Half a month passed in a blink of an eye, half a month, Wu Aotian and others advanced about ten kilometers towards the Wind Valley this time, and the monsters they encountered have become relatively frequent. They are all Tier [-] and Tier [-] monsters. Occasionally, they encounter Tier [-] monsters, but Wu Aotian and the other three's joint attack tactics have worked repeatedly without fail.

Although the three were occasionally injured, it was not a serious injury. After weighing it, the three decided to start walking sideways, not daring to go to the heart of Returning Wind Valley. After all, going inside would be more dangerous. Increase a lot.

The three of them walked sideways for a few days, and it has been about twenty days since they entered here, and they also encountered six or seven kinds of elixir, which were quite valuable, but they were not considered top-quality elixir, anyway, the three of them all He put it away, and Wu Aotian put it in the Eight Desolation Gathering Spirit Cauldron.

On this day, the three of them moved forward again after having lunch and resting for a while. In the past twenty days of many battles, the fighting methods of the three have become more and more proficient. Skills have become more and more proficient, and the coordination of the three people fighting together, as well as the tacit understanding between the three people, have been greatly improved.

Mo Yu suddenly stopped, turned his head strangely, and looked to the right: "It sounds like someone's voice?"

Wu Aotian and Leng Feng also stopped in their tracks, turned their heads at the same time, and looked in the direction Mo Yu turned his head, but they didn't see anything, and didn't hear any sound. There was a faint roar.

"It's a collision of spiritual energy, about two kilometers away from us... I guess it's other adventurers, and they should have encountered a monster."

Both Wu Aotian and Leng Feng heard the faint roar, and they both nodded in agreement. Leng Feng chuckled and said, "I never expected to meet other adventurers... We have been here for 20 days. Or the first wave?"

Wu Aotian looked at the chuckling Leng Feng, and felt that Leng Feng and Mo Yu seemed to have changed a lot recently, at least, in front of him, they talked more obviously.

When I first met them, one of these two people exuded a sense of indifference, while the other was like a lone wolf. His whole body, including his eyes, was full of that kind of loneliness. Now the faces of these two people , but a faint smile can appear.

"Don't worry about them, we'll go our own way."

After understanding the position, Mo Yu turned his head and said to the two of them calmly, Wu Aotian and Leng Feng both nodded at the same time, they would not have that boring superfluous curiosity, curiosity killed the cat, Wu Aotian was extremely curious .

It's just that you don't look for trouble, but it doesn't mean that things don't look for you.

The three of them had only walked a short distance before Mo Yu paused again, frowned and said, "They're coming here, it seems... they're running for their lives?"

Wu Aotian's strength is not as good as Mo Yu's, and he didn't bother to use the aura of the Eight Desolation Gathering Spirit Cauldron to scout, so he turned his head and asked Mo Yu, "Have you been hunted down by a monster?"

Mo Yu frowned again, and his face became quite solemn: "It doesn't seem to be, it seems to be a battle between spiritual practitioners..."

Wu Aotian was a little surprised, before he spoke, Mo Yu said again: "They seem to be coming here, it seems that they have sensed us, and their strength should be stronger than ours, two waves of people, one wave is fleeing, one wave The waves are chasing..."

Wu Aotian was slightly startled, but immediately understood what was going on: "Could it be that the wave of people who were hunted down sensed us, so they wanted to come over and ask us for help?"

Mo Yu shook his head and said: "The strength of the two waves of people seems to be quite strong, and we may not be able to intervene."

Wu Aotian frowned, and said worriedly: "I'm not worried about whether I can help, but I'm worried that we might get into trouble..."

Mo Yu turned to look at Wu Aotian: "What should I do?"

With just a few words like this, even Wu Aotian has sensed the approaching crowd, and said with a wry smile: "Their speed is very fast, I'm afraid we won't be able to avoid it..."

"嗖嗖嗖", a series of breaking wind sounded urgently, two figures appeared in Wu Aotian's and others' sight rather embarrassedly, and three blue figures were chasing behind them.

Those two figures have already approached Wu Aotian and the others, Wu Aotian looked at it, but was a little surprised, the ones who landed on the ground turned out to be two women, one looked to be in their 20s, the other looked to be in their thirties, They were all quite pretty, but the anxiety on their faces made them look quite embarrassed.

The two women obviously came for Wu Aotian and the others, but after they landed in the blink of an eye, they realized the strength of Wu Aotian and the other three, and their faces became miserable again.

Wu Aotian looked at the attires of these two people, but his heart was shocked. They were dressed in white robes, and there were a few auspicious clouds on their chests. Between the auspicious clouds, there was a faint palace exposed, which turned out to be the symbol of Guiyun Palace!

These two women turned out to be from Guiyun Palace!

Wu Aotian was still surprised, the older of the two women had already said loudly: "I'm sorry, I have troubled you, the people behind are the people of the Sea Kingdom, you hurry to go from this side, we will lead them away from the other side."

Wu Aotian was surprised again, Wu Aotian wondered who was so daring after he saw the signs of the two women clearly, he did not expect to be the winner of the Sea Kingdom, no wonder he dared to attack the people from Guiyun Palace.

Wu Aotian looked at the two girls as if they were seriously injured, if he let them go, it would be difficult for the two girls to escape the pursuit of the people behind, but his ability to wait for others is limited...

"Escape together, the chance is better!"

Time was running out, Wu Aotian didn't have time to say more, although he just joined Guiyun Palace, if he watched Guiyun Palace's fellow disciples being hunted down and remained indifferent, he still couldn't do it.

Leng Feng and Mo Yu also saw clearly the attires of the two of them, and instantly understood that Wu Aotian, who had just thought he was unlucky, suddenly changed his attitude, and decided to help the two women without saying a word.

Mo Yu and Leng Feng also said nothing, turned around and followed Wu Aotian, and fled in the same direction as the two women.

The two women were a little surprised by the decision of the three of them. The older woman said anxiously while running: "The people who are chasing after you are two high-level spirit envoys and one is a high-level spirit master. You are not opponents." Yes, if you are with us, you will die in vain... You and I will escape separately, please send us a letter to Guiyun Palace, saying that Jia Yun and Wu Zhen, disciples of Guiyun Palace, were really captured by the Xuanyin Sect of the Sea Kingdom Killed."

Hearing what the woman said, Wu Aotian knew that she was determined to die. Although he was a little startled by the strength of the three chasing after him, he still simply shook his head: "I'm also from Guiyundian, how can I If you can leave you alone... and our strength, you can always try."

"You are also a disciple of Guiyun Palace? Why have I never seen you?"

The two women looked sideways in surprise at the same time, and the younger woman exclaimed even more.

Wu Aotian turned his head and glanced at the three cyan figures that were getting closer and closer, he was secretly surprised, I am afraid that it is impossible for Bidu to escape.

Gritting his teeth, he had no choice but to fight. Fortunately, he was absorbing magic crystals all the time, and the aura of the Eight Desolation Gathering Spirit Cauldron was very sufficient.

"I joined for less than a month, and I practiced here with two friends...By the way, two senior sisters, I don't know how strong you are?"

The older woman Jia Yun said anxiously: "I'm also a super-level spirit master, really a super-level spirit envoy. It's not that we don't have the strength to fight. When they appeared, I had just finished fighting a fifth-level monster. Injured, they suddenly appeared in a sneak attack..."

Wu Aotian interrupted Jia Yun, and quickly asked: "Then can you still hold back the other party's super-spiritualist?"

Jia Yun didn't know what Wu Aotian meant by asking this question, but she still replied quickly: "If you just hold on for a while, it should be fine!"

Wu Aotian's heart was a little more confident, nodded and said: "Okay, we can't escape, prepare to fight, I will secretly support you, remember, no matter where you see me, don't make any noise!"

Quickly scanning the surroundings, Wu Aotian pointed to the forest in front of him: "Let's fight there, Mo Yu, Leng Feng, the old rules, restrain them, I will take the opportunity to attack."

Jia Yun wanted to say something else, but Wu Aotian had already sprinted into the nearby bushes, his figure disappeared quickly, and even his breath completely disappeared in an instant!

Jia Yun was stunned for a moment, looking at the direction where Wu Aotian disappeared in disbelief, she didn't understand, Wu Aotian was obviously a super-spirit disciple, why could he restrain his breath so well, he couldn't even feel the fluctuation of spiritual energy?

Mo Yu looked at the surprised expressions of the two women, and said in a low voice: "Leave him alone, he has free tricks, when the time comes, you hold back that super-spiritualist, Wu Zhenzhen, you hold back one super-spiritual envoy, and the remaining one is handed over to you." Give us two, and he'll do the rest."

Wu Zhenzhen looked at Mo Yu's extremely trusting tone, and couldn't help asking: "Is he really good? He's just a super-spiritual disciple?"

Mo Yu shook his head, with a strange look on his face: "If he can't do it, then we are all going to be buried here today."

Whether it is Mo Yu or Leng Feng, it is very clear that the difference in strength between the two sides does not seem to be that big, but the key is that Jia Yun is injured, and it may not last for a while, and the other two are relatively good. All will be defeated here.

Wu Aotian is the only variable in this battle.

Variable that might save everyone.

Arriving at the position Wu Aotian pointed at, Mo Yu and the others stopped at the same time, turned their heads, and within a few breaths, the three cyan figures had already rushed to the ground with the sound of breaking the wind. In front of everyone.

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