Wu is proud of the world

Chapter 39 Great luck in misfortune

There are even monsters in this area?

The faces of many people below changed slightly, even Wu Aotian was a little surprised, although Wu Aotian is very familiar with this assessment method, because in the previous life, there were too many types of assessments such as setting goals and setting time. Moreover, this kind of assessment is also very effective, and it can test the quality of the people who take the assessment in many aspects.

Not only the level of strength, but also the comprehensive quality of wisdom, strategy, etc., but if there are monsters in this area, many contestants will die very ugly if they encounter them.

Wu Aotian turned his head and glanced at his elder brother Wu Lingfeng, his eyes showed a bit of worry, now that he has been eliminated, he can't be with him, and even if he is with him, if he is really unlucky and encounters a monster, the two of them Individuals are not opponents.

In the round of the competition just now, at least dozens of people died in the melee, and hundreds of people were injured to varying degrees, and many were missing arms and legs. The blood spilled on the ground made many people panic. My heart was a little frightened, and now I heard that there are still monsters, and many people's hearts suddenly became cold.

Joining the Dragon Soul Sect is of course a very face-saving and enjoyable thing, but it is really not worthwhile to lose your life because of it.

In a short period of time, about 400 people withdrew from the field. These 400 people had passed the first round hard, but they didn't have the courage to participate in the second round.

"In addition, each of you will still have a badge on your body. If anyone's badge is lost during the march, even if you are the first to reach the destination, you will be eliminated.

Thinking about the rules of these two rounds of competition, Wu Aotian let out a sigh in his heart. In the eyes of spiritual cultivators, ordinary cultivators are really just like ants. The people who can gather here are basically quite Those who are talented are all elite cultivators, but for the Dragon Soul Sect, there is really nothing worth cherishing.

What they want is only those 400 people, and the death of people beyond [-] is none of their business. Seeing Liu Xingran's almost numb expression, Wu Aotian understood more and more what Liu Xingran meant when he said that the road to cultivation is covered with boundless bones .

"Brother, how are you?"

Wu Aotian turned his head and asked Wu Lingfeng, after all, this has already involved life-threatening, and it still needs to be carefully considered.

Wu Lingfeng revealed a bit of fortitude between his brows: "Go, there are always risks in cultivation, and there is no achievement without taking risks."

Wu Aotian glanced at Wu Lingfeng, thought for a while and said, "Brother, although I haven't told you about some things, I can assure you that I will become a spiritual cultivator soon, and I will be able to refine for you The elixir you need, and even if we need it now, we can also find the leader saved by our father and ask him to help, it is not necessary to join the Dragon Soul Sect."

Wu Lingfeng froze for a moment, but then shook his head and said: "I still want to try, if I encounter difficulties, I will retreat. In the future, I will definitely not be able to achieve great achievements."

Seeing the resolute expression on Wu Lingfeng's face, Wu Aotian didn't stop persuading him. What Wu Lingfeng said was very reasonable. If he retreated in case of disaster, it would be difficult to achieve success in the end on the road of cultivation. Cultivation is originally a road full of blood, thorns and bones. the way.

"Okay, then you go, but you must be careful. Practice is important, but it is not the right choice to sacrifice your own life when there is clearly a way out."

Wu Lingfeng looked at Wu Aotian who showed concern, and said with a smile: "I still know this, I just want to try hard, even if I am not afraid of death, I don't want my father and you to be sad after my death."

Wu Aotian smiled and nodded: "Okay."

In the conversation between Wu Aotian and Wu Lingfeng, Wu Aotian did not hide Leng Feng who was beside him. When Leng Feng heard Wu Aotian's promise that he would become a spiritual practitioner soon, his eyes lit up, but he remained silent and did not say anything.

At this time, Liu Xingran had already asked the first group of people under the age of 25 to prepare, and he took out a whistle, blew it, and blew it three times in succession.

Following three sharp whistles piercing the sky, three black dots appeared on the top of the mountain, and they quickly flew towards the high platform below. After the three black shadows flew in, Wu Ao could see clearly. What flew over turned out to be three huge cranes.

The three cranes were all white, without a single hair of other colors. Each crane was at least three meters tall. After the three cranes fell, they squatted down next to the three of them very docilely.

Liu Xingran waved his hands at a large group of people who were already prepared below and said, "On the top of that mountain, there is a huge thousand-year-old pine. Your goal is there. I wish you good luck and come out."

Liu Xingran said a few words to the woman in Tsing-clothed, with a respectful expression on her face, the woman in Tsing-clothed nodded slightly, as if responding to something, but her expression was still extremely cold.

There was no displeasure on Liu Xingran's face. Instead, he stretched out his hand to invite the woman in Tsing Yi to sit on the white crane first. The woman in Tsing Yi didn't refuse, and directly stepped on the white crane. Liu Xingran said something to another man, and the man nodded. Nodding, Liu Xingran also stepped onto the white crane, a gleam of light penetrated into a jade tablet worn around the white crane's neck, and the white crane fluttered its wings and flew up.

The white crane flapped its wings and flew up, but did not fly away in a hurry, but floated above these people, as if they were planning to observe the competition situation of all the contestants from the sky. Comprehensive assessment.

Wu Lingfeng patted Wu Aotian's arm: "Aotian, I'm going."

Wu Aotian didn't say anything more, just nodded heavily: "Be careful."

Wu Lingfeng left with the brigade. Although Wu Aotian was a little worried, his expression was quite calm.

Standing beside Wu Aotian, Leng Feng suddenly asked softly: "Since you can provide him with what he needs, why don't you stop him?"

Wu Aotian did not turn his head, still looking calmly at the direction where Wu Lingfeng disappeared, with his hands behind his back, he sighed softly: "Everyone has their own life and their own pursuits, sometimes the result is important, but the more important It's the process of chasing the ideal..."

"For the same multi-millionaire, there is obviously a difference between a fortune from the sky, a sudden fortune, and a step-by-step growth through his own painstaking efforts. Although I am worried about him, in the near future It should be able to help him in the future, but there are some things that cannot be helped by others.”

Leng Feng remained silent, but his eyes flickered, but it could be seen that he was deep in thought.

As time passed minute by minute, Wu Aotian and others couldn't guess how far they had gone. They just vaguely watched Liu Xingran in the sky and the white crane on which the woman in Tsing Yi was riding gradually go away.

After waiting for a long time, Wu Aotian and others finally saw a large group of people rushing back from the road, Wu Aotian's eyes turned sharply, and finally found Wu Lingfeng in the crowd.

Wu Lingfeng's complexion was a bit gloomy, and there were two bloody cuts on his body. It looked like he was seriously injured. Wu Aotian's heart sank slightly. It seemed that elder brother Wu Lingfeng's assessment was not going well, but he came back safely. It will be enough.

Wu Lingfeng stood opposite to Wu Aotian, said with a wry smile: "Aotian, I failed."

Wu Aotian patted Wu Lingfeng's arm to comfort him: "It's okay, as long as people are safe, did you encounter a powerful beast?"

While speaking, Wu Aotian had already taken out the prepared healing medicine from his body to apply the medicine to Wu Lingfeng, and Wu Lingfeng also let Wu Aotian help him apply the medicine. The people around who were watching were paying attention to the two brothers, but now seeing Wu Lingfeng being eliminated again, The troublemaker couldn't help showing a look of gloating on his face.

Wu Lingfeng smiled wryly, with a slightly strange expression on his face: "I met a monster, a first-level monster, the wind wolf, and the two cuts on my body were cut by the wind blade he used."

Level [-] Warcraft Wind Wolf!

Wu Aotian was taken aback, this luck is too bad, although Liu Xingran said that there will be monsters in it, but the number of monsters is definitely very small, otherwise, let alone the group under the age of 25, even the group over the age of 35 Going in, it is not impossible to wipe out the entire army. Even if the combat power of a first-level monster is at most equivalent to a low-level spiritual disciple, it is not something a cultivator can resist.

The people around with their ears pricked up were all taken aback, and looked at Wu Lingfeng with all kinds of expressions, shock, surprise, disbelief...

Wu Aotian's hand also stagnated for a moment, but he soon regained his composure, raised his head and said with a slight smile: "It's good to be back safely, don't think about anything else."

Wu Lingfeng shook his head, sighed softly: "I was doomed originally, if she hadn't rescued me, I wouldn't have seen you."


Looking at Wu Aotian's suspicious eyes, Wu Lingfeng explained: "It was the woman in Tsing Yi who was riding a white crane. She happened to be not far above me at that time. Just when I was doomed to die, she shot out a bolt of light like lightning from the air. The spiritual energy pierced through the neck of that wind wolf in an instant..."

It was her!

Destroying a magical beast with a wave of hands, I won’t say that it’s powerful, but I didn’t expect that she would save people. This seems a bit unexpected. After all, Liu Xingran said that after participating in the competition, life and death are at your own risk...

In the sky, two white cranes flapped their wings lightly. Liu Xingran looked at the Wu family brothers who were talking in the square below, and asked with some doubts: "Miss Dugu, why do you want to save him? I think you should be with him." No friendship?"

The woman in Tsing Yi, known as Miss Dugu, glanced at Wu Aotian who was bandaging Wu Lingfeng's wound, raised her eyes to look into the distance, and said calmly: "I just don't want to see a younger brother and lose my beloved elder brother."


Red ticket, red ticket, don't forget to collect it.

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