Wu is proud of the world

Chapter 187 Are You Still a Virgin

The disciples of the Sky Eagle Sect on the stage have announced the identities and strengths of people No. [-] to No. [-] in turn. The strengths are all high-level earth spirits. With a spiritual weapon in hand, he is still no match for others.

The battle is at your fingertips.

Ever since Nangong Yu entered the stage, Wu Aotian's gaze never left him. He was very concerned about what kind of formation Nangong Yu's maze was.

Liu Ruxue's hand was slender and soft, and it was soft in the palm of her hand. Wu Aotian's spiritual energy output did not stop at all, and the slightly injured meridians on Liu Ruxue's body quickly recovered smoothly under the nourishment of Wu Aotian's meridians.

Wu Aotian gently let go of Liu Ruxue's hand, leaving with soft little hands, Wu Aotian's heart actually felt a little reluctant.

Why would there be reluctance?

Wu Aotian asked himself in his heart, but the answer made him slightly panic...

On the stage, Nangong Yu had already started a battle with his opponent. Nangong Yu showed two spirit weapons at the beginning. The attacking weapon was a needle. Other people's spirit weapons kept getting bigger, but his spirit weapon But it keeps shrinking, the needle has shrunk to only the size of an embroidery needle, but the aura fluctuations on it are terrifyingly strong!

It was the first time for Wu Aotian to see this kind of attack in the opposite direction. Seeing the incomparably tiny embroidery needles flying around like lightning, Wu Aotian's heart suddenly became enlightened.

Although the size of this spiritual weapon has been reduced, its power has not been reduced, and after the size is reduced, driven by the spiritual energy, the flying speed is faster and it is more difficult for people to guard against. , the spiritual energy above will burst out, and the power is equally astonishing.

The second spiritual weapon of Nangong Yu is a three-sided small shield. After the three small shields become larger, they wrap Nangong Yu in three sides, and the three small shields are constantly rotating. It can be seen that these three small shields, Just like Wu Aotian's heart sword, but it is a set of defensive spiritual weapon.

Nangongyu obviously hasn't used his housekeeping ability, maze, maybe he wants to test the opponent's strength. Didn't he just say that he will definitely use it in this battle...

Nangong Yu's opponent also used a spirit weapon. In small countries such as Guiyun Country, it is rare to see spirit weapons, but here, spirit weapons seem to be everywhere.

"Sister Ruxue, do you know what a maze is?"

Liu Ruxue was taken aback for a moment, then nodded lightly and said: "Well, I have heard of it vaguely, how do you know this kind of formation?"

"Nangongyu said that his trump card is the maze." Wu Aotian smiled wryly, "Tell me, what kind of formation is the maze?"

Liu Ruxue turned her head in shock, and glanced at Nangong Yu on the field: "It's unexpected that the Nangong family is still proficient in mazes, it's really unexpected..."

After a slight pause, Liu Ruxue explained: "The maze is similar to your phantom in some places. They don't actually exist, but interfere with the brains of the trapped people. Phantoms are all kinds of illusions. But the maze keeps you trapped in it, unable to escape, repeated over and over again, always in the same place..."

It seemed that she had compared the advantages and disadvantages of the two formations in her heart, and finally Liu Ruxue expressed her opinion: "Both the maze and the phantom formation are powerful, but because I have compared your phantom formation before, I personally I think your phantom array should be more diverse..."

When Wu Aotian thought of the maze array facing the phantom array, he couldn't help but feel a little strange. If two similar types of arrays collide, what effect will it have?

This result is really hard to guess.

Just when Wu Aotian was thinking about it, the fighting Nangong Yu suddenly moved, and he released the third spiritual weapon.

As soon as this spiritual weapon appeared, even Wu Aotian hadn't had time to see what it was, a lot of white mist suddenly appeared on the spiritual weapon, like a heavy winter fog.

The thick fog instantly hid Nangong Yu in it, and the thick fog spread out in an instant, engulfing his opponent in an instant.

For a moment, no one in the field could see Nangong Yu and his opponent.

Wu Aotian looked at the mist covering a huge area, and seemed to understand the mystery of this maze. I am afraid that this white fog is the key to the maze. If you are in the mist, you may have an effect similar to the illusion of the five elements upside down. It is completely difficult for people to distinguish between east, west and north, so it is also difficult to escape from the scope of the maze.

In the maze, there are probably other mysteries, but Wu Aotian still can't figure it out for a while, this maze can't be as simple as just trapping the opponent.

The thick fog covered the entire half of the square, and then stopped spreading, and did not disperse. Obviously, this was all the result of Nangongyu's manipulation, and what Wu Aotian noticed was that since the fog covered half of the square, the half of the square It fell into silence.

The two strong earth spirits here were chattering, but the other side was extremely quiet, only the huge white mist was churning gently, which seemed to show that its interior was not like the one on the surface. calm.

As time passed, just as everyone was discussing, the white mist suddenly subsided.

The white mist seemed to be attracted by a great attraction, and it quickly gathered towards the center. In the blink of an eye, it had completely disappeared. No, it was absorbed back into the spirit weapon released by Nangong Yu before.

At this time, Wu Aotian finally saw the shape of the spirit weapon clearly. Well, it looks like a football, round and with countless complex spirit patterns on it, and there are countless small holes. The white mist just came from these small holes. The spewing out of the holes quickly returned to the spiritual weapon from these small holes, and this spiritual weapon was emitting a hazy light, and at this time, the light was slowly disappearing.

This artifact, um, is really a bit like a rock lamp in a dance hall.

Wu Aotian's gaze shifted away from the spiritual weapon, and landed on Nangong Yu's opponent. The old man's clothes were all in tatters, but there was no trace of blood on his body. It seemed that Nangong Yu was merciful. The old man looked at Nangong Yu embarrassingly and angrily. Facing the old man's murderous gaze, Nangong Yu just nodded with a subdued smile.

"I lost."

After the old man uttered a word, he buried his head and walked towards the outside of the arena. So far, Nangong Yu has won the first round very easily.

"The white mist looks like the phantom array, it can isolate the connection between the inside and the outside, such as sound, etc., it is impossible to spread, but the white mist of the maze array hinders everyone's sight, but others in the phantom array You can also see the movements of people in the phantom formation..."

After thinking for a while, Wu Aotian added: "The white mist completely enveloped Nangongyu and the old man, but I think Nangongyu would not be affected by these dense fogs, and even these dense fogs were like his bodily sense organs. He must have a way to grasp the opponent's actions, and even the slightest movement should not be hidden from him."

"There are probably some other strange effects... This labyrinth is indeed very magical. Once it is enveloped, it is difficult to escape. In this labyrinth, Nangong Yu is in a dominant position."

Liu Ruxue frowned, and said with some worry: "It seems that it should be what you said, look at that old man, he obviously has the strength of a high-level earth spirit, and he also has a spiritual weapon, but he is not in the maze. No ability to counterattack, no suspense. After losing the battle, Nangong Yu seems to have won easily... If you meet him at that time, you'd better use the illusion array earlier, otherwise, you will be enveloped by his maze , it will be troublesome."

Wu Aotian nodded, but thought in his heart, that Nangong Yu might have the same idea.

After watching Nangong Yu's battle, I am afraid that no one can resist his maze. If he can't find a way to break it, he may be easily defeated by the opponent if he falls into the maze.

At this time, the other group had already decided the winner. After the two sides announced, Nangong Yu walked out with a smile, and it was obvious that he won very easily.

Nangong Yu returned to Wu Aotian's side, smiled lightly and said: "It's up to you next."

Wu Aotian smiled slightly and said: "Your maze is really powerful, it is indeed similar to mine in many ways, by the way, Brother Nangong, I have a question for you..."

Nangong Yu smiled lightly: "Do you want to ask the mystery of this labyrinth?"

Wu Aotian shook his head and said: "Although I really want to know, but we should study each other after we compete. The question I want to ask is, hey, Brother Nangong, are you still a virgin?"

Wu Aotian lowered his voice for the last sentence, but Liu Ruxue who was beside him still heard it, his face turned red slightly, and he turned his head slightly to the side.

Nangongyu was listening carefully at first, he thought that Wu Aotian was going to ask about the mystery of the maze, but Wu Aotian was not willing to take advantage of him, which made him feel good immediately, but he never thought that Wu Aotian would actually ask Such a question.

Nangong Yu choked on her throat with a mouthful of saliva, coughed violently twice, and looked at Wu Aotian with extremely strange eyes, apparently not knowing why Wu Ao was too difficult to ask this question.

Wu Aotian seemed to be staring at Nangongyu very seriously, apparently still waiting for his answer.

Nangongyu managed to calm down, and looked at Wu Aotian with a strange expression: "Why do you ask this?"

Wu Aotian chuckled lightly, with a somewhat mysterious look: "But it's not convenient to answer..."

Nangongyu looked at Liu Ruxue next to her with some guilty conscience, then gently moved her head over, lowered her voice and said softly: "Although she is not married yet, she is 28 years old anyway, and she has had two years. A confidante..."


Wu Aotian smiled lightly and said: "Okay, I understand."

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