Wu is proud of the world

Chapter 38 The second round of exams

The exams of the first group were over quickly, and the faces of those holding two signs were happy, while those with empty hands were extremely depressed.

Wu Aotian scanned the crowd, and quickly found Yu Tuo who was in the crowd. Yu Tuo was holding two number plates in his hand. It was obvious that Yu Tuo had successfully passed this round of assessment.

Yu Tuo had already entered the seventh level when he was 23 years old, and now after a year or two of immersion, his natural strength has improved. Under the 25-year-old group, although he is not considered to be the best, as long as he is not unlucky, he can pass the level. relatively normal.

Yu Tuo was standing not far away from Wu Aotian and others at that time, so the matter of Wu Aotian and Wu Lingfeng also fell into his eyes, Yu Tuo came over and looked at Wu Aotian very strangely, with puzzled eyes: "Why do you want to give up the game? Although you are only at the sixth level, I don't think there is no chance. It is not without the strength to use the throwing knife technique at you..."

Looking at Wu Lingfeng next to him, Yu Tuo frowned and said, "As for your elder brother, he should have already entered the seventh level, and the opportunity is even greater..."

Wu Aotian smiled, he naturally wouldn't share his heart with Yutuo, he just said simply: "Actually, I just came here to increase my knowledge, to accompany my elder brother to participate in the selection..."

Yu Tuo was taken aback for a moment, but then seemed to think of something, and said with a smile: "That's true, you have expert advice, but you don't necessarily need to join the Dragon Soul Sect. Although the Dragon Soul Sect is famous, there are also many spiritual practitioners Not much, but even if we join the Dragon Soul Sect, we mostly have to rely on our own hard work, at most we can get some pills and advice, and you should not lack these two, but why is your eldest brother..."

Seeing Wu Aotian so calm and composed, obviously he was not forced to quit the game, but quit the game willingly, and helped his elder brother by the way, Yu Tuo took it for granted that Wu Aotian was behind Wu Aotian's spiritual practitioners to guide and help, but Yu Tuo didn't Figured it out, why does the spiritual cultivator only help Wu Aotian, but doesn't seem to help Wu Lingfeng?

For Yu Tuo's understanding, Wu Aotian will not refute or explain anything. He likes to understand it better, which is good for Wu Aotian and the Wu family, so Wu Aotian just smiles, but does not answer, which is very profound. The way it is measured.

For Wu Aotian's refusal to answer, Yu Tuo was not displeased at all. Perhaps he thought that this might involve some private secrets, so the other party was unwilling to answer, not to mention that he and the other party were not very good friends. It is also reasonable for the other party not to disclose.

The competition of the second group started soon, Wu Aotian's eyes turned to the three brothers of the Tie family, Wu Aotian still had a good impression of the three brothers, although their behavior seemed childish, but they were very sincere.

Wu Aotian also sincerely hopes that the three Tiejia brothers can pass this assessment smoothly and enter the Dragon Soul Sect. In this case, the three brothers can be regarded as having a quiet place to practice. How many disasters do you want to cause? If you provoke a spiritual practitioner, you may lose your life. After all, the mouths of these three brothers are really unreliable.

"After you go up, don't spread out, and don't rush to grab the cards. You three brothers can deal with one target together, and then grab the cards one by one, and then distribute them to you. I believe that with your strength, you will be able to pass this round. game."

The three brothers of the Tie family smiled, and their expressions were quite confident: "We will definitely pass. If anyone dares not to give us a sign, I will blow his head off!"

"Break their third leg!"

Hearing Iron Leopard's words, Wu Aotian suddenly had a few black lines on his forehead. If these three guys didn't come, they would blow people's heads off, or break their third legs. I don't know who taught them, could it be their father?

The three brothers entered the arena with arrogance and arrogance, but after they entered the arena, the three of them did not stop talking. All three of them looked at the people around them unscrupulously, and began to talk about the targets who would strike later.

"Brother, look at this, look at this... This person looks weak, shall we start with him later?"

The iron leopard's voice sounded like a bell, and everyone around looked sideways. The man who was stared at by him suddenly turned a little blue and red. Firstly, he was despised by this reckless man, and secondly, he was also worried that he would become a The opponent's prey couldn't help but quietly moved towards a place far away from the three brothers.

Tie Long turned his eyes to glance at the man, shook his head and said: "Iron Leopard, I don't want to talk about your vision, look at this, this, it's obviously weaker than the one you pointed out, we'd better start with this gone."

Iron Leopard seemed very unconvinced, and then turned his head to look carefully. It seemed that he really felt that what Tie Long was referring to was weaker. Whoever refuses to give it to them will break his three legs!"

There was a large space around the three brothers of "Wow", and everyone chose to stay away from these three guys who looked stupid but had a violent tone. Although everyone wanted to beat up these guys who despised themselves, but There are three people on the other side, and they are still brothers. I am afraid that whoever goes up will be attacked by the three together, so it is better not to get into trouble.

Seeing that there was a lot of space around, Tiehu immediately complained: "You two, look, this scared everyone away, let's grab the number plate, you two idiots!"

Tielong and Iron Leopard looked around, and immediately felt that they had done something wrong, but refusing to admit defeat and refusing to admit it has always been their strong point, so Tielong put this question aside without hesitation, and said to him: "Aren't they all in this circle anyway, can they still fly?"

The conversation between the three brothers of the Tie family reached Wu Aotian's ears very clearly, Wu Aotian shook his head helplessly, these three brothers are really not the best in general.

That's quite the best!


Following the command given by Liu Xingran on the high platform, all the people instantly rushed towards the target they had been targeting for a long time. Although the venue is large enough, there are so many people fighting in it after all, and there is no distance between each battle group. It was so far away that everyone had to beware of the black hands who suddenly came out from somewhere nearby while doing their hands.

The three brothers of the Tie family glared at each other, and rushed towards the nearest person at the same time. The person noticed that the three brothers of the Tie family were rushing over, and suddenly lost his wits, and was about to leave his opponent and run away, when Tie Long, who was one step ahead, had already rushed over. He punched him.

Tie Long's fist had already worn a pair of metal gloves at some point, and Tie Long and Tie Hu also had the same equipment on their hands. The metal gauntlets were all black, but they were extremely delicate, just like human fingers , Wu Aotian was quite surprised. It seems that these three guys are not ordinary people at home. Such exquisite metal gloves are not something ordinary people can make.

The unlucky man stabbed out with a sword, but Tie Long laughed and grabbed the edge of the sword. The incomparably sharp sword was held by Tie Long's glove, and it couldn't be shaken any longer. Tie Hu and Tie Leopard had already He rushed forward, blocking the man's retreat from left to right, and his steps were surprisingly skillful.

The unlucky man was punched twice in the blink of an eye, and fell to the ground screaming. Tie Long leisurely took off the man's number plate. The man was seriously injured. Although he was extremely depressed, he But nothing can be done.

Wu Aotian looked at the three brothers of the Tie family like tigers rushing into a flock of sheep, and couldn't help being a little surprised. Although the three brothers behaved like children, their strength was not fake at all. What was even more frightening was that the three twin brothers, It seems that they are proficient in the art of summation, and the cooperation between the three is extremely skillful and close. The combat effectiveness is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

The three brothers of the Tie family found three brands very quickly, but the three brothers seemed to be still unsure, and it seemed that they wanted to continue to do it, just because Liu Xingran said that a person only needs to get two brands Then you can leave the competition circle, and you can't get more. Although the three brothers are simple-minded, they also know that if they violate the rules of the exam, they may not be able to get the right to qualify for the first round. What's more, the three of them Knowing that the person standing on the high platform is a real spiritual practitioner, he is very powerful, so he can't offend him.

The second group of competitions also ended soon, and the third group of competitions started soon, but Wu Aotian was very unfamiliar with the people in this group, and he didn't care much, whoever won or lost was pretty much the same anyway, so he didn't care too much.

Soon, the first round of the three groups of competitions all had results, and half of the people were eliminated, including many stronger people, but Liu Xingran said that luck is also indispensable for practitioners, and From Wu Aotian's point of view of Leng Feng following him, it is obvious that this point is really reasonable.

It's just that Wu Aotian has always been curious. When Leng Feng met him, his fate didn't seem to change until now...

"Listen up, everyone who passed the first round of exams. I will now announce the rules for the second round of exams. They will still be divided into three groups and proceed in sequence. The rules are to start from here and get there in the shortest time..."

"I cut off at a time period. After that, all people are considered eliminated, and those before that are considered passed. What I need to remind is that there are all kinds of beasts in this area, and there are even some low-level monsters. If you are afraid of death, it is best not to participate, otherwise, you are likely to die in it, and Dragon Soul Sect will not be responsible for such a result."

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