"That's good! All of you are going to die!!!" Shi Qiuyue shouted loudly, and the power of the demigod burst out immediately.

This is a terrifying murderous aura.

Demigod level, this is too far away for Xiajingtian.


After Xiao Zhenyue and the others left here, they did not give up their persistence, and they are also making progress and growing! ! !

Xiao Zhenyue, you grew up in the middle world, and we grow up in the lower world. We are all waiting for the reunion one day.

"This person wants to destroy Zhenyue Hall, wants to kill us, rush, rush—"

"Not only guarding the Zhenyue Hall we built, but also guarding the entire Baili Kingdom, the entire Xiajingtian!!!"

At this moment, all the people of Baili Kingdom did not shrink back because of the strength of Shiqiuyue, on the contrary, they were united together.

But at this moment, from the Zhenyue Hall, a burst of dazzling light shot up to the sky, connecting with the sky, bursting out a very bright light, this light is very soft, but its dazzling light cannot be ignored.

Shi Qiuyue's face became serious.

Immediately after a sudden burst of power, everyone was stunned by the strangeness.

The force is toward—

It's headed towards the middle world! ! !

Shi Qiuyue's eyes were full of cruelty, "I will kill you today!"

This is the power of faith. At this moment, it all exploded and flowed into Zhongjingtian. She wanted to destroy the Zhenyue Hall, but she didn't expect it to be one step too late!

Just as Shi Qiuyue was about to kill, a Su Ying suddenly appeared.

Everyone was stunned again, Qiqi blinked her eyes.

"Shiqiuyue, don't come here without any problems!"

"It's you, Jiu Hanyue, you traitor, what do you want to do???"

"What do you think? What else can I, a traitor, do?"

It was Jiu Hanyue!

Following in the footsteps of the former prince Beixue, he came to Xiajingtian.


"Damn, when they separated, they went to various places in Zhongjingtian. As soon as I left, I was bounced to Shangjingtian. Is there any reason for this? After a year of tossing around, I don't know if those few were early. Just forget about me!"

Outside the gate of Full Moon City.

A burly figure.

Carrying a super big knife, the big knife was carried on the shoulder, glowing with icy light, just one glance, you can feel the downright chill pervading.


This is the critical moment. San Lengyue's deadliest attack, also a blow with all her strength, is about to land on Nalan Zhenyue's head. The world disappears.

Everyone was stunned.

The fat man was so angry that he almost collapsed.

"Little Zhenyue—"

At the moment when the three words "Xiaozhenyue" resounded across the sky, a powerful energy burst out suddenly, the dazzling golden light was busy, like the brilliance of the sun, but it was very soft.

Elder Domon suddenly stood up.

"The Power of Faith!!!"

And San Lengyue was also stunned for a second at this time, just for a second, his attack was even more ferocious, vowing to kill Nalan Zhenyue.

Nalan Zhenyue suddenly disappeared at this time!

Surrounded by the golden light, it disappeared from everyone's sight.

When she reappeared, she and San Lengyue switched places, she was on top and San Lengyue was on the bottom.

San Lengyue looked up, and everyone looked up, and saw Nalan Zhenyue surrounded by divine power, like a king from the nine heavens.

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