Mei Qingchen finally pulled away Nalan Zhenyue's hand, his figure retreated suddenly, and his figure became unreal, as if it would disappear in the next second.

He saw Nalan Zhenyue's hesitation and sadness, but finally turned around and left here.

And the scene around Nalan Zhenyue has also changed, and she still returns to the cemetery garden. The scattered nameless tombs seem to remind Nalan Zhenyue that her future is slowly changing.

As if all the strength in her body had been drained, she slowly squatted on the ground, her gaze a little dull, looking at those unnamed tombs, her thoughts became more and more erratic.

I don't know how long it has been, but it has always been in this state.

Mei Qingchen told her not to leave here, and she couldn't leave here, and she didn't know how to get out.

She stood up and walked in the cemetery. She looked to the left. At that moment, she seemed to see the figure of a fat man. He was smiling, still with such a cheap smile. Looking to the left, it seemed to be Wen Qing. That face With a gentle and delicate smile on his face, he is very stable.

She turned her head and looked behind her. Qianwei, Jiang Wei, and those who had been with her for a while, were all smiling and walking side by side with her. She turned her head and looked straight ahead. .

The man has the most gorgeous face, the most beautiful smile, and those twinkling eyes.

With his long hair flying and his robe fluttering, he stretched out his hand towards her.

It's just that when she walked over, all the people disappeared. This was just her imagination. Until now, she was still alone, walking alone in the lonely and gloomy cemetery.

She didn't know how long it had been, how long she had been gone, she didn't know how she fell asleep, but she knew how she was awakened.

"Little girl!"

"Little sister!"



Nalan Zhenyue woke up suddenly, opened her eyes but saw nothing.

Could it be that she imagined it again?

Nalan Zhenyue closed her eyes again, but this time, the voice sounded clearly in her ears again.

Another little sister, another little girl, and another stinky girl, in short, very messy voices, as well as laughter, rang clearly in her ears.

Nalan Zhenyue sat up and looked around, only those cemeteries, no one.

"Little sister-"

"Little girl!"


That voice did not disappear, but there was no one around. Where did the voice come from? The next moment, Nalan Zhenyue discovered a shocking thing, those voices came from the cemetery !

Those unmarked tombs.

Mei Qingchen said that the burials in these cemeteries are all big figures, but are these big people not even engraved with their names?

One by one, a mournful voice sounded.

"Little girl, please help me!"

It has to be said that Nalan Zhenyue's body is full of chills at the moment, all the dead are buried here, but she can make such a sound, could it be... a ghost?

She wasn't scared, she just felt incredible.

"Help me, my head is missing, please help me find it!"


If it weren't for Nalan Zhenyue's strong tolerance, if any man heard this kind of voice, he would have been scared to death long ago!

"I don't know where my head is buried, please help me find it!"

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