Black Belly Summoner: Strong on the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1091 The most worrying thing!

Nalan Zhenyue's heart tightened suddenly, and she looked at a huge tombstone next to her, "The tomb of Mo Zifei!"

Nalan Zhenyue stepped back, unbelievable, she shook her head, how is this possible?

How can it be?

It's just that at this moment, the line of sight became clear, and there was nothing on the tombstone, the tomb of the unknown.

It was just her illusion just now.

And these illusions were imagined by her subconscious mind.

In her heart, she was worried about the deepest thing.

Their dreams have turned into the most brilliant bubbles in the sun, those delicate and beautiful flowers have long since withered, and those young and struggling young girls have become a pile of loess and bones.

This was what Nalan Zhenyue was most worried about.

She was collapsing, like a broken string, a dispirited after collapse, and in this dismal, there were already signs of the future.

She could go on like this, but sooner or later the names of those people would appear on those tombstones.

"Wuwuwu, lady, what should I do, what should I do, I'm so uncomfortable, I'm in so much pain, I don't want to be a pile of animal bones—" A voice rang in Nalan Zhenyue's ear, it was a fiery voice.

Nalan Zhenyue turned her head suddenly, but did not see Huo Huo.

"Zhenyue, I'm so sad, did we just fail like this?" It was Xiaobai's voice.

Nalan Zhenyue turned her head, but Xiaobai was nowhere to be seen.

"Zhenyue, didn't we agree? No matter what kind of difficulties we have, how can you give up? Do you know that because of your giving up, we are all going to die! Our dreams are shattered, and we To become a pile of bones in the history of the Three Realms, we—" It was Fatty's voice.

No matter where Nalan Zhenyue turned her head to look, they were nowhere to be seen, but at that moment, it seemed that there were many voices ringing in her ears at the same time, some were crying, some were mourning, and some were blaming. , the noisy Nalan Zhenyue's head was buzzing.

She covered her head, and at this moment, a voice resounded clearly in her mind.

"Little darling." There was no teasing, no enchanting, just calling her little darling.

"Little boy, this is not the end! You have to remember, this is not the end! You have to remember!!!"

"Mo Zifei—" A scream echoed over the empty cemetery.

That is to say, after the screaming stopped suddenly, the scene around Nalan Zhenyue changed, it was colorful, surrounded by colorful light, and in this light, a figure suddenly came out from the void, bleeding on his body, The plain white robe was covered with a lot of blood stains, her hair was a little messy, and her face was covered with blood stains. This person was Mei Qingchen.

Mei Qingchen's right hand covered the wound on the shoulder of his left hand, that arm was precarious, as if it was about to break off, his face was pale, his eyes met, Nalan Zhenyue was stunned for a moment.

And Mei Qingchen was also taken aback after seeing Nalan Zhenyue's haggardness clearly.

For a moment, Mei Qingchen swallowed the saliva in her throat, and said with some difficulty: "You are still you, don't think wildly, you are so strong and not negative, you should be like you when I saw you in Xiajingtian... ..”

The hair on his forehead was stained with blood, sticking to his cheek, his breath was very weak, "Don't leave here for now, don't leave here, you know???"

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