Revolution 1938

Chapter 230 Where Are the Reinforcements?

"The Japanese Kwantung Army is desperate!"

When the reconnaissance report in northern Outer Mongolia was sent to Yan'an, this was the first reaction in the minds of all military personnel who read the report.

Facing the battle of Outer Mongolia, which was almost unresisted, the conference room on the second floor of the headquarters, which had just been officially renamed the General Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, was already very lively.

The discussion on how to interpret the Japanese army's mode of operation was divided into two camps in the entire conference room at this time.

One is the "conspiracy theory" camp headed by the traversers.In their minds, the Japanese are synonymous with abnormality and madness, and their image has long been fixed.

According to their understanding, the Japanese Kwantung Army at this time should have been resisting steadily in Outer Mongolia. It should have faced the superior artillery fire of the People's Liberation Army and carried out a desperate charge and resisted to the end.

Therefore, in the face of the current situation that is completely beyond their imagination, all supporters believe that the Japanese are brewing a conspiracy beyond all their expectations at this time, so they need to take it seriously. Before the conspiracy is confirmed, they should not Rush forward, but wait for the development of the situation.

On the other side, the "retreat theory" camp judges that Japan has abandoned Outer Mongolia, but wants to cut off the Siberian Railway with all its heart, in order to seize the entire Siberian Ice Sheet.

In their view, although history did prove the madness of the Japanese, it was the result of the Southern Faction taking power after 1941, and it was the illusion created by the smooth Southeast Asian Raiders that led to their later madness and unreasonableness.

But at this moment, due to the emergence of the People's Liberation Army, the illusion of arrogance of the Japanese has been shattered in the south before it was born. The destruction of the four divisions has already made the Japanese at this time unable to show the desperate madness of the late period of the original time and space. Instead, they should have self-knowledge. Facing the attack of the People's Liberation Army, they will never resist desperately.

Therefore, the judgment of the "retreat theory" represented by Boss Zhu on the Japanese at this time is that the realistic goal of the Japanese Kwantung Army is to cut off the Siberian Railway as much as possible, keep the Soviets in the west of Outer Mongolia, and gain a foothold. In the mountainous and barren landforms in the north of Outer Mongolia, the only passage where the Siberian Railway is located.Until the complete annihilation of the Soviet army in the Far East.In the end, the Japanese army could rely on North Korea, the Northeast, and the eastern section of the Siberian Railway, and continue to hold on to the entire East Siberia until their allies, the Germans, attacked the Soviet Union from the west.

In fact, the old man is still the old man. At this time, Boss Zhu and others' guesses are not wrong. The Japanese do think so now. The continuous defeat of the PLA has completely shattered the myth of the Japanese army's invincibility.

Regarding this fact, the senior officials of the Japanese Army Department went from doubt to denial, from denial to disbelief.From not being able to believe it to acquiescing, he went through a complete series of cognitive processes, and finally admitted that he could not confront the Huaxia ** head-on.

Therefore, in the end, the Ministry of the Japanese Army issued an order requiring all troops, no matter what level of commander they are, to formulate a direct face-to-face decisive battle with the Chinese army in the subsequent battles. Except for diehards who can't reverse their own cognition, no commander or staff will consider fighting the Chinese Communist Party anymore.

At this time, the commander-in-chief of the Third Army of the Kwantung Army occupying Outer Mongolia was such a sensible person.In his heart, he knew very well that occupying Outer Mongolia was not the main goal of the Kwantung Army, but the real goal was Siberia further north.

In Outer Mongolia, the Chinese Workers’ Party has spoken out that it is an inseparable part of China. Although I don’t know whether these Workers’ Party said this for the Soviet Union or for themselves, this is already an obvious signal .

At this time, the Kwantung Army already knew very well that with the current scientific research and equipment capabilities of the Japanese Army, it was basically impossible to confront the current sturdy Chinese army head-on.And according to the strategic goals of the Huaxia Workers Party they summarized, it is obvious that the series of regions they occupy now basically only North Korea is not too dangerous.

Others are basically under the strategic list of the Chinese Workers Party, even the Far East that they are working so hard to fight for now.

Therefore, when the Kwantung Army formulated the Siberia strategy, it formulated a final plan, which was also the most timid plan. When the commander-in-chief of the Kwantung Army, General Kenkichi Ueda, received this plan, he did not suppress his anger for a while.

Of course, Admiral Isoya Rensuke, who made this plan, did not take the anger of his boss to heart.For him, after several months of investigation, he clearly felt that the Chinese Labor Party was no longer the Three Gun Party he knew.

At the very least, he doesn't think that Japan is capable of competing with a heavy army like the Chinese Workers' Party. In fact, in his mind, the Japanese Kwantung Army itself may not even be able to defeat the Soviet Union.

However, fortunately, although the Huaxia Workers' Party suddenly became extremely sharp, the Soviets degenerated because of their own problems.

Through the recent attack, Isoya Rensuke found that although the Soviets on the opposite side had low combat effectiveness, their equipment was several grades behind the Japanese Kwantung Army.Whether it is armored vehicles, artillery, or even individual weapons, they are better than those of the Kwantung Army, not to mention the amount of equipment.

In the recent series of battles, the loss of the Kwantung Army's troops is still relatively serious. However, fortunately, the local reserve troops have already begun preparations. A large number of reserve divisions have already dispatched to the three eastern provinces. Coupled with the numerous equipment seized in the recent battles, It even got a lot of equipment supplements when capturing some strategic places, so it's not in the way.

However, from some recent data feedback, Isoya Rensuke felt that if he could obtain more Soviet military equipment, he might be able to turn around and have a good fight with the Chinese Workers' Party.It is said that the equipment of the Chinese Labor Party also comes from the Soviet Union.Although the Soviet equipment he got now is completely incomparable with the equipment photos of the Chinese Workers Party that he bought with his life, he can still see some Soviet design pedigree from some details, which makes him full of enthusiasm for this possibility. confidence.

For this reason, he specially asked someone to collect Soviet military industry information. According to the information at hand, there are also many Soviet military industry enterprises scattered throughout the Far East, and some of them are relatively critical large-scale weapon manufacturers. If you can get these The equipment of the factory, the equipment manufacturing capability of the Japanese army can obtain considerable development.

Therefore, in his final plan, although it has been stated that he may abandon the whole of China, including Outer Mongolia and other Far East regions, the equipment and personnel of various arsenals in it need to be relocated, and as far as possible to the north resources origin to relocate.

In his judgment, the Huaxia Labor Party is basically the kind of force that binds its own hands and feet. It should not touch those parts of the non-Chinese territory, or they will not be able to pass their own ideological barrier.Therefore, in the end, such an eye-catching most timid battle plan was presented in front of General Ueda Kenkichi.

But these are not what Yan'an can know now, and they are not interested in knowing. After a whole day of discussions, the big guys in Yan'an have confirmed that the Outer Mongolia Theater will not move northward for the time being, but will start to solve it. During the northwest incident, a new high-altitude reconnaissance photo was sent to the conference room.

"This is where?"

At this time, Boss Zhu, who was the first to snatch the photo, looked at it for a long time and asked a curious question.

"It seems that the army is not small. This size, at least 30!"

"This is the city of Novosibirsk in the Soviet Union. The troops besieging the city should be the White Russian Knights."

Li Hao, who took the explanation and read it again, explained the situation to Mr. Zhu there.

"I really don't know whether we underestimated these White Russians or overestimated the Soviet Union."

At this time, Zhou Xiangyu sighed on the side.

"That's not the point, the point is that the Soviet Far Eastern Front, which is now fighting the Japanese, will not be able to wait for reinforcements for some time.

These Belarusians don’t have to do anything else, they just need to dismantle dozens of kilometers of the Siberian Railway, and it won’t be able to open to traffic for at least three months. It’s the end of July now, and October will be three months later. It’s almost snowing in Siberia in October. Not to mention large-scale military operations, even small-scale infiltration may not be possible.

This time unless the Soviet reinforcements arrive immediately to defeat the Belarusians and keep Novosibirsk, the Far East will be in danger. "

After listening to Li Hao's analysis, most of the people in the conference room looked at each other. They didn't expect that the former role model, the Soviet Union, the holy land in their hearts, and the Soviet Red Army, which they believed to be invincible in the world, would have such a depraved day. .

"Comrade Li Hao, aside from us, if the Soviet Union did not break through the Japanese defenses before winter, what would be the result?"

"If it is just Japan and the Soviet Union, it is likely to turn into a protracted war. We believe that with the current strength of the Japanese, if we do not take action, it is very likely that they can persist until 1940. According to the Soviet Union's industrial expansion capabilities, the Soviet Union will Completely entering the wartime system will not be something that Japan can stop, and of course, the Soviet Union cannot make such mistakes again..."

As Li Hao's voice fell, everyone in the meeting room stopped talking.In their helpless hearts, each has its own helplessness.At this moment, in far away Siberia, the commander of the Second Red Flag Far East Army is also lamenting the same question, that is...

"Where are the reinforcements?"


Today's chapter is a bit late, why does the old man find it difficult to save the manuscript recently?

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