It was too shocking! ! !

Fengdi is Mo Zifei, Mo Zifei is Fengdi, the current Fengdi is incomplete because he has no feelings, and Mo Zifei is Fengdi's feelings, two people are one!

This is one! ! !

Today's Mo Zifei is very likely to be imprisoned by Emperor Feng. He only needs to wait for Nalan Zhenyue to hand over the mirror of reincarnation, and then he will carry out his ambitions!

In other words, Mo Zifei would definitely be devoured by Emperor Feng.

What and what is this exactly? ? ?

Nalan Zhenyue's head started to fluctuate, and her head suddenly hurt. Mei Qingchen sighed at this moment, "You should have a good rest first, don't think wildly, maybe..."

Mei Qingchen really wanted to say that perhaps Emperor Feng would not devour Mo Zifei for the time being, but she realized that the meaning of this sentence would have a huge impact on Nalan Zhenyue, so she stopped in time, and now no one knows What would Emperor Feng do, and what would it be like?

He might have devoured Mo Zifei before recapturing the mirror of reincarnation, or he might have devoured him afterwards. In short, it all depends on Emperor Feng's will.

Nalan Zhenyue suddenly raised her eyes at this moment, stared at Mei Qingchen, and said suddenly: "I'm going to find him!!!"


Nalan Zhenyue shook her head, her pupils dilated, "What if I never see him again!!!"

Almost hissed out.

She has to understand that Mo Zifei is also in a desperate situation at this time, he may disappear at any time, and will become a part of Emperor Feng. I can't see her Mo Zifei anymore!

Mei Qingchen grabbed Nalan Zhenyue's shoulder with one hand, and took a deep breath, "Listen to me, not for a while, not for a while, listen carefully to what I say, maybe, maybe Fengdi will use it Mo Zifei came to threaten you to hand over the Mirror of Reincarnation, so don’t worry for now, Mo Zifei will not disappear, I will find a way in a short time, so you don’t want to leave here, you know???”

Yes, it is possible!

The power of the mirror of reincarnation is huge, and it is also the most important part of Emperor Feng's power.

Because of that incident, Mei Qingchen became like this, and Emperor Feng also lost the most important power.

Nalan Zhenyue almost collapsed, and now she couldn't control her emotions at all, and almost shouted heartbreakingly: "You tell him, as long as Mo Zifei is gone, I, Nalan Zhenyue, will be smashed to pieces and my soul will be destroyed!" , and want him to die without a place to bury!!!”

The corners of her eyes were moist, and she said these words fiercely.

At this time, Nalan Zhenyue was the most desperate and also the strongest. She had come out of the depression and burned her collapse and despair into raging anger.

Mei Qingchen was stunned.

It's not that he has never seen an angry Nalan Zhenyue, but he has never seen such a Nalan Zhenyue, who regards fragility as strength, despair as the motivation to persevere, and even——

"They will be fine for the time being, you have to worry, you have to protect the reincarnation mirror, and don't leave here, you know?!" Mei Qingchen meant that he was going to leave now, and Nalan Zhenyue held on tight The hand holding his robe has not let go.

There was a strange color on Mei Qingchen's face, and she stretched out her uninjured hand to pull her hand away. Her hand was very tight, her eyes were a little persistent, and there was a trace of contradiction.

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