Wu is proud of the world

Chapter 90 Reiki...don't waste it!

Outside the Samsara Valley, Zhu Zidan frowned suddenly, and Wu Zhenzhen next to him let out an exclamation, none of them thought that at the last moment, Wu Aotian would suddenly rush in.

"Hey, this person... seems to be a spiritual disciple, Zhu Zidan, why do you even put such a person in Guiyun Palace? Isn't that sending you to death?"

Ge Tian looked at Zhu Zidan with a grin, as if he was a little surprised, but secretly said gloatingly, because everyone could see that the young man who finally rushed in seemed to be impulsive.

It's just that the latter half of the sentence is true. People at the level of spiritual disciples enter this reincarnation valley, not to mention meeting people from other countries, even if they encounter slightly more powerful monsters, they will be completely sent to death. Although they have just entered, but Everyone has already sentenced this reckless young man to death.

Wu Aotian had been kind to Wu Zhenzhen for saving his life, and the two of them talked well, Wu Zhenzhen still had a good impression of Wu Aotian, now seeing Wu Aotian rushing into the Samsara Valley, he was even more worried.

"Why did he suddenly rush in? He said goodbye to Liu Ruxue just now, so he obviously wasn't going to go in?"

No one knows the reason why Wu Aotian changed his original intention and rushed into the Valley of Reincarnation without fear of life and death.

Zhu Zidan frowned deeply, he was very optimistic and looking forward to Wu Aotian, but at this time he entered the Valley of Reincarnation...

"Hey, I hope his luck will be better..."


The moment Wu Aotian passed through the transparent vortex, his eyes were already dark, and what appeared in front of him was a foggy swamp area.

The sun is shining brightly outside, but it looks like a cloudy sky here, although it can be seen, but it gives people an extremely gloomy feeling, Wu Aotian quickly glanced around, and quickly restrained his own breath, the secret breath method has begun display.

He rushed into the Valley of Reincarnation because of the feeling of fear that made him feel extremely strong. It was an extremely strong premonition.

He didn't understand the source of this feeling, but he couldn't help but believe that although his entry might not necessarily change anything, he still wanted to give it a try.

Some things, once missed, there will be no possibility of regretting in a lifetime.

Wu Aotian's strength is definitely the lowest among all spiritual cultivators who have entered, but he has an advantage that others do not have. In addition, the weather in Samsara Valley is extremely gloomy, which is more suitable for the performance of the Yin Qi Breaking Breath Method.

Pieces of small quagmire, sparse air bubbles, and faint mist all indicate that this is the northernmost swamp area. According to Chen Dong's introduction, this is one of the two most dangerous areas.

Wu Aotian is single-handedly weak, and the possibility of finding Liu Ruxue in this huge Samsara Valley is very low, so Wu Aotian's first thought is to reunite with the other Guiyun Palace disciples first. The more people there are, the greater the security and the easier the activities.

Wu Aotian hid in the dark, observed his surroundings carefully, and after standing for a while, he saw a black anaconda slowly swimming past the swamp in front of him, the swimming place was only six or seven meters away from Wu Aotian, the black anaconda After a while, Wu Aotian was about to take action when he saw a wave of mist not far ahead, and a crocodile with thick limbs swimming past.

Wu Aotian was secretly surprised, there are indeed a lot of monsters in this swamp area, if he is a little careless and is targeted by monsters, he will be in trouble.

After identifying the direction, Wu Aotian began to move towards the south quietly. The swamp area and cave area are the most likely areas to find Ziyan. Liu Ruxue came here for Ziyan. She will definitely go to one of these two areas, or both areas Both go.

Wu Aotian didn't travel very far, when he felt a wave of spiritual energy, his heart was slightly startled, he quickly hid his body with a bush, and looked out cautiously.

In the faint mist, a man in a black robe was walking towards this side with a cautious expression on his face. In front of him, a blue long sword was floating in the air, obviously in a state of full concentration.

The man in the black robe is from the Dongyue Sect, Wu Ao Tianxin identified the identity of the other party, and secretly thought that he had restrained his breath, otherwise, the other party must have discovered him first.

The man in the black robe walked by Wu Aotian not far away, he didn't notice Wu Aotian who was hiding behind the bushes, Wu Aotian didn't dare to move around for a while, the man in the black robe disappeared in the mist not long after, the air suddenly came There was an urgent sound of breaking through the air, and there were screams of people.

Wu Aotian relied on his method of restraining his breath, and quietly followed him away.

Not too far away, Wu Aotian found the location of the raw battlefield, the man in the black robe he saw just now had fallen in a pool of blood, there was a blood hole the size of a fist in his chest, the blood hole penetrated his body, and also Completely took away all his hope of survival.

He fell to the ground and died, his body had been searched, and even the long sword floating in front of him had disappeared, obviously it had become someone else's spoils of war.

Wu Aotian looked at the dead man in black robe, sensed the aura floating from his body, his heart moved, his body had already quietly floated over, and hid in a nearby bush.

The Eight Desolation Spirit Gathering Cauldron has suddenly changed its form, becoming a whirlpool of gathering spiritual energy, and the pure spiritual energy that just escaped from the body of the black-robed man was immediately absorbed by Wu Aotian.

Wu Aotian has already entered a high-level spiritual disciple at this time, the amount of spiritual energy he can control has been much larger, and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy is also much faster than before. In just a meal, Wu Aotian has already absorbed all the spiritual energy that can be absorbed After entering the Eight Desolation Juling Cauldron, the Eight Desolation Juling Cauldron and Wu Aotian's spiritual sea are connected to each other, and the repeated washing widens Wu Aotian's spiritual sea. In just one meal, Wu Aotian feels that his strength has increased. progress.

Not daring to stay for too long, Wu Aotian quietly left, hiding his figure again, and quickly disappeared into the faint white mist.

Wu Aotian is like a ghost without any breath, wandering quietly in this swamp, I don't know if it's bad luck or other reasons, wandering around for a long time, neither saw Ziyan, nor met any Guiyun The disciples of the hall are actually people from other countries. Wu Aotian met many of them, and even saw two people together. This also shows that people from other countries have been lucky enough to meet and start forming a team.

If Wu Aotian didn't have the method of concealing the breath, he would probably have been discovered by people or magical beasts at least ten times, because the stronger the strength, the wider the range of perception, just like the radar scanning range, the more powerful the scanning range, the wider the range. The larger the value, the higher the precision, and vice versa, the narrower the worse.

In this short period of time, Wu Aotian encountered at least five monsters at close range, seven teams from other countries, one of them was two people, but because of the method of concealing energy, these monsters stronger than Wu Aotian or spirits from other countries Cultivators, but none of them found Wu Aotian!

And among these people, there is no lack of encounters, Wu Aotian even became a live audience in a fight, he quietly hid behind a big tree, watching a disciple of Jade Court wearing green clothes After killing a disciple of Tuyuezong who was wearing brown clothes, he was wounded and left. From the beginning to the end, he didn't have any thoughts of taking advantage of the fire.

At this time, everyone has just entered the Samsara Valley not long ago. If you are lucky, you may collect a small amount of elixir. If you are unlucky, you will be empty-handed. In the next few days, those who can survive, regardless of their strength, will have some gains. At that time, the struggle will become more intense, because the one who survives to the end is often the one with stronger strength.

Wu Aotian doesn't care about other people's chaotic battles, but if someone dies and the spiritual energy dissipates, it is a waste. Wu Aotian will always comfort himself in this way, while quietly hiding in a In a safe place nearby, it is shameless to absorb all the escaped aura of the other party.

The strength of these dead spiritual practitioners is basically at the level of spiritual masters. Even if some of them are of low strength, they are all high-level spiritual envoys. The spiritual energy they radiate is extremely pure, although the amount is not much. , but it is like a great tonic elixir, which quickly inflates the aura flame of the Eight Desolation Juling Ding in Wu Aotian's mind, and Wu Aotian's spiritual sea also becomes stronger under the absorption and interaction with the Eight Desolation Juling Ding Wider and wider.

Feeling the continuous growth of his own spiritual sea, Wu Aotian was secretly delighted, riches and honors are in danger, he never thought that entering this Samsara Valley would have such benefits.

Be happy, Wu Aotian doesn't dare to be careless, in this place, any negligence may lead to his death.

When the sky was completely dark and there was no light in the sky, Wu Aotian had already traveled a certain distance to the south and found a hidden place. Wu Aotian started the first night breath adjustment, and also took time to borrow the time he had just absorbed today. A lot of spiritual energy to practice.

When the gray sky appeared a gleam of light again, marking the arrival of the next day, Wu Aotian slipped out from a hidden huge dry tree trunk, after a night of breath adjustment and practice, Wu Aotian's spirit has recovered to the peak , and the aura of his Linghai has also increased a lot.

Wu Aotian was about to continue heading south, but suddenly there was a strong spiritual energy fluctuation ahead, Wu Aotian didn't dare to show his figure, he flashed back to the empty tree trunk where he lived last night, and at the same time peeked out.

Two figures are rushing towards this side, the one in front is wearing a cyan robe, with several dark red blood stains on his body, and the figure chasing behind is wearing a white robe, Wu Aotian is overjoyed, and finally meets the first Guiyundian people.

When Wu Aotian saw clearly the face of the man who was chasing and killing him, Wu Aotian couldn't help but be happy, it's really where we don't meet each other in life.

That person turned out to be Jia Yun!

The last time I met her in Returning Wind Valley, she was hunted down by the Xuanyin sect wearing blue clothes. This time in Samsara Valley, I was the first to meet her again, but the situation was reversed. She was chasing and killing others !

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