All the disciples of the Shengtian sect knelt down and shouted, "Master!"

The god puppet shook his head, "I am no longer your ancestor!"



The god puppet sighed, "Just treat me as if I was buried on the ancient road to hell, no need to worry too much, let everything go with the wind..."

The predecessor of the god puppet is getting weaker and weaker, and it seems that it is about to disappear.

And he still shook his head, making them forget his predecessor.

A big hand stroked Nalan Zhenyue's hair, and said, "It may be difficult for you to find him."

Nalan Zhenyue was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"After the death of Emperor Feng, Mo Zi was reborn, but the time was not right. He was sealed in the Soul Sealing Orb and could not escape."

The words of the god puppet made everyone stunned.

Sealed in the Soul Sealing Orb?

His face was paralyzed and his eyes widened. He usually had the same expression, but today, he didn't know how many expressions he had changed.

Seeing Nalan Zhenyue's astonishment, the god puppet said slowly again: "The Soul Sealing Orb has already been born with intelligence, and it sealed Mo Zifei in the Soul Sealing Orb. It wanted to seize Mo Zifei's body and devour his body." The soul, merged with it, became a real human being, no, it should be said to be a god..."

Nalan Zhenyue didn't blink for a moment, and her mind suddenly went blank.

"The Soul Sealing Orb once wanted to seize my body, but at that time I was willing to die and let him rush to nothing, but I didn't expect that he would use his power to make me become like this. I am the same as them, but at that time My spiritual power has not yet dissipated, which made me sane. After that, I have been evading the power of the Soul-Sealing Orb, entered the place where you are, met you, and in order to completely escape the control of the Soul-Sealing Orb in the future, I will be with you. A contract was made."

Everyone present was stunned.

Soul Sealing Orb, god?

The Soul Sealing Orb is a supreme fetish, if it is really successful, it will be terrible, it is estimated that the entire Soul Sealing Continent is under his control.

Everyone panicked for a while, and they were all terrified.

All the dangers on the Ancient Hell Road were instigated by the Soul-Sealing Orb, which cost them half their lives so far. If it really succeeded, everything would be over.

The hand of the god puppet caressed Nalan Zhenyue's face, with gentle eyes and gentle words, "I know you are persistent, and you never know what giving up is. Don't forget to take me with you, I am willing to fight side by side with you till the end and guard you forever."

Nalan Zhenyue grabbed the god puppet's hand, "Okay!"

The firmness between her brows is just like what God Puppet said, even if she knows that Mo Zi is not in the current situation, she will not give up!

The God Puppet's predecessor became more and more illusory, and was about to disappear, but he suddenly stopped Nalan Zhenyue into his arms, with a very low voice, with a kind of regret, and said slowly: "I didn't ask for anything in my previous life, Shengtian Pai is good, then I will be fine, but at this point, I have thoughts and blame God for not allowing me to meet you earlier. But no matter, in the days to come, I will continue to be by your side."

Nalan Zhenyue was stunned, and the puppet's figure disappeared.

He went back to that skeleton look, making a rattling sound.

If he looked like a grown-up just now, he looks like a child now.

"Crack clap!"

"Crack clap!"

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