Black Belly Summoner: Strong on the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1079 Competing for the Wheel Mirror

"The Huo Junzi of the Shengtian faction has appeared!!!"

"The Mo family is here too!!!"

Experts came one after another. At this moment, Nalan Zhenyue felt as if her body was about to explode, but in the next second, the cultivation base that had been hitting the bottleneck of the late God King class suddenly broke out. The middle stage of the god-king class suddenly entered the later stage, but under the impact of the mirror of reincarnation, the cultivation base did not stop there, but was hitting the bottleneck of the god emperor!

It is the power of the reincarnation mirror, one can imagine that it is so powerful! ! !

Babuzun suddenly stared at Jiubuzun, as if he knew what Jiubuzun would do, and the two ran towards the reincarnation mirror at the same time, and at this moment, Le Suwen and Le Suyun also shot at the same time, Diablo Ying Su, the king of the realm, let out a sinister smile, and a storm blew up in his wide sleeves, and suddenly hit the mirror of reincarnation with terrifying force!

The masters who came later, almost all of them were after the middle stage of the god-king class. They didn't dare to show their faces if they weren't at the god-king class. Of course, there are other forces still on the way.

Yingsu, Babu Venerable, Jiubu Venerable, Immortal Immortal, and Lei Fengzi all started to make moves. They all stretched their hands towards the mirror of reincarnation with enormous strength, not forgetting to guard against and attack the old guy around them , but at that moment, Nalan Zhenyue's power exploded again, using the power of the reincarnation mirror in the late stage of the god-king class to support it to the early stage of the god-king class, and the other people who watched were stunned.

The power of the reincarnation mirror is too powerful!

In such a short period of time, Nalan Zhenyue's power has been raised by two levels. You must know that it takes a long time to advance to each level of the God King level. Even if you have the magic medicine in hand Up, not so fast!

At that moment, the reincarnation mirror suddenly burst out with a killing power, which was more terrifying than the power of a few old monsters. Even if they were separated by a long distance, many people felt their hearts jumping. It's just too scary!

Yingsu is very cunning, he pretended to snatch it, he seemed to have a premonition that the reincarnation mirror would show its power, but he avoided it early, and the other old guys were also very timely, it was Jiu Buzun who was accidentally caught by the power of the reincarnation mirror The arm was injured, and even the blood couldn't stop at this time.

Ba Buzun gloated at his misfortune, but his heart sank.

This reincarnation mirror is not easy to grab!

Not only is it difficult to grab, but it will actively attack the opponent.

If you can get the mirror of reincarnation, I am afraid that earth-shaking changes will take place in this upper realm. All the forces in the past will have to be reshuffled, but the problem is that it is not easy to get it!

It was at this moment that Yingsu's sinister eyes looked at Nalan Zhenyue.

At that moment, Yingsu stretched out five fingers, and suddenly attacked Nalan Zhenyue! ! !

There must be some kind of relationship between Samsara Mirror and Nalan Zhenyue, so Samsara Mirror used his own power to make Nalan Zhenyue advance again and again. If he couldn't catch Samsara Mirror, then how about catching Nalan Zhenyue? ? ?

"Zhenyue!!!" Knowing Yingsu's purpose, Jin Jin suddenly shouted.

Nalan Zhenyue seemed to be in the midst of water and fire at this moment, and that feeling still didn't dissipate, on the contrary, it became more and more uncomfortable. She wanted to fight against Yingsu, but she just couldn't raise her hand.

feeling bad!

Really uncomfortable! ! !

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