The three men in green clothes, each of them has a sect logo of Xuanyin Sect on their chest and sleeves, which is a coiled green snake, which looks quite ferocious.

After the three men landed, one of them frowned: "Hey, why is there one less?"

The two men next to them also had a bit of surprise on their faces. They also clearly thought that there should be five people in total, but why are there only four now?

The tall and tall man released his perception carefully, but he still couldn't find any clues. He looked at Jia Yun and the others across the way, with a smirk on his face: "Leave him alone, kill the few in front of you first... Haha, I don’t know if the women in Guiyun Palace will feel better when they do it?”

The two men next to them also showed obscene smiles on their faces, and their obscene eyes were already sweeping around Jia Yun's and Wu Zhenzhen's chests.

Wu Zhenzhen blushed, gritted his teeth, and shouted angrily: "Shameless, you Xuanyin sect are really despicable, aren't you afraid of destroying your whole family?"

The tall man at the time laughed and said: "Our Xuanyin Sect is located in a secret location, not to mention you people who return to the Yun Kingdom, even our Sea Kingdom has a lot of people who want to kill us, but we live well... ...The little girl has a pretty sharp mouth, but I don't know how she is doing in bed?"

The three men laughed unscrupulously together, the laughter was full of pride.

After all, Jia Yun was older. Although she was insulted by the other party, she could still calm down and said, "You people from the Xuanyin Sect, what are you doing here in Guiyun Kingdom?"

"We came here just to find some elixir we need, but unexpectedly, we met two beauties from Guiyun Palace. We are lucky. I don't know what kind of old fellow Zhu Zidan will be after knowing the news. expression?"

"Boss, there are only two women, and we have three..."

"Don't you want to change the game? Hurry up and kill those two men and take those two women away. Have fun for a few days!"

Zhu Zidan is the Lord of Guiyun Palace, Wu Aotian hid behind the bushes, listening to the words of these three men, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, in the world of spiritual cultivators, strength really is the most important, if he and others fail today, then not only I and others will lose their lives, and Jia Yun and Wu Zhenzhen will face even greater humiliation before they die.

After all, Wu Zhenzhen was younger, and thinking of his possible fate, his heart was filled with fear, and even his body trembled slightly. Even though Jia Yun was older, her face turned pale.

Feeling the trembling of the woman beside him, Mo Yu frowned, turned his head and said softly: "If we are really not their opponents, before we die, I will kill you."

Wu Zhenzhen was stunned for a moment, but immediately realized the meaning of Mo Yu's words. If it really doesn't work, then kill her first to avoid her being humiliated. Thinking of this, Wu Zhenzhen's heart calmed down a little, grateful He glanced at Mo Yu.

Mo Yu didn't look at Wu Zhenzhen anymore, but stared at the three members of Xuanyin Sect who thought he had a chance to win.

The three men seemed to be very satisfied with the effect of their words. After laughing for a while, the super-healer in the middle stopped laughing and shouted: "Do it, be careful, don't let them commit suicide!"

A man next to him laughed and said: "It's okay to commit suicide, it's still the same..."

The tall man seemed to be very dissatisfied and glared at the man and said: "Damn you, you are the only one with eccentricities, stop talking nonsense and do it!"

The three men made a move, and the weapons on their backs rushed to the sky at the same time. The weapon of the super-spiritualist was a sword, and the weapons of the two super-spiritual envoys were a knife and a hammer.

The three spiritual weapons rushed towards Jia Yun, Wu Zhenzhen and Mo Yu respectively. Leng Feng, a super-spiritual disciple, was obviously not taken seriously by them. Pressing an ant makes no difference.

Jia Yun's spiritual weapon is a ring, Wu Zhenzhen's spiritual weapon is a very long and thin needle, Mo Yu's is a dagger, Leng Feng's is a knife, Wu Aotian hides in the dark, watching these people Wu Aotian's eyes lit up when the spirit weapon was revealed.

Although Wu Aotian already knew that spiritual weapons are no longer like weapons used by ordinary practitioners, they can be in any shape, such as a ball, a book, or a seal, but Wu Aotian looked at Jia Yun and Wu Zhenzhen's soul. The weapon still feels a little fresh, but the magic weapon cannot change in size.

Jia Yun confronted a super-spiritualist, Wu Zhenzhen and Mo Yu faced a super-spiritual envoy respectively, Leng Feng hid behind and assisted Mo Yu in attacking, although his strength was relatively low, he could still play a certain role in restraint effect.

The spirit weapons collided continuously in the air, the strong spiritual energy collided, the air roared, and the scattered spiritual energy scattered within a hundred meters, dust, leaves, broken wood, etc. were scattered in the air, but they were not reliable at all. The last few people were completely crushed before they got close, and then flew into the sky.

Wu Aotian kept changing positions in the woods, while hiding his figure, he was also looking for targets. Should he sneak up on the super-spiritual envoy first, or the super-spiritualist?

Sneak attack must only be the most unexpected for the first time. If you sneak attack on a high-level spirit envoy, the success rate will be very high. After all, he has cooperated with Leng Feng Mo Yu for more than [-] days, even against fourth-level monsters, he can win safely. Sneak attack The technique is already perfect, but even if a super-spiritual envoy is killed, the super-spiritualist is still there, Jia Yun is injured, and the final outcome may still be difficult to change...

It's just that if you sneak attack that super-spiritualist, the success rate will be much lower, and it may even be futile. But if you want to reverse the situation, you must kill or seriously injure this super-spiritualist.

Wu Aotian gritted his teeth, finally decided to take a gamble, and set his target on that level of spiritual master.

Not daring to delay for too long, Wu Aotian knew that Jia Yun would not last long, so Wu Aotian approached the battlefield silently, approaching Jia Yun and the battle group of the Xuanyin sect spiritual master.

When Wu Aotian quietly appeared in front of Jia Yun, when Jia Yun saw Wu Aotian, she couldn't help being a little surprised. She couldn't figure out why Wu Aotian was able to get so close to the Xuanyin sect without being caught The other party feels that after all, the strength gap between the two sides is so big.

Fortunately, it was a fierce battle. Jia Yun's slight surprise was not noticed by her opponent. Her opponent was consuming her like a cat and a mouse. He knew that Jia Yun's strength was about the same as hers. If it wasn't for her He was injured first, and he and her were on the same level. Now, the more it drags on, the better it will be for him.

"You'd better get caught, or you'll lose your arms and legs later, it's not good..." This year's man had an obscene smile on his face, and he laughed loudly: "Don't worry, we will treat you very gently..."

Jia Yun saw that Wu Aotian's hiding place was still some distance away from the battle group. If Wu Aotian rushed out, he might be noticed by the other party or reminded by the other two. Looking at Wu Aotian leaning over, the man was manipulating his own spirit weapon while following closely, he was worried that his opponent would commit suicide, so there was no point in playing.

Seeing Jia Yun approaching, Wu Aotian knew that Jia Yun was cooperating with him, and secretly praised the other party's carefulness.

Under Jia Yun's intentional mobilization, the young man became very close to Wu Aotian's hiding place, and his back was still facing Wu Aotian.

With a wave of Jia Yun's hand, a cloud of spiritual energy landed on her spiritual weapon, and the emerald green ring suddenly shone brightly, instantly suppressing the young man's sword. He said with a smile: "Do you want to work hard? Don't work in vain. You should save some strength and struggle later. If you wait like a dead person, it will be so boring."

The young man was talking, but at the same time, he injected a lot of spiritual energy into his sword again. Although the opponent was injured, he didn't dare to be careless. If he was hit by her ring, he would probably be smashed to pieces.

Wu Aotian knew that Jia Yun was creating opportunities for herself, and that the frenzied attack regardless of her injuries was the greatest way to restrain the opponent. Without hesitation, she jumped out suddenly, and at the same time opened her hands, five fingers slightly bent, and all ten fingers faintly Pointing to the back of the young man.

Jia Yun blushed like blood, Wu Aotian knew that she couldn't support her anymore, if she couldn't handle this year's man this time, she would die waiting for someone else.

The aura was crazily drawn from Wu Aotian's spiritual sea, from the Eight Desolation Gathering Spirit Cauldron, at this moment, Wu Aotian was really desperate.

In the previous sneak attack against monsters, Wu Aotian had reservations about extracting the spiritual energy from the Eight Desolation Juling Cauldron, because the large amount of spiritual energy was not controlled by Wu Aotian's strength, and would have huge side effects. But at this time, Wu Aotian I can't care less about the consequences.

Either he dies, or he dies!

Ten fiery red highly condensed spiritual energy bombs flew out from in front of Wu Aotian's ten fingers, and the color of the light that appeared on Wu Aotian's body was even blood red, this is the color that can only be possessed by the peak strength of the spirit envoy stage!

The moment Wu Aotian pointed out the Nether Flame Finger, the man of that year suddenly sensed the crazy aura fluctuations behind him, his complexion changed drastically, and with a single move, he was about to recall his spirit weapon, but how could Jia Yun give him that? this opportunity?

The spirit ring vibrated violently in the air, making a buzzing sound, and crashed down like a mountain.

Although the young man also has aura to protect his body, in order to deal with Jia Yun's desperate attack just now, he almost threw all his aura into the spiritual weapon to support the battle. Now that he is suddenly attacked, how can he defend himself?

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