Tower became annoyed. The people who came here were called Jiubuzun in Shangjingtian. From the words, one can imagine the relationship between Jiubuzun and Babuzun, yes , the old monster who came here at this moment is the old guy in another Yangta of Shangjingtian!

The Babuzun and Jiubuzun were not at odds when they were young. No matter what aspect they need to compare with each other, it is also in terms of cultivation. In the history of Shangjingtian, Babuzun and Jiubuzun have a common feature , then they are definitely very strong in terms of speed. Their unique skills are related to Babu, and Jiubuzun is a little bit stronger than Babuzun, so there is a Babuzun and a Jiubuzun.

It is conceivable that Babu Zun is very unhappy with the arrival of Jiubuzun!

"Hey, we meet again!"

"Baby Su!!!"

"It's Baby Su!!!"

Nalan Zhenyue saw Yingsu herself while suffering from the great pain. She was covered in a black robe from top to bottom, and she could not see her face clearly. The black robe was outlined with silver lines. It's like a god of death.

"Yingsu!!!" Many people shouted in shock.

Who is Yingsu?

The king of the dark world invaded the three realms of heaven and land a year ago, and quickly gained a place in the upper realm of heaven.

Hearing the word Yingsu, Nalan Zhenyue frowned tightly. How could she forget how the Dark Realm treated her when she was in Zhongjingtian!

And Xi Le's death! ! !

Brush brush!

A few more figures suddenly appeared.

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