Revolution 1938

Chapter 250 The Base Area Economy in 1938

"Where did the helium come from!"

At this time, a voice came from beside them, Xia Hai'an and the two looked back, only to see Li Hao standing beside them with a plate of dinner in his eyes, Zhou Xiangyu waved , motioning Li Hao to sit beside him.

"I said Li Hao, what kind of image is this? How long have you not slept?"

"It's been 4 days, and I just squinted for a few hours in the morning, and I was finally woken up by the sound of firecrackers!"

"You have to go back to the dormitory to sleep! What am I doing in the office?"

"I still have to catch up on the manuscript for tomorrow's discussion, so I don't have time to run back.

Well, let’s not talk about these, what did you just say about helium, our current industrial level can’t handle that. "

"Didn't Vice-Chairman Zhou say that you are going to board the airship, why not use helium?"

"Of course it's hydrogen. We don't have natural gas fields with high helium content in our bases, and we don't have the ability to mine natural gas. So, we basically relied on electrolysis of water to obtain hydrogen at the beginning.

Of course, if we can occupy Sichuan within a year, we can consider using helium as the source of lift for our cargo airship. "

"Isn't it very unsafe to use hydrogen?"

"Mix hydrogen and nitrogen in a 1:2 ratio. Although such a mixture can burn, it will not explode. Moreover, our design considers the use of a hard shell made of aluminum alloy and polyethylene, and polyethylene materials will also make Antistatic treatment and bulletproof.

Moreover, the double-layer shell is filled with pure nitrogen in the middle to isolate possible combustion.Combined with measures such as adding autonomous navigation equipment, reducing the number of passengers, the route does not pass through cities, and is only used as a large-scale transportation system, it should minimize the risk.This thing is now the only transportation method I can think of to make up for the lack of railroads. "

"I think it is more reliable to build more airports and build more transport planes."

"Yes, the number of airships built will not be too many, it is estimated that there are at most a hundred, and they are mainly used for large-scale node transportation.

Now the Ministry of Industry is designing a propeller transport aircraft, referring to many famous models, and it is estimated that it will choose to develop models based on the c-47b and Messerschmitt 323. According to the current situation, the latter may be launched in several Production can begin in a month. "

"Messerschmitt 323? The guy known as the giant elephant in the sky? Why did you choose him? The speed is slow, and the defense is not good."

"Because of the heavy load, and the most important thing is that it is easy to build, the fuselage of this guy is basically made of wood. We can still find suitable carpenters. We can start building directly at this stage, and the engine is also simple.

Our current technical reserves are sufficient. We are going to give him 6 sets of fwj-6c engines for Yunjiu. Although Yunjiu did not follow him, he brought a set of engine production lines. The reserve technology in the production line includes fwj-6c engines. 5200c manufacturing process flow.Such a unit can provide a thrust of 3 horsepower, three times that of the Germans.

In addition, now that electrolytic aluminum has started production in Puhai, the main load-bearing structure of the fuselage will be replaced by high-strength aluminum alloy.It is estimated that this big guy no longer needs to use rockets to accelerate when taking off.It can also increase flight speed and distance.Load capacity can also be increased. "

"You put fwj-6c on this wooden thing? 6 more? Can his wooden wings hold up?"

"The main structure of the wings will be made of aluminum alloy, and the thrust point of the engine will fall on the aluminum alloy load-bearing beam. How many engines will be used depends on our final load. However, according to the opinions of experts from the Ministry of Industry, If it can withstand it, it is estimated that the load of this aircraft will be about the same as that of the Y-20, making up for the shortcomings of our current large-capacity transport aircraft, and our Y-20 can rest more.”

"But this guy still can't be used as a front-line transport plane. It's too slow and too heavy."

"Yes, our plan is to use this guy as a mainline transport aircraft for large-scale transportation. In the future, the transportation in the entire northwest will depend on it. Anyway, it is a glider, and it is also fuel-efficient. By the way, the test flight will be successful when the time comes, Deputy Zhou. Did the Chairman give it a name?"

"Of course, I will ask the chairman to name him when the time comes."

During the conversation, several people laughed, and then packed up the finished dishes, walked to the collection window, and put the dinner plate on the collection tray.

At 1:[-] p.m., the meeting started again. The committee members who participated in the meeting had already returned to the auditorium in twos and threes. After a while, they were all assembled. At this time, Zhou Xiangyu walked up to the speaking platform again, and then coughed twice and said.

"Comrades, how is everyone eating at noon?"

As soon as this question came out, the audience burst into laughter and applauded continuously.Zhou Xiangyu waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Everyone thinks that good is a good thing. Everyone has experienced the hard times before. Why is life better now? You have meat for your meals. I will talk about this in the afternoon. The content of this afternoon's report is mainly about the economy and Development.

First of all, I would like to talk about our base areas.

As of August 1938, 8, our party's base area had almost 14 million square kilometers. "

As soon as the words fell, there was a whirlwind of applause from the audience.It has not fallen for a long time.Zhou Xiangyu could only smile and continue to wave his hands, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

"Don't get excited, everyone, there are still many things to get you excited, so listen to me first.

The territorial area of ​​more than 500 million square kilometers is mainly divided into the following parts

The first is the Outer Mongolia area. The entire Outer Mongolia area is 260 million square kilometers. Our party has basically occupied about 240 million square kilometers. Now only the Kherlen area near the northeast is still in the hands of the Japanese. According to the original With a plan, we will launch an attack on the area around the 20th of this month to regain the remaining 20 square kilometers of land.

In Outer Mongolia, we have established people's governments in the three larger cities of Kulun, Uliasutai, and Khovd, and established an administrative organization covering the entire Outer Mongolia with these three cities as the core.In the follow-up plan, we will establish a people's government in each of the existing concentrated areas of Outer Mongolia to manage the administrative and judicial management of the entire Outer Mongolia.

Therefore, the central government has decided to recruit administrative personnel across the country after this meeting, striving to build Outer Mongolia into a brand-new socialist new countryside and ensure that Outer Mongolia will always be in the arms of China.

Excluding Outer Mongolia, we have also established people's governments in Suiyuan, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang and other regions, and have begun to transform these backward areas in the northwest, and strive to complete a comprehensive review of these regions by the end of this year , and open up traffic and trade between these regions.

Among them, the Xinjiang area has already achieved preliminary economic results due to the transformation we informed about the previous period. The hydropower, heating, and water supply in major cities in Xinjiang have established a complete mechanism, and a complete medical system has also been established.And it has made a good plan for the agricultural development in Xinjiang.

In the next stage, our party will replicate the Xinjiang model, promote and develop our new socialist model in Qinghai, Ningxia and other areas where ethnic minorities gather, and strive to improve the perennial poverty in these areas.

According to the plan of the central government, in order to improve the problems in the northwest region, we will introduce an immigration mechanism in some areas that lack water sources and lack of agricultural production possibilities, and immigrate the people there to other areas, such as the base areas in the south, so that they can get a good life condition.

In addition, aiming at the backwardness of Xinjiang, Ningxia, Qinghai and other regions, we also plan to launch a reclamation campaign, that is, to go to the densely populated and poor land resources in the inland areas to attract local farmers to emigrate to these areas, and to use the advanced land reclamation technology in the inland Drive the development of these western regions.

The central government will also allocate a part of the cost to provide these farmers with assistance in the construction of settlements and high-quality agricultural products, and strive to improve the current backwardness of the entire Northwest 40 years ago.

therefore.Comrades working in Henan, Hebei, Hunan, Hubei and other places have noticed that 39 years ago, one of the focus of your work was to publicize our immigration policy. In addition, according to the judgment of our meteorologists, starting next year, The entire central region will experience a once-in-a-century drought.

The central government has already started food reserves. At that time, comrades in the disaster-stricken areas need to use all means to persuade and mobilize the masses to migrate to the northwest region. First, it can reduce the losses after the disaster, and second, it can also reduce the population of the central region. structure to prevent future catastrophes.

In the Northwest, when the central government made a decision, all immigrant households will get 20 mu of wasteland per household. The central government will provide these immigrant households with housing and farmland irrigation equipment, and all immigrant households will be exempted from the first three years of land reclamation. One year's agricultural tax, and the second and third year's agricultural tax only need to pay [-]%.

In addition, in the entire base area, the agricultural tax has been reduced to [-]%.Reduce tax burden for all farmers.I'll come back to this part later.

The third part of our current base is the entire southeastern region, with Puhai as the center, radiating Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui and other places.These base areas are not as complete as those in the northwest region, and are basically centered around various traffic arteries and central cities.

Therefore, the southeast region is the most complex among all the base areas of our party. The Puhai region is not bad, because it was the first to win, and a sound people's government has been established there.and has been running smoothly.


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