"Master!" Xu Ling knelt down on the ground with a plop.

All the disciples of the Shengtian Sect were stunned.

The ghost of the Hundred Ghosts Sect frowned, it turned out to be the former head of the Shengtian Sect! ! !

When he was well-known in the mainland, Heiying was still a yellow-haired boy, and Xu Ling had just joined the Holy Heaven Sect.

"It turned out to be the head!!!" The old man of the Shengtian faction had tears in his eyes, he never expected, really didn't expect to see the former head here.

You know, most of the credit for the fact that the Holy Heaven Sect became a powerful force in the Conferred Soul Continent is the man standing in front of Nalan Zhenyue. Back then, no matter who heard his name on the Conferred Soul Continent, they would tremble three times. Shake, he is the most outstanding leader in the history of the Holy Heaven Sect, but——

He didn't want to get the Soul Sealing Orb when he had the highest cultivation level like other strong men.

Never thought about it.

A voice cried out, and Li Ruici froze.

Turning his head to search among the crowd, he saw the figure kneeling on the ground, not very obvious, even disguised, but when he heard the familiar voice, he still recognized it, it was him!

It's the master!

The master has come to the ancient road of hell!


A cry made everyone pay attention to Yu Lianen, his appearance had recovered, and tears were streaming down his face.

"Master Uncle..."

"Master Uncle has come to the Ancient Hell Road!"

Nalan Zhenyue also noticed, she turned around and saw Yu Lianen who was very sad but excited.

Is it—

as predicted!

Nalan Zhenyue went to Yu Lianen's forbidden area before, and saw the man in the portrait, it turned out to be like this——

"Lian En, Ling'er—" the god puppet suddenly sighed.

Although he is a god puppet, he has this handsome face, which is his predecessor.

"Master, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for you!"

Everyone was stunned, and saw Yu Lianen kneeling and moving his legs behind Nalan Zhenyue, facing the puppet.

"Why are you sorry for being a teacher?"

At this time, Yu Lianen was not like the old-fashioned and serious Yu Lianen at all. He wiped away the tears on his face and kowtowed to the puppet, "Master, if it weren't for me, master would not have died on the ancient road to hell." , it's my disciple who is too capricious, it's my disciple who is too greedy!!!" Yu Lianen choked up, almost breaking down in tears.

A black shadow suddenly sounded. The head of the Holy Heaven Sect disappeared, and he died on the ancient road to hell. He only knows this now, and he doesn't know why he disappeared. You must know that person once caused a storm in the mainland with one hand, but... .Finally died on the ancient road to hell.

"If it wasn't for the apprentice's insistence on entering the ancient road to hell, the master would not have had any accidents because he came looking for me. Over the years, the apprentice really wanted to come to you, but—"

"Even if I told you not to step on the ancient road before I died, you still came today."

"I still hold a glimmer of hope in my heart. I hope that I can find your bones, master, and I hope that I can bury you in the earth for master."

The god puppet chuckled, "No need." His words paused, "It's good that you have this kind of heart. Although you are dead as a teacher, you are living a good life."

He looked at Nalan Zhenyue, she was taken aback.


The god puppet is the former head of the Shengtian sect and Yu Lianen's master, but in this way, the seniority is really messed up.

She and the God Puppet are small partners and have a contractual relationship, but she had been an apprentice under Yu Lianen for a while before.

But it doesn't matter.

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