Wu is proud of the world

Chapter 186 5 Fingers Interlocking

In the huge square, Qin Lanyu's opponent, Lei Dong of the No. [-] Thunder Cloud Sect, had already fallen heavily, his face was extremely pale, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. In front of him, his mortal spirit weapon had shattered into pieces. A piece of debris.

The robe on Lei Dong's body was broken in many places, and blood stains could be seen faintly. It seemed that he was seriously injured. Lei Dong stood up slowly, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and cupped his hands at Qin Lanyu who was opposite him, saying nothing. walked out of the field.

Nangong Yu smiled slightly and said, "I'm afraid this Leidong will have to cultivate for a long time before he can recover his strength."

Wu Aotian nodded, turned his eyes around, and looked at the contest between Liu Ruxue and Sun Dong. Sure enough, as Nangong Yu said, Liu Ruxue was full of murderous aura and had already taken the initiative. Sun Dong couldn't resist it anymore. , although it is still supporting it with all its strength, the huge hill-like spiritual weapon no longer has the agility it had just now.

"His spiritual weapon is huge and heavy, and it consumes a lot of spiritual energy to operate, so his tactic is decisive. Once the opponent survives his fierce attack in the early stage, he will definitely lose in the later stage."

"Miss Liu's offense and defense were very stable at the beginning, and the Xuanlong Sword and Xuantian Battle Armor seemed to have absorbed a lot of blood and hostility, which improved the offensive and defensive power. Sun Dong's spiritual weapon couldn't do anything to Miss Liu at first, he Of course you will lose."

"I guess it will take less than ten breaths, and he will lose."

Wu Aotian didn't speak, and he could tell that Sun Dong's complexion was already a little pale, and after resisting Xuanlong Sword's aggressive beheading several times, Sun Dong suddenly retreated to the back, and at the same time shouted loudly :"I lost."

The Xuanlong Sword that was in a hurry to kill suddenly stopped and flew back. After all, this was just a duel, not a life-and-death fight. Since the opponent had already admitted defeat, there was no need to fight anymore.

The black energy on Liu Ruxue's body slowly withdrew, and then all of them retracted into the Xuantian Battle Armor and Xuanlong Sword on her body as if they had a soul, and Liu Ruxue's figure was revealed again.

Liu Ruxue's face was slightly pale, but overall, it wasn't too bad.

Wu Aotian looked at Liu Ruxue who was pale, and suddenly thought of a question, he turned his head and asked: "Brother Nangong, after the first round today, when will the second round be held?"

"After the first round ends today, there will be no second round. The second round will start tomorrow. One round will last for many days."

Wu Aotian frowned and said: "But after such a round, even the winner will definitely consume a lot of spiritual energy, and may even be injured. If you continue to fight the next day, won't the injured suffer a lot? ?”

Nangong Yu nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, it doesn't matter if you are injured or your aura consumption cannot be replenished, these are all personal factors. The rules of competition are always the same for everyone, and everyone will consume aura consumption the same way. , I can only say strength plus luck."

Wu Aotian was right when he thought about it, but then Wu Aotian thought of his Eight Desolation Spirit Gathering Cauldron, I am afraid that he is the one who has the most advantage here, he is using the aura of the Eight Desolation Spirit Gathering Cauldron, even if it is used up, he can still absorb the aura of the weather Even the aura in the magic crystal is supplemented, but his own strength is a low-level earth spirit, which is still a bit of a disadvantage.

If one's own strength reaches high-level earth spirits, then one's combat power will definitely defeat these people overwhelmingly, without even needing a phantom formation...

It's just that in the current situation, don't you need to cast the illusion array from the beginning?

Casting the phantom array will definitely save energy consumption to the greatest extent, and also reduce the possibility of failure...

"By the way, what kind of rewards will the Earth Spirit-level winners get this time? I heard it's very generous..."

Nangong Yu laughed and said: "The prizes are announced at the end of each competition, but the prizes are decided by all the strong people in the sky, and it will not change because of the change of the person who won the prize. , didn’t announce in advance, and I didn’t want these things to stimulate these contestants, each of them risked their lives to fight, after all, this is just a competition, if there are heavy casualties, it will be the loss of the Tiannan Empire.”

Wu Aotian snorted, but before he could speak, Nangong Yu lowered his voice, leaned closer and said, "But my ancestor also came, so he let me know in advance, I will tell you quietly ..."

Wu Aotian was a little surprised, and immediately laughed and said: "Your behavior is a secret operation..."

Nangongyu didn't understand the black box operation, but she probably understood the meaning when she heard the name, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid that the families or sects that come to join the strong Tianling know about this, but they will tell their disciples not to talk about it." Just go out."

Wu Aotian gave a grace: "I understand, the unspoken rules, I understand."

Nangongyu really didn't understand what the unspoken rules were, but he didn't want to ask any more, and said in a low voice: "I won't talk about the level of spirit envoys and spiritual masters. Although they are rich, you must have already I can't see it anymore..."

"The rewards for the top three winners in this earth spirit level competition, No.3 is a low-grade spirit weapon, plus one hundred pure spirit pills, and No.2 is a spirit weapon, plus two hundred pure magic pills. Spirit pills, and the reward for No.1 is even richer, it is a top-grade spiritual weapon, plus [-] pure spirit pills, and a sky-cracking pill."

Wu Aotian was slightly taken aback: "Of course I know the spirit weapon, but what kind of pill is this Heaven Splitting Pill? Since it can be used as a reward for the champion, it should be very valuable?"

Nangong Yu stared at Wu Aotian with wide eyes: "You don't even know about the Heaven Splitting Pill?"

Seeing that Wu Aotian's expression didn't seem to be fake, it was obvious that he really didn't know, then Nangong Yu continued to explain: "This cracking sky pill is made of many kinds of precious elixir, it can help the peak of the earth spirit It is possible for a strong person to break through and enter the Heavenly Spirit powerhouse."

Wu Aotian's eyes suddenly opened: "It is possible to break through to enter the heavenly spirit powerhouse, is that a panacea like the Purple Spirit Pill, the Purple Spirit Pill can allow people to break through from the peak state of a spiritual master to enter the earth spirit..."

Nangong Yu nodded and said: "Yes, you are right, Purple Spirit Pill and Split Sky Pill have the same nature, but the success rate of Purple Spirit Pill is relatively high, while the success rate of Split Sky Pill is relatively low Yes, it is said that there is only a 20.00% success rate at most. For example, if five people take one pill each, only one person may be able to break through and enter the Heavenly Spirit Powerhouse. Even this probability is somewhat optimistic, or even smaller... "

Wu Aotian's eyes shone brightly, and he had already made up his mind, no matter what, he must strive to win the championship of this competition and get this Heaven Splitting Pill.

Although the odds are small, there is always hope of success.

Looking at those desperate spiritual practitioners, I am afraid that many of them already know about the rewards this time. There are many strong people who are at the peak of the earth spirit in the entire Tiannan Empire, and they are probably eager to get such a cracking sky Dan.

Looking at the light from Wu Aotian's eyes, Nangong Yu suddenly smiled and said: "The Qin family sent the second strongest person in the Qin family this time, just to win the Sky Splitting Pill. If you can win the championship, you can get the Sky Splitting Pill Dan... If you are willing to hand over this Sky-Splitting Pill to the Qin family, then the life-saving grace owed by Miss Liu to the Qin family can be completely offset..."

After a slight pause, Nangong Yu smiled again: "Of course, from a personal point of view, I still don't want you to do this, because our Nangong family and the Qin family have some interests involved, if you give it to them, they will be lucky , if there is really another strong Tianling, then the Nangong family will be in a weak position."

When Wu Aotian heard Nangong Yu say this, his heart skipped a beat, but he didn't say much, he just smiled and said: "Champion, it's still early, I said I am the champion, then Brother Nangong will be the first to disagree."

Nangong Yu smiled lightly and said, "Everyone will fight fairly based on their strength, and see who can get it."

Wu Aotian suddenly looked at the other earth spirit powerhouses in the distance, and said with a smile: "If others know that the two of us are here to discuss who will win the championship, will they think that I am just fantasizing?"

Nangong Yu's eyes narrowed slightly: "They are not inferior to me in strength, and they also have spiritual weapons, but you have a phantom formation, but I also have my maze formation, which is not something they can resist."


Wu Aotian's eyes suddenly lit up, it turns out that Nangong Yu's reliance is actually a formation, but what kind of formation is this maze?

Nangong Yu didn't wait for Wu Aotian to ask, she smiled and said: "I know you will be very curious, and soon you will see what kind of formation my maze is, to some extent it is actually somewhat similar to your phantom formation."

At this time, Tianyingzong disciples had already announced the winners of the two matches, and began to announce the candidates for the next two matches. Naturally, Nangong Yu, who got number 8, would also play.

When Liu Ruxue came off the stage, Wu Aotian asked with concern: "Are you injured?"

Liu Ruxue naturally wouldn't hide anything from Wu Aotian, and said in a low voice: "The meridians are a little sluggish, but it shouldn't be a big deal."

Wu Aotian frowned, stretched out his hand to hold Liu Ruxue's hand, and clasped his palms together, the spiritual energy instantly flowed out and poured into Liu Ruxue's body, helping Liu Ruxue to dredge the somewhat blocked meridians.

Although Wu Aotian did it in a very subtle manner, the aura fluctuations still attracted the attention of some people around. They turned their heads to look at the two of them, their eyes were a bit strange, but thinking that Liu Ruxue just finished fighting, I am afraid that Wu Aotian also Helping him recover with spiritual energy, but he didn't think too much, but someone was thinking, didn't Wu Aotian also sign up for the competition?

A low-level earth spirit wasting his aura to restore his sister before the competition, how arrogant!

Liu Ruxue obviously also thought about this matter, and asked softly: "You want to compete later, or tonight."

Wu Aotian smiled slightly, grabbing Liu Ruxue's hand without any intention of letting go: "It's okay, I know what's on my mind."


In the book review area, more than one person said that the update is slow, one chapter a day or something, let me explain here, basically there are two chapters every day, but the two chapters are published very close together, one chapter is at ** in the evening, and the other is at around one o'clock in the morning ...I haven't saved the manuscript, so I can't update it at a fixed time, but everyone happened to read the two chapters together during the day...

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