
Everyone was stunned.

"The first choice is to marry Mu Yili, and the second choice is to marry Feng Shishi!"

Qianwei was stunned.

"Who is Mu Yili?"

"That's right, who is Mu Yiyi?" Neither Gu Xiaoxiao nor Monk Jie Ai knew.

Qianwei didn't seem to know either.


is fat.

Fatty's real name is Mu Yili.

Qianwei almost choked on his own saliva, married the fat man?

The fat man's eyes were as wide as copper bells, and his face immediately collapsed, "Little Zhenyue, you are joking, you must be joking!"

"I'm not kidding! Qianwei, you choose—"

Huo Huo almost died laughing, Xiao Zhenyue's black-bellied nature was exposed.

"Boss, are you really not joking?"

Nalan Zhenyue nodded slightly, patted Qianwei on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "You are not young anymore, the dwarf bamboo poles in the desert probably want you to bring a wife home, I just thought about it." , it is also time."

Qianwei was terrified, "Then you can't choose Fatty!"

"Who made you two love each other so much?"

"But, Fatty is a man!"

"Then you choose Feng Shishi!"

"Boss, are you really not joking?"

"Married to Fatty?"

Qianwei's head shook like a rattle.

Nalan Zhenyue smiled brightly, "That's fine, Feng Shishi!"

Seeing the smile on Nalan Zhenyue's face, Qianwei was taken aback suddenly, his whole body was shocked, he knew it!

He got it!

It was only at this time that Qianwei realized what it meant.

The boss is helping Feng Shishi, and Feng Shishi——

Qianwei's face became strange.

"She's a good girl!"

"Well, I think so too!"

Wei Zikang and the others also agreed.

They have also heard about the previous incident. The girl looks silly, but she is very smart and delicate, and has a good heart.

It is not bad at all with Qianwei.

However, at this moment, Feng Shishi's soft voice suddenly sounded, "I will not marry you!!!"

She suddenly made a sound, which stunned Nalan Zhenyue and the others.

Turning to look at Feng Shishi, she saw a firm expression on her face, and she said seriously: "I won't marry you!!! Qianwei, I like you very much, I like you very much, but now I I won’t marry you, I will definitely work hard to make you marry me willingly!!!”

This little fat girl exploded!

Qianwei was also stunned, unable to recover for a long time.

Feng Shishi was really determined, her eyes were very clear, "I will definitely do it, so!"

"So what?" the fat man said abruptly.

"So, Qianwei, you must wait for me!!!"

Well done, fat girl! ! !

Nalan Zhenyue couldn't help but shout out!

She likes this kind of people who dare to love and hate.

The refraction of the sun fell on her head, as if it was coated with a layer of light, it was dazzling. From this point of view, the little chubby girl is actually so good-looking, the more she looks the more pleasing to the eye.

Everyone in the world says that love comes from the heart, and Nalan Zhenyue agrees with this very much.

No matter how ugly a person is, if she is kind, she will become more and more beautiful in your eyes.

The same is true for beautiful women, if they are too vicious, then this beautiful woman will only look uglier and uglier, such as Ba Suyue is a good example.

Of course, appearance is important, but it is far less important than having a sincere and kind heart.

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