Revolution 1938

Chapter 229

With Mao Runze's phone call, the land of Huaxia, which has been raging for the past few days, suddenly became more heated as if a bottle of gasoline was poured on a bonfire.

People from all walks of life come and go, tear-jerking speeches across the country, and headlines in various newspapers.All of a sudden, the Huaxia Workers Party started to write articles in the newspapers and scold their mothers, with the old accent of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

Not only the newspapers and communication channels of the Labor Party, but also a lot of information and press releases were sent to the editors of neutral or even hostile newspapers and magazines like a snowflake.

All kinds of photos, all kinds of words, all kinds of accusations.All of this just shows one problem, that is, the four horses entrenched in the northwest are not human at all, they are the type that cannot be tolerated by nature, and they can still become high-ranking officials of the government of the Republic of China. It is really because Chairman Jiang is blind.

Although none of these reports said anything else, in the eyes of those onlookers, what seemed appropriate was the declaration of war by the Chinese Labor Party.Although they are all accusing all kinds of inhumane behaviors, the implication is that I am going to beat you.

Faced with these, Lao Jiang was uncharacteristically silent. Now that he is beaten to death, he will not disturb this muddy water.The Japanese are even less interested in paying attention to these things. Someone who can attract the attention of the Chinese Workers Party is the most welcome thing for the Japanese at this stage. Of course, they will not talk nonsense. It is obviously more important to let the Chinese Labor Party's attention focus on them for a few months than to add a so-called ally in the future.

As a result, a strange phenomenon appeared in the whole of China, including the Japanese-occupied areas, that is, the four horses in the northwest are completely one-sided. Of course, there are also small splashes, and there are also people who say good things about the four horses. Of course, the so-called ethnic experts with the Virgin Mary in their hearts have to say good things for the four horses.

However, their efforts were in vain.In the end, it was the four horses in the northwest who couldn't stand it any longer, and they all jumped up and yelled that they were wronged. Seeing that the effect was not good, it was the golden horses and iron horses who immediately started to prepare for war.

The Muslims in the three northwestern provinces suddenly put down their cattle and sheep at this time, stepped on their horses and gathered further west.At this time, the Japanese finally figured out the troubles on the border between Mongolia and Xinjiang, and Sheng Shicai's troops were completely defeated.It even collapsed completely. With the Japanese and Soviet forces attacking, Sheng Shicai's divisions scattered like birds and beasts.

In the face of the Japanese, the Soviet army that had been at ease in Hami for a long time was defeated by the Japanese like tofu. , Feeling that resistance is hopeless, the Soviets just raised their hands and surrendered.

And the intervening army from Kazakhstan was even more mysterious. When they crossed the Mongolian border, they harassed the Japanese with cavalry at the beginning, and then disappeared. Unable to contact this new force.

The entire battle in Mengjiang is so technical, and the former emperor of Xinjiang, Shengshi, did not know where he was lost.And the former true emperor of Xinjiang, the Soviets, has also completely declined. At this time, Xinjiang is completely in a state of anarchy, and it is all supported by your Chinese workers who help at various grassroots levels to support the operation of the entire Xinjiang.

The Japanese, on the other hand, sent thousands of Soviet prisoners to the prisoner camps they forgot about themselves after the war, and outside of that, they marched northward.

On July 1938, 7, this day is known as the Northwest Rebellion in history.In the morning of this day, the Huaxia Workers Party broadcast the so-called notice to take over the administrative and military work in Xinjiang.

According to the China Workers' Party, Sheng Shicai, the former actual controller of Xinjiang, has been out of contact for more than 15 days, so it can be confirmed that he has actually disappeared.Therefore, in order to ensure the stability of the regime in Xinjiang and to ensure the stability of Xinjiang's sovereignty, the Huaxia Workers Party announced to officially take over Xinjiang's administrative and military affairs, formally established a people's government in Xinjiang, and unified management of various affairs in Xinjiang.

This announcement caused an uproar in the whole of China, and the most violent reaction was of course the three northwestern provinces under the notice of the four horses.On the same day, Gansu, Ningxia, and Qinghai provinces under the leadership of the four horses issued notices declaring that the Chinese Communist Party’s establishment of a government in Xinjiang was illegal and could not be generally recognized by the Islamic world. Therefore, they all declared to launch jihad against Xinjiang .It also calls on the existing Islamic brothers in Xinjiang to respond to their appeal and gather to oppose the rule of the Han people.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that when their telegrams had just been transmitted to their respective provincial capitals, the second radio announcement of the Chinese Labor Party once again caused a sensation across the country.

In this announcement, the Chinese Labor Party mentioned a name that has not been published in the newspapers for a long time, Outer Mongolia.

In the circular, the Huaxia Workers Party declared that it supports the pursuit of national autonomy by all ethnic groups across the country, but it does not accept the classification of the motherland by various political groups or individuals in the name of autonomy.Therefore, the statement here again does not recognize the independence of Outer Mongolia, nor the legitimacy of the so-called Mongolian People's Republic.Therefore, since the entire Outer Mongolia region is now occupied by the Japanese army, the Huaxia Workers Party will dispatch relevant military forces to attack the Japanese army, and strive to recover the territory of Outer Mongolia that has been lost for 17 years in the longest possible time.

This announcement once again fueled the already raging domestic political forces in China.Everyone was extremely excited as if they wanted to touch the g-spot. The change of family in Xinjiang and the chaos in the Northwest that they were talking about just now suddenly seemed not so serious.

What could be more sensational than the Chinese Labor Party's denial of the Mongolian People's Republic and its imminent entry into Outer Mongolia to fight against Japan.

Moreover, the Chinese Labor Party is not fighting a so-called war of words this time. Just an hour after the announcement was broadcast all over the world through radio waves, the first wave of airborne troops was already in the sky over Nalin and Balji in Outer Mongolia. Jump off the transport plane.The first shot in the battle of Outer Mongolia was fired.

But for these paratroopers, this time the battle was easy and enjoyable.Facing the sky full of white umbrellas falling from the sky, the Japanese and puppet Mongolian cavalry who were serving the local garrison immediately dismounted and knelt down as a way of greeting.

In the end, the paratroopers occupied the south of Cullen without firing a single shot, guarding the choke point of the Kent Mountains.And completely occupied the military airport built by the Soviets.The Japanese were really generous this time. Although the fighter jets and other military materials in the original airport were looted, the airport was preserved intact.And they haven't sent anyone to guard, and there is even a thin layer of fuel that has not been pumped out of the oil depot.

Just when the paratroopers were wondering, the high-altitude reconnaissance drones far away in Kulun and the area north of Kulun brought the reason why the entire Outer Mongolia lacked resistance.

It turned out that the Japanese had assembled most of the troops of the Third Army that invaded Outer Mongolia two hours before their airborne attack and carried out an ultra-wide attack along the Siberian Railway north of Outer Mongolia.

For this reason, the Japanese did not even have time to completely search for all the strategic materials in Outer Mongolia. Except for a few major munitions warehouses and big cities, the Japanese even just passed by for a while in other small places, and had no intention of staying at all. In the end, those cities were eventually handed over to the so-called Mongolian Confederate Army that was hastily formed during the occupation process, that is, the cavalry who just looked at the white umbrellas of the paratroopers and worshiped them.

This form also made the senior commanders and staff officers far away in Yan'an very puzzled. Could it be that the Japanese are abandoning Outer Mongolia?

With the advancement of each army and the larger-scale airdrop, the feedback from each army is basically the same. Across the Kent Mountains, there is no trace of the Japanese army in the entire southern part of Outer Mongolia.

Except for the airborne troops in Daolin and Weijing who encountered resistance from some Japanese railway policemen, none of these PLA fighters who had basically occupied more than half of Outer Mongolia could speak Japanese.

This situation immediately made Boss Peng in the command post of the Outer Mongolia Campaign feel as if he had punched the air.After analyzing the specific situation, Boss Peng immediately decided to temporarily adjust the attack direction.

Ming'an's troops originally stationed at the junction of Suiyuan and Chahar and the troops that had already attacked southward along the Zhangku Railway and quickly occupied Ude launched a front and back attack, quickly invaded Chahar, and occupied the Zhangku Railway. part of Chahar territory.

In less than 3 days, facing the assault of two battalions of armored troops, a squadron of the Japanese Kwantung Army stationed in Ilin Holos and more than 400 railway policemen lost their lives in the bombardment.

This sudden attack by the Chinese Workers' Party brought the Japanese Kwantung Army to its peak in an instant.

Under the unstable political situation in the Northwest, the sudden invasion of Outer Mongolia by these Workers and Communists has made the chiefs of staff of the Kwantung Army Command at this time puzzled. The entire Kwantung Army Headquarters has been arguing about the mode of action.

However, less than a day after the Kwantung Army decided to cut off the Siberia Railway and ensure the Far East Campaign, the Huaxia Workers' Party invaded Chahar and completely controlled the Zhangku Railway.

So far, this railway, which was originally regarded by the Kwantung Army as the lifeline to control Outer Mongolia, completely fell into the enemy's hands after the Japanese Kwantung Army used it for less than a month.At this time, the logistical support capability of the Third Army of the Japanese Kwantung Army fighting in northern Mongolia and Siberia was completely cut by more than half.

At this time, the Kwantung Army Command discovered that if Chita and Upper Udinsk could not be taken within 15 days, the entire Third Army of the Kwantung Army would face a shortage of supplies.

After another quarrel, the Japanese Kwantung Army Command, which is always good at giving strange orders, wrote in the last telegram to the Commander of the Third Army.

"Due to the dilemma of being cut off in logistical supplies, the headquarters hopes that you will be self-restraint and do the hard work for the public. On the 30th of this month, Qian Li conquers the key points of the Soviet army. There must be no mistakes."

Faced with this order, the command of the Japanese Third Army at this time could only further reduce the troops stationed in the northern part of Outer Mongolia, and carry the resources looted from Outer Mongolia to the Soviet Red Flag Far East Division guarding the Siberian Railway. The Second Army attacked and went away.


Today is coming, the glorious battle of Outer Mongolia has officially started!Ask for a monthly ticket.

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