His tone was a bit aggressive, Feng Shishi clasped her hands together, "I, I, I—"

"You don't stutter normally, why are you stuttering today?"


"Are you going to say it or not? If you don't say it, I'm leaving. I'm going back to pack my luggage."


The conversation between the two of them left Nalan Zhenyue speechless.

Although this girl Feng Shishi is a little smart, she also loses the chain at critical moments.

"Maybe I seldom come back after I leave. For a while, although I feel a little uncomfortable, you are not wrong. You are a good girl. Find a good family and marry her in the future!"

Did Qianwei refuse?


Nalan Zhenyue didn't think it was a refusal, Qianwei, a big boss, didn't even know that Feng Shishi liked him.

He was so heartless at all that he didn't think about it.

But it happened to come to this point, he just said what he wanted to say before leaving, but Feng Shishi thought it was rejecting her.

The little fat girl's eyes turned red suddenly, she was not angry, she just said, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

She just said this, then turned around and left.

The few people who peeked were a little bit aggrieved, this Qianwei is really...

Qianwei hasn't noticed anything wrong yet, but just feels a little baffled.

Nalan Zhenyue looked at Feng Shishi's back as she went away. That little chubby girl said she was smart and she was smart, but she said she was stupid. She was obviously very fragile, but she wanted to pretend to be strong.

It hurts a bit to be strong.

The fat man couldn't bear it anymore, he jumped out suddenly, he couldn't even pull him back, he rushed in front of Qianwei, grabbed his collar and said, "How can you destroy a morning glory like this?"

Destroy a morning glory?


The adjective for fat man is really——

Qianwei slapped the fat man's hand away, "What are you talking about, when did I destroy the trumpet flowers? Are there any trumpet flowers in the garden?"


Nalan Zhenyue, Nan Sheng...

Qianwei's voice was loud, Feng Shishi hadn't gone far, and heard the conversation, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

These two guys are so weird, Nalan Zhenyue is very ashamed.

The fat man slapped Qianwei on the forehead, "Pigs are smarter than you!!!"

"Are you a pig? If you are a pig, I will admit it!" Qianwei also fought back.

The two started to do it, and the fat man didn't forget to curse and shout: "Feng Shishi is a little fatter, but she is fat and beautiful. She has a lot of meat, and she can eat it, she can eat it." Every girl is blessed, you know?"




Feng Shishi's footsteps stopped, her cheeks flushed red.

Qianwei was a little puzzled, "What's the matter with you? Why did you hit me, why did you say these things, does she have sensuality, it's none of my business!"

"It's none of your business!!!"

Wen Qing shook his head, how could he be so stupid at such a critical time?

Nalan Zhenyue walked behind Qianwei with her hands behind her back.

"Boss Yue?"

Nalan Zhenyue smiled, showing her white teeth, "I give you two choices!"


Everyone was taken aback for a moment, a little unable to react to Xiao Zhenyue's sudden choice.

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