Black Belly Summoner: Strong on the Evil Emperor

Chapter 929 I will end your glory!

Such a scene stunned everyone, and they couldn't come back to their senses for a long time, even San Lengyue.

However, after San Lengyue came back to her senses, her body became a light and shadow, heading towards Nalan Zhenyue. The attack was obviously the same as before, but on the contrary, it was stronger and faster than the previous attack, but Nalan Zhen Yue easily avoided it.

"Ahhh, I'm going to kill you—" With a roar, San Lengyue attacked again, but missed again.

Everyone was stunned.

San Lengyue's attack had no effect on Nalan Zhenyue, and she was very indifferent at the moment, she seemed to have no strength at all, but being wrapped in that burst of light gave people a different feeling.

It's not that there is no strength at all, but it has super explosive power.

San Lengyue's body suddenly fell to the ground, and fell to the ground hard. Nalan Zhenyue appeared in front of him again, and stepped on San Lengyue's arm with a bang, Hearing the shocking explosion, bright red blood flashed in everyone's sight, followed by a broken arm falling to the ground.

Huohuo and Xiaojiu cheered up, and now, they didn't have any distraction from Xuanhe's attack, and Xuanhe fell to the disadvantage for a while.

The battle is still going on, but it is one-sided. San Lengyue, who is known as the god of war in the dark night, is now as embarrassed as a dog, being attacked by Nalan Zhenyue non-stop.

"Bang bang bang——" the successive attacks made San Lengyue's body extremely broken, even more broken than Nalan Zhenyue's body. One arm and one foot were all broken, even if it was If you want to resist, you don't have any power to resist.

Everyone was excited, but Qi Jiaoyue and Bai Lizhi's faces were pale. At this moment, both of them were terrified.

"I'm going to kill—" San Lengyue still refused to admit defeat at this time, but Nalan Zhenyue hit him on the chest with a palm, with the blood sprayed out from the broken internal organs, stained red his jaw.

With one kick, San Lengyue was kicked into the air. At this time, Nalan Zhenyue seemed to be possessed by the God of War, and she was invincible wherever she went.

San Lengyue's body hit hard on the protective cover between the auditorium and the ring. At this moment, the protective cover actually cracked under the impact. Broken! ! !

Everyone is horrified and shocked, what kind of power is this? ? ?

The power of faith is so powerful? ? ?

San Lengyue's body fell into the big pit that was hit earlier, blood all over her body, and she was dying.

Bailizhi was scared.

He was really scared.

San Lengyue actually lost! ?

He was going to see Xuanhe, and saw that the majestic Xuanhe was shaken to death by Xiao Jiu, and his body was riddled with holes, which was not much better than San Lengyue.

"How to do?"

Bai Lizhi wanted to ask Qijiayue, but when he turned his head, Qijiayue disappeared.

Everyone was watching the battle and didn't notice anyone leaving, and Qi Jiaoyue also took advantage of this time to run away.

Bai Lizhi began to tremble all over his body.

"It's not me who died today, but you. San Lengyue, don't think too much of yourself. Your glory will be terminated by me." Nalan Zhenyue's voice reached the ears of everyone present.

"Even if you are not reconciled, so what???"

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