Nalan Zhenyue suddenly rushed over and grabbed Mei Qingchen's clothes, "Tell me, what's going on?!"

Because of Nalan Zhenyue's great strength, cold sweat broke out on Mei Qingchen's forehead. He was seriously injured now, and it was even more desperate to escape from that person's grasp.

"You listen to me, don't go out for the time being, just stay here in the ancient battlefield!"

"Ancient battlefield?"

"This is an ancient tomb garden that has never been discovered in the ancient battlefield. There are some famous and important people buried in it. No one can find it here, and even he will not find it for a while. I can't accompany you. , he will definitely go to the void world, I have to be prepared, you know? You must not leave here, don't go to see him, then you will die, not only you will die, but all your friends will die, understand? ??" Mei Qingchen's decibels were very loud.

He repeatedly urged, his eyes fixed on Nalan Zhenyue.

But Nalan Zhenyue increased the strength in her hands, and said word by word: "Tell me what's going on!"

Meeting her pupils, Mei Qingchen was taken aback.

But he was silent, and after a long while, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "There are too many explanations... Mo Zifei, he... is Mo Zifei, but It’s not Mo Zifei either. Mo Zifei has a great relationship with him! You’ve heard a lot before. I come from the realm of nothingness, which is similar to the realm of darkness, but there are many differences. The realm of darkness was abandoned by ancient times. Humans, and we, the race above many people in ancient times, created our own space as heaven and earth, which is the realm of nothingness. Our realm of nothingness is rooted in the same roots as the three realms of heaven and land, but it is not known to the strong today. "

"He is definitely not Mo Zifei!!!" Mo Zifei would not treat her like this.

Even if that man died, he wouldn't treat her like this! ! !

Seeing Nalan Zhenyue's angry expression, Mei Qingchen pursed her lips, "They are one!!!"

When these words came out, Nalan Zhenyue was taken aback, "Is it one body?"

She hit a key point.

Why is it? ? ?

Mei Qingchen sighed slowly, "Do you know about Mo Zifei's past?"


Nalan Zhenyue's heart beat very fast.

"The Mozi you love so much does not belong to this world. It should be said that he could not have been born."

"Fengdi, that is, the Mo Zifei you saw earlier, that person is Fengdi. In order to reach the realm of the gods, he abandoned his own lust. In other words, he abandoned his own feelings and drove them away body, and the expelled part becomes the Mo Zifei you know now, and Mo Zifei is him...also Fengdi, Fengdi is Mozifei, Mozifei is Fengdi, the two The combination of these two forms the complete Phoenix Emperor, and the complete Phoenix Emperor is also Mo Zifei."

"So they are one in themselves!"

Nalan Zhenyue let go of Mei Qingchen's hand suddenly.

Her face was a little flustered, she even felt incredible, she raised her eyes to look at Mei Qingchen, "Where is Mo Zifei???"

It's not Emperor Feng, it's Mo Zifei!

Where is the Mo Zifei she knew, the man she loved?

Mei Qingchen frowned slightly, as if she didn't want to say anything, but Nalan Zhenyue grabbed Mei Qingchen's robe again, "Tell me, you tell me!!!"

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